To further celebrate our tenth birthday we have made available a coupon to get 10% off subscription fees for the first year.
Just enter the coupon code RHPTENYEARS when placing your order and the discounted rate will be available.
Note : This coupon is only valid for 1 week and will expire on the 4th of March 2011.
Ok, you may have already dismissed the idea of a discount for present subscribers..but how about a spin on a theme of '10th Year RHP Celebration' offering the discount to everyone...limit it like '10% off until the 10th' instant. Present subs could then be given the opportunity to pay this in ADVANCE of their due date, the new years subscription to continue from the normal day of expiry. This could work to both advantages, you get the money in your bank perhaps 6mths and more before it's due date and we get the discount and continued's incentive both sides, 'brand loyalty' and it's hardly a fortune the site loses ...and and and, most importantly here, my sister in law asked me only yesterday what she could gift me for some work I did in their garden 😛
Originally posted by vendaI really hope existing subs do not think this was too unfair - we had hoped the 10% value discount was small enough not to irritate too many existing subs. Unfortunately, there was no way to offer a similar deal for existing subs.
Work? Garden?.Can't you get thrown off the site for using offensive language?.Nice try Dean but I doubt you'll get any satisfaction.After all, I can't see the likes of me and thee actually cancelling our subs!!