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A diff take on Phranny's Bidenomics thread

A diff take on Phranny's Bidenomics thread



Restrict and Regulate....Banks, businesses, oil and mining,,,,,,

Offset higher costs with handouts and subsidies, paid for with money we, do not have and financed by debt which we cannot afford.

Phranny relates the pharma situation, etc., as if it is all 'in hand', all covered, Nirvana. You liberals just have no depth of thought, nor does the person who wrote that article. Free aspirin!!!! Phranny, I hadn't figured that about you. Welcome to their club.,

1 edit

@averagejoe1 said
Restrict and Regulate....Banks, businesses, oil and mining,,,,,,

Offset higher costs with handouts and subsidies, paid for with money we, do not have and financed by debt which we cannot afford.

Phranny relates the pharma situation, etc., as if it is all 'in hand', all covered, Nirvana. You liberals just have no depth of thought, nor does the person who wrote that article. Free aspirin!!!! Phranny, I hadn't figured that about you. Welcome to their club.,
there are about 10 links to political sites, economic sites or respectable journalist sources supporting phranny's premise in her thread. Sites that are by no means "leftist" or "liberal". In short, a rational human being made a statement, supported it with data and invited you or anyone else to argue either the data or her interpretation of it.

here is a thread started by a monkey pushing buttons, vomiting some fox news talking points that are half formed, barely understood and put together with some band-aids and bubble gum.

you are funny


@averagejoe1 said
Restrict and Regulate....Banks, businesses, oil and mining,,,,,,

Offset higher costs with handouts and subsidies, paid for with money we, do not have and financed by debt which we cannot afford.

Phranny relates the pharma situation, etc., as if it is all 'in hand', all covered, Nirvana. You liberals just have no depth of thought, nor does the person who wrote that article. Free aspirin!!!! Phranny, I hadn't figured that about you. Welcome to their club.,
Oh no not toy towns resident economics expert


@zahlanzi said
there are about 10 links to political sites, economic sites or respectable journalist sources supporting phranny's premise in her thread. Sites that are by no means "leftist" or "liberal". In short, a rational human being made a statement, supported it with data and invited you or anyone else to argue either the data or her interpretation of it.

here is a thread started ...[text shortened]... f formed, barely understood and put together with some band-aids and bubble gum.

you are funny
OK, put Zahlanzi down as one who does not agree with anything I said.
He thinks the govt is NOT restricting and regulating, not even stoves, light bulbs, cars, ceiling fans, diswhashers, etc etc. The WH last week suggested that we all drink only 2 beers a week....google it. And you wonder what we mean by Nanny???

He thinks the govt is NOT regulating everything in our lives.

He does NOT think we are borrowing money that we cannot afford, to pay out to various entities and concerns for many many many reasons that used to be outside the realm of government, but are now becomong dependent on government.

He will NOT write back and disagree with me, because I am right.

And Zahlanzi, how do you square my 'talking points;' with your (and Phranny) doing the same thing with the talking points upon which Phranny bases his treatise.? You get to, but I don't? Very liberal-eze of you. Pitiful debating.


@averagejoe1 said
OK, put Zahlanzi down as one who does not agree with anything I said.
He thinks the govt is NOT restricting and regulating, not even stoves, light bulbs, cars, ceiling fans, diswhashers, etc etc. The WH last week suggested that we all drink only 2 beers a week....google it. And you wonder what we mean by Nanny???

He thinks the govt is NOT regulating everythin ...[text shortened]... hranny bases his treatise.? You get to, but I don't? Very liberal-eze of you. Pitiful debating.
Pitiful debating? I'm surprised you can even spell the words. I don't believe you're capable of debating, even if you could string the words together. As for criticising others here, I'm not convinced you can understand what they write.


@kewpie said
Pitiful debating? I'm surprised you can even spell the words. I don't believe you're capable of debating, even if you could string the words together. As for criticising others here, I'm not convinced you can understand what they write.
I do not understand your writing these heartfelt feelings, may as well tell us your favorite color?
Why do libs overlook the points made, and go off track? Just askin'. You don't see an issue, do you. Pitiful debating, indeed.


@zahlanzi said
there are about 10 links to political sites, economic sites or respectable journalist sources supporting phranny's premise in her thread. Sites that are by no means "leftist" or "liberal". In short, a rational human being made a statement, supported it with data and invited you or anyone else to argue either the data or her interpretation of it.

here is a thread started ...[text shortened]... f formed, barely understood and put together with some band-aids and bubble gum.

you are funny
“political sites, economic sites or respectable journalist ”

point to one

the overwhelming media is liberal

democrats when they leave their govt positions are employed by these media outlets

instead of listening to them, look in your wallet, there lies the truth


@mott-the-hoople said
“political sites, economic sites or respectable journalist ”

point to one

the overwhelming media is liberal

democrats when they leave their govt positions are employed by these media outlets

instead of listening to them, look in your wallet, there lies the truth
How many mail pieces have you received in the past year from the Trump Organization, or from the Republican Party, asking you for money?

An easy way to hang on to your money. Don't shovel it out to grifters.

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@suzianne said
How many mail pieces have you received in the past year from the Trump Organization, or from the Republican Party, asking you for money?

An easy way to hang on to your money. Don't shovel it out to grifters.
What has your question got to do with anything? Yes I get donation requests, from re;pubs, and none from dems. What is your point? Hey, did you know Trump garnered $7M just over the wkend?
Hey, why don't the archives release the 5000 pseudo-named emails of Joe Biden? Regardless their content, what happened to Biden campaigning on being a transparent president? Why won't you answer this question?


@averagejoe1 said
Restrict and Regulate....Banks, businesses, oil and mining,,,,,,

Offset higher costs with handouts and subsidies, paid for with money we, do not have and financed by debt which we cannot afford.

Phranny relates the pharma situation, etc., as if it is all 'in hand', all covered, Nirvana. You liberals just have no depth of thought, nor does the person who wrote that article. Free aspirin!!!! Phranny, I hadn't figured that about you. Welcome to their club.,
Pharmaceutical companies get subsidies from the government to help fund their research. Tax payers have every right to have access to affordable drugs. No one is saying the drugs will be free. Government regulations mean the products you and your family use, including food, drugs, toys, etc. are safe. I rather appreciate that. I also appreciate when the CDC, FDA and other agencies make the public aware of science research that can affect our health. No one is talking about restricting people, by law, from drinking more than two beers a week. It is the GOP that is interfering with business ie Disney and people's ability personal health decisions ie the right to an abortion. That's not to say there are not rules and regulations that should be changed or eliminated. As for the new drug pricing, it is part of the Inflation Reduction Act which was passed by Congress. That means Republicans voted for it too.
"Medicare can directly negotiate prescription drug prices to get a better deal for seniors. Today, Medicare has for the first time selected 10 drugs for negotiation. Seniors paid $3.4 billion in out-of-pocket costs for these drugs in 2022."


@suzianne said
How many mail pieces have you received in the past year from the Trump Organization, or from the Republican Party, asking you for money?

An easy way to hang on to your money. Don't shovel it out to grifters.
so you cant point to ONE?

2 edits

@phranny said
Pharmaceutical companies get subsidies from the government to help fund their research. Tax payers have every right to have access to affordable drugs. No one is saying the drugs will be free. Government regulations mean the products you and your family use, including food, drugs, toys, etc. are safe. I rather appreciate that. I also appreciate when the CDC, FDA and other age ...[text shortened]... edicare-price-negotiation/#:~:text=But%20now%2C%20thanks%20to%20the,for%20these%20drugs%20in%202022.
Your post covers a lot of material, I will just here tell you that INDEED millions of people carry signs for FREE HEALTHCARE, which translates FREE DRUGS!! You are wrong on that one. And one more thing, the WH has suggested a study on limiting beer intake. I did not read the article because of the heroin-based White House, housing corruption in all corners, nothing there for me to read about. So maybe they did not say that. I think they did. Do you think they did? Do you think no one is asking for free healthcare? Why post incorrect information?

Here is beer article.


"Get your facts first, then distort them as much as you please".

Mark Twain


@mott-the-hoople said
“political sites, economic sites or respectable journalist ”

point to one

the overwhelming media is liberal

democrats when they leave their govt positions are employed by these media outlets

instead of listening to them, look in your wallet, there lies the truth
Overwhelming? You repeat fake news.

The most watched news programs in the US are all at Fox news.

Fox news and ny post websites get 400 million page views every month.

The most watched mainstream media is conservative, by no means overwhelming liberal.


@wildgrass said
Overwhelming? You repeat fake news.

The most watched news programs in the US are all at Fox news.

Fox news and ny post websites get 400 million page views every month.

The most watched mainstream media is conservative, by no means overwhelming liberal.
I want you to name ONE liberal site that is a trusted source, no one can give ONE.

Why do you thing fox and ny post get the most views?

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