Originally posted by DoctorScribbleshttp://www.microfiction.org/wwjd/
Is it evil or what?
I figure if I asked it what Jesus would be doing at this particular time, it might just say that Jesus would be out trick-or-treating (or some such) and thus give us a clear answer to your question. All it told me, however, was that "Jesus would use a security camera to save Cairo from the evil clutches of David Hasselhoff!"
Originally posted by EcstremeVenomWhy not?
why would he waste a miracle on something so dumb?
Are you saying there's a limit to the number of miracles that God/Jesus can perform? That their divine power is limited?
Surely not.
If, as I suspect, miracles are infinite in number (in this crazy universe of miracles), why limit the use of them?
Hello God!
Hello child. What is your name?
My name is AThousandYoung!
That's a very nice name, AThousandYoung.
Some of us at RHP were wondering something, God.
That is a very original thought.
It has to do with Jesus and Halloween.
Has it really?
Would Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus H. Christ, celebrate Halloween if He were alive...well...on Earth...today?
I don't know. Well what? What is it like on Earth. Today is almost over.
Originally posted by DoctorScribblesCertain sects seem to think so. Last year, my son had a ball with the kids of a family friend. They dressed up as elephants and clowns, and tore around the neighbourhood kicking up leaves and saying "Boo!" like little kids are supposed to do on a beautiful autumn evening. During this past year, this friend and her mother were "converted" by the Jehovah's Witness cult. They went as far as to keep their children home from pre-school, because the kids....toddlers, mind you...were going to dress up and go room to room saying "trick or treat!". They spent the evening holed up in their home, praying for the souls of those who would dare cross Jehovah and submit to Devil worship by celebrating Halloween.
Is it evil or what?
My poor little guy had to go out trick or treating with Mommy this year. Although, she was a mighty hot-looking witch, let me tell you.