I see it each game of every World Cup - some player never gets touched but starts rolling on the ground like he was gored by a bull. Then when he gets the call he jumps up and down like a ballerina. Happened with Cameroon today and was immediately followwed by the same by Japan.
So i ask you experts, do they cut your balls off as soon as you announce that you want to play soccer? Because the palyers on these fields are surely not men.
The problem is when referees allow it. Like this one. Mr. Benquerença is probably the most horrible referee I have seen. (this opinion is not based solely on this game, but mostly on his terrible refereeing in the portuguese league, where he only referees for the home side, or the team with more money, somehow.)
Originally posted by orion25Of course I'm somewhat tongue in cheek above but I do find it very annoying and a peculiar yet regular strategy.
The problem is when referees allow it. Like this one. Mr. Benquerença is probably the most horrible referee I have seen. (this opinion is not based solely on this game, but mostly on his terrible refereeing in the portuguese league, where he only referees for the home side, or the team with more money, somehow.)
Originally posted by badmoonThat would be kind of like a dive in hockey that the ref buys huh?
I see it each game of every World Cup - some player never gets touched but starts rolling on the ground like he was gored by a bull. Then when he gets the call he jumps up and down like a ballerina. Happened with Cameroon today and was immediately followwed by the same by Japan.
So i ask you experts, do they cut your balls off as soon as you announce that you want to play soccer? Because the palyers on these fields are surely not men.
Originally posted by badmoonhttp://tinyurl.com/themostREALman
I see it each game of every World Cup - some player never gets touched but starts rolling on the ground like he was gored by a bull. Then when he gets the call he jumps up and down like a ballerina. Happened with Cameroon today and was immediately followwed by the same by Japan.
So i ask you experts, do they cut your balls off as soon as you announce that you want to play soccer? Because the palyers on these fields are surely not men.
According to badmoon's geriatric view, that is.
Originally posted by orion25I agree. I thought the Mexican ref in the Germany-Australian game did a good job with booking divers. If I recall, he nailed both Cacau and Oezul on flops. His red card on Cahill was questionable though.
The problem is when referees allow it. Like this one. Mr. Benquerença is probably the most horrible referee I have seen. (this opinion is not based solely on this game, but mostly on his terrible refereeing in the portuguese league, where he only referees for the home side, or the team with more money, somehow.)
If you play the game you know how easy it is to spill when you're running at top speed and someone comes in for a tackle. I think a lot of the players ham it up to get calls and that's unfortunate, but it's part of the game. We have the same problem in Hockey. Guys use their acting skills to get penalty calls. It's just poor sportsmanship.
Originally posted by darvlayYep, completely agree. What they do is try to force some very small contact and then dive. Makes it much harder to see if it should be a legitimate foul or not. I liked that arbiter until he made that mistake. I guess none is perfect.
I agree. I thought the Mexican ref in the Germany-Australian game did a good job with booking divers. If I recall, he nailed both Cacau and Oezul on flops. His red card on Cahill was questionable though.
If you play the game you know how easy it is to spill when you're running at top speed and someone comes in for a tackle. I think a lot of the play ...[text shortened]... n Hockey. Guys use their acting skills to get penalty calls. It's just poor sportsmanship.
Originally posted by orion25Never happens, nor do they skin their knees...Geeze I was watching a sport show and I saw one soccer player head butt another player in the chest. The player went down like a ton of bricks on his butt. Then it looked like a ref come over and showed him a card I think....That fellow didn't even have to go off the field. What was that?
Hope they don't break the Ice with their armour 😉
The other guy turtle?...(scared to fight the one who head butted him?)
Originally posted by Very RustyYeah that was materazzi, he called Zidane sister a whore if I remember correctly. Then Zidane headbutted him and he went down like he was shot. Pretty sad incident, especially considering it was the last game in the career of Zidane and it was the world cup final. Also sad 'cus Zidane had an awesome career and ended it that way.
Never happens, nor do they skin their knees...Geeze I was watching a sport show and I saw one soccer player head butt another player in the chest. The player went down like a ton of bricks on his butt. Then it looked like a ref come over and showed him a card I think....That fellow didn't even have to go off the field. What was that?
The other guy turtle?...(scared to fight the one who head butted him?)
Originally posted by Very RustyMaterazzi took one for the team. He was not about to be stupid enough to fight. He provoked hothead Zidane into doing something stupid. Zidane got ejected. Perhaps that was the difference maker in winning the cup! Materazzi is no turtle. If you look at the incident in slo-mo you can see Materazzi's chest indent about 4-5 inches. That can be a fatal blow and likely led to rapid expulsion of all the air in Materazzi's lungs, thus causing the immediate collapse. Never forget these players don't wear padding or flack jackets/vests like hockey players do.
Never happens, nor do they skin their knees...Geeze I was watching a sport show and I saw one soccer player head butt another player in the chest. The player went down like a ton of bricks on his butt. Then it looked like a ref come over and showed him a card I think....That fellow didn't even have to go off the field. What was that?
The other guy turtle?...(scared to fight the one who head butted him?)
Originally posted by scacchipazzoYeah that was materazzi, he called Zidane sister a whore. Shouldn't he have gotten a mis-conduct for that? OR do they allow that kind of thing in soccer? You can provoke someone like that and get away with it? No penalty?
Materazzi took one for the team. He was not about to be stupid enough to fight. He provoked hothead Zidane into doing something stupid. Zidane got ejected. Perhaps that was the difference maker in winning the cup! Materazzi is no turtle. If you look at the incident in slo-mo you can see Materazzi's chest indent about 4-5 inches. That can be a fatal blow Never forget these players don't wear padding or flack jackets/vests like hockey players do.
Hockey players wear vests? Really when did they start wearing vests?
They wear shoulder pads & elbow pads. The only one who wears any kind of chest protection is the Goalie. Of course he only has a 6 ounce frozen round rubber disk shot at him which can reach speeds over 100 miles an hour.
How hard can a soccer ball be kicked? They head the soccer ball into the net from someone who has kicked it at the net. Can you imagine what happens when a puck goes off a persons face. You saw a little of what can happen in the playoffs if you watched all the games. 😉
I may have went a little far calling soccer a sissy sport, but not near the manly sport that HOCKEY is. 😛
Originally posted by Very RustyHockey players don't wear padding with kevlar under their jersey? How come they look so bulked up all over? I agree hockey is a rougher sport and the players act more manly and rarely like wounded ballerinas. But soccer is tough as well. Little opportunity to rest and lines don't go in and out for respite (first) or strategy (second). Sure pucks fly at awesome speeds and are quite heavy, cause damage and have to hurt like heck where they hit. Soccer balls have hit and killed people. Andrea Bocelli went blind from being hit with a soccer ball. The difference when heading the ball is that you glance it and twist your head as you butt it to alter direction thus not absorbing the entire energy of the ball. No one could hit it harder than Rivellinho, a Brazilian midfielder of the 70's. Incredible on set plays. Take a look at this one. The guy could hit so hard and with such precision he set up one of his fellow players in the barrier with instructions to duck on cue. Not many can do that these days.
Yeah that was materazzi, he called Zidane sister a whore. Shouldn't he have gotten a mis-conduct for that? OR do they allow that kind of thing in soccer? You can provoke someone like that and get away with it? No penalty?
Hockey players wear vests? Really when did they start wearing vests?
They wear shoulder pads & elbow pads. The only one who wears ...[text shortened]... went a little far calling soccer a sissy sport, but not near the manly sport that HOCKEY is. 😛
The provokation is speculative at best. Ref did not hear it so it is unlikely action could be taken. No it is not allowed to taunt a player like that. Materazzi knew Zidane well from Serie A football in Italy where Zidane played for Juventus. I never quite bought the sister is a whore thing. Even Zidane would have just responded in kind, not with a head butt. We will never know what it was. However, it is likely it was worse than sister is a whore.