Easy Riders application

Easy Riders application


16 Feb 08
06 Oct 16

Robbie carrobie are you going to accept or reject my application to your clan?


26 Aug 07
06 Oct 16
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Robbie carrobie are you going to accept or reject my application to your clan?
When one applies to join a clan as illustrious as the Easy Riders one needs a letter of recommendation, its like joining an exclusive old London club. We cannot be admitting any old riff raff in. I do hope you understand.

Fun, fun fun!!

On the beach

26 Aug 06
06 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
When one applies to join a clan as illustrious as the Easy Riders one needs a letter of recommendation, its like joining an exclusive old London club. We cannot be admitting any old riff raff in. I do hope you understand.
The entire clan is full of the lowest scum to ever walk the earth.

That just about says it all.

Why carry on like a twat that you have any integrity. Everyone on the site knows how much of a low down cheating slimeball you and every member of your clan full of gutless cheats are.

Get a life you low class turkey and stop carrying on with crap !!!!!

Have a nice day 😵


26 Aug 07
06 Oct 16

Originally posted by radioactive69
The entire clan is full of the lowest scum to ever walk the earth.

That just about says it all.

Why carry on like a twat that you have any integrity. Everyone on the site knows how much of a low down cheating slimeball you and every member of your clan full of gutless cheats are.

Get a life you low class turkey and stop carrying on with crap !!!!!

Have a nice day 😵
are you saying that divegeester needs to be a low class slimeball turkey, with no life and to be held in derision by everyone in order to qualify to become an Easy Rider?


26 Aug 07
06 Oct 16

Originally posted by divegeester
Robbie carrobie are you going to accept or reject my application to your clan?
What say you jeester? Are you a low level slimeball turkey, with no class and no friends, held in derision by everyone? A scumbag of the most dire type?

Fun, fun fun!!

On the beach

26 Aug 06
06 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
are you saying that divegeester needs to be a low class slimeball turkey, with no life and to be held in derision by everyone in order to qualify to become an Easy Rider?
It might be nice to have someone devoid of those qualities playing for your scumbag clan. Maybe Divegeester can join and fill us all in on the atrocities performed in there.

Sounds like a plan


26 Aug 07
06 Oct 16

Originally posted by radioactive69
It might be nice to have someone devoid of those qualities playing for your scumbag clan. Maybe Divegeester can join and fill us all in on the atrocities performed in there.

Sounds like a plan
bwahaha greatest backpeddling evah!

Fun, fun fun!!

On the beach

26 Aug 06
06 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
bwahaha greatest backpeddling evah!
No back peddling there chum. Just a few home truths. The only reason Divegeester would join your clan would be to torpedo it.

Be brave carrobie...........let him join !!!

16 Feb 08
06 Oct 16
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
When one applies to join a clan as illustrious as the Easy Riders one needs a letter of recommendation, its like joining an exclusive old London club. We cannot be admitting any old riff raff in. I do hope you understand.
Then why haven't you rejected my application.

Do you like reading it out loud to yourself while rubbing yourself with oil?


26 Aug 07
06 Oct 16

Originally posted by divegeester
Then why haven't you rejected my application.

Do you like reading it out loud to yourself while rubbing yourself with oil?
I was waiting to see if someone could say some positive things to recommend you but alas there is nothing on the horizon and you are now giving me sass, so I will delete your application pronto, panic over problem solved.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
06 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I was waiting to see if someone could say some positive things to recommend you but alas there is nothing on the horizon and you are now giving me sass, so I will delete your application pronto, panic over problem solved.
I am not a betting man, but would be willing to bet the membership would have more positive things to say about Dive, than yourself.

Kind Regards,
Looks like Karma is biting hard on your butt now,
Give my best to your lovely wife,


26 Aug 07
06 Oct 16

Originally posted by Very Rusty
I am not a betting man, but would be willing to bet the membership would have more positive things to say about Dive, than yourself.

Kind Regards,
Looks like Karma is biting hard on your butt now,
Give my best to your lovely wife,
The matter is closed now anyway.

16 Feb 08
06 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I was waiting to see if someone could say some positive things to recommend you but alas there is nothing on the horizon and you are now giving me sass, so I will delete your application pronto, panic over problem solved.
So you still haven't rejected my application; are the vinegar strokes that good?

Or are you gong to let me join?


26 Aug 07
06 Oct 16

Originally posted by divegeester
So you still haven't rejected my application; are the vinegar strokes that good?

Or are you gong to let me join?
You are a reject. I suggest you deal with it.

16 Feb 08
07 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You are a reject. I suggest you deal with it.
But you haven't rejected my application, why is that?

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