Could Mark Mangino, the abusive and despicable Head Coach of the University of Kansas' football team, be the fattest man in all of pro sports?
It's one thing to have a coach who is a bit overweight, but how is a college player supposed to take a morbidly obese globule of a man like this seriously especially in a sport like football where physical conditioning is of the utmost importance?
Is there anyone out there in the world of pro sports who is fatter than Mangino?
I've been reading user comments on ESPN's latest articles on Mangino (he is accused of abusing his players and treating them poorly) and the fat jokes are simply hilarious. read them if you get the chance. Here's the article discussing the abuse:
Fair or foul? Apparently this stuff goes on all the time. I say completely foul. What a scumbag.
Originally posted by trev33Sweet JESUS!
do you consider darts a sport?
No I don't consider darts a sport but I thank you for sharing anyway.
Mostly I'm talking football, football, basketball, baseball, rugby, cricket, tennis, golf, hockey, boxing and MMA.
Originally posted by darvlayirish entry for the olympic 100m
Sweet JESUS!
No I don't consider darts a sport but I thank you for sharing anyway.
Mostly I'm talking football, football, basketball, baseball, rugby, cricket, tennis, golf, hockey, boxing and MMA.
Originally posted by darvlayWhy so focused on other's appearance? Does misbehavior become worse solely because the person is obese. How childish on your part. These are football players. if they can't take a little heat they need to move to Canada and play tiddlywinks or scrape ice with brooms in front of a stone and hope not to stub their toe! So this coach does not like wuzzes? Big deal! Oh, and BTW, Kansas is not a professional team. It's a college team.
Could Mark Mangino, the abusive and despicable Head Coach of the University of Kansas' football team, be the fattest man in all of pro sports? ...[text shortened]... foul? Apparently this stuff goes on all the time. I say completely foul. What a scumbag.
Originally posted by scacchipazzoYou don't think Mangino did anything wrong here?
Why so focused on other's appearance? Does misbehavior become worse solely because the person is obese. How childish on your part. These are football players. if they can't take a little heat they need to move to Canada and play tiddlywinks or scrape ice with brooms in front of a stone and hope not to stub their toe! So this coach does not like wuzzes? Big deal! Oh, and BTW, Kansas is not a professional team. It's a college team.
You don't see anything wrong with his behaviour or how he talks to his players?
Nothing wrong with any of this:
Exhibit A:
"I dropped a pass and [Mangino] was mad," Brown said. "And I said, 'Yes, sir. Yes, sir.' The yelling didn't bother me. But then he said, 'Shut up!' He said, 'If you don't shut up, I'm going to send you back to St. Louis so you can get shot with your homies.'
Exhibit B:
Brown said another teammate had confided in the team that his father was an alcoholic and the player dreamed of becoming a lawyer. "One day, [Mangino] said in front of the entire team, 'Are you going to be a lawyer or do you want to become an alcoholic like your dad?' " Brown said.
Exhibit C:
Said Brown: "I don't know if poking and grabbing is physical abuse. Sometimes Mangino maybe goes over the edge. I have seen him run up to a player and push a player. Sometimes he gets in your face and you feel like, 'OK, now you're in my bubble.'"
Exhibit D:
Mortensen said Mangino told him he had been a bad friend to someone who had died. And that Mangino would repeatedly bring up his public intoxication citation. "He told me he'd send me back to Oakland where I could be drinking out of a brown paper bag," Mortensen said. "He told me, 'You were a s---- friend to someone I knew that passed away.' He called me a bum. He showed me no respect. He told me he'd send me back to the ghetto. I'm not a victim. I'm a grown man. I never let Mangino get to me. But you know what? I'm not bitter. I loved KU and I never let him break me."
Exhibit E:
"He'd say things like, 'I'll send you back to the street corner where you came from,' " Herford said. "He'd say, 'This is Kansas, you're not back home,' " Crawford said. "He'd say, 'You're not back with your homies. If you're not careful you'll be watching the game in the stands with your homies. You'll be back in that neighborhood.' "
To me, a lot of these comments smack of racism as well as abuse. Your bitter personal rejoinders aside, how can you defend actions like this other than saying HEY FOOTBALL'S A TOUGH GUY SPORT!
Originally posted by darvlayThinn skinned players! I'm not justifying what Mangino did or said. All's I'm saying is you seem to find his obesity somehow the focus of or somehow as an aggravating factor in Mangino's misbehavior. Coaches talk smack. Big deal! How do you know the man is a racist? He may have said things in the heat of the moment and nothing these players have not heard on the street, from other players or from their peer group.
You don't think Mangino did anything wrong here?
You don't see anything wrong with his behaviour or how he talks to his players?
Nothing wrong with any of this:
Exhibit A:
"I dropped a pass and [Mangino] was mad," Brown said. "And I said, 'Yes, sir. Yes, sir.' The yelling didn't bother me. But then he said, 'Shut up!' He said, 'If you don't shut up, ...[text shortened]... aying HEY FOOTBALL'S A TOUGH GUY SPORT!
Personal rejoinders? Ha! I'm glad you're not a judge. Your judgment is clouded somewhat by superficiality and puerility. You make postings about an entire group being ugly (the Brits) and now about someone's obesity. How is what you say about Mangino different that what he allegedly said to his players? From your vantage point of anonimity it's easy to take Mangino to task. If he said what he did at least he said to players' faces. You, sir, are an antiobesite of the worst kind and an antiuglyite to boot! Football is a tough sport! Not for the faint of heart and we also don't know context within which Mangino may have said what he did. We also don't know if the players' life stories are even true. Lots of these folks make up tough background stories to attempt to justify misbehavior.
Originally posted by scacchipazzoI don't know that Mangino's racist. I can only comment that his comments could be interpreted that way. You do have a point though that these players likely would hear similar things from their peers or other players on the team.
Thinn skinned players! I'm not justifying what Mangino did or said. All's I'm saying is you seem to find his obesity somehow the focus of or somehow as an aggravating factor in Mangino's misbehavior. Coaches talk smack. Big deal! How do you know the man is a racist? He may have said things in the heat of the moment and nothing these players have not hea ...[text shortened]... s of these folks make up tough background stories to attempt to justify misbehavior.
As far as my superficiality and puerile behaviour -- that's what gives me my charm, baby!
Originally posted by darvlayWe reach conensus!
I don't know that Mangino's racist. I can only comment that his comments could be interpreted that way. You do have a point though that these players likely would hear similar things from their peers or other players on the team.
As far as my superficiality and puerile behaviour -- that's what gives me my charm, baby!
Mangino may end up being another causalty of political correctness despite being no different than Bobby Knight!
In the end the thought police rules!
Originally posted by AThousandYoungIn Italian it may or may not indicate masculinity. The name Andrea (Bocelli), Luca, and others are masculine. Generally the "o" ending means masculine. There is no feminine equivalent with "o" endings. In other words or phrases the same occurs whereby the "a" ending is added to make the phrase or name flow better. For example, in "San Paolo Fuori le Mura"(St.Paul Outside the Walls) the common usage is for the word wall (muro) to pluralize as "muri" since it is masculine, yet the name flows better by pluralizing it in the feminine, although more correct is saying "mure". Go figure? Italian can be diabolically difficult!
Is a Mangino more masculine than a Mangina? It has an o instead of an a!