We have successfully migrated our database, but still in the process of moving others servers.
We have made the service available again with some limitations in place ( no image uploads, for example), but you may experience problems briefly later in the day.
Once we are 100% complete, I will announce it here. Thanks.
The migration is now complete for nearly all users - just a few stragglers hitting the old machines now.
The outage was far shorter than the expected worst case, so the timeout suspension will end in approx. 12 hours.
Also, we are now forcing all users to use a secure connection, removing the http:// option in preference of https:. However you accessed the site previously, you will now be forwarded to the preferable (secure) https:// version, even for the RHP brands.
@kingcolemk You did have a bounced email recorded to your account, so I have removed that record, so you should again receive email. See the new thread in this forum regarding email and email bouncing.
Thread 173376