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Alex Jones Victims Awarded One Billon Dollars in Lawsuit

Alex Jones Victims Awarded One Billon Dollars in Lawsuit



Trumptarded far-right wing freak Alex Jones, just lost One BILLION dollars today to the victims of the Sandy Hook school murders. I personally Love it. 🙂


@kingdavid403 said
Trumptarded far-right wing freak Alex Jones, just lost One BILLION dollars today to the victims of the Sandy Hook school murders. I personally Love it. 🙂
I loathe Alex Jones, his politics, his conspiracy crap and this loathing extends to his followers and, basically, everything right-wing.

And what he said about that shooting was absolutely reprehensible.

But a billion in damages? That is nowhere in the ballpark of realistic.
It’s not going to bring the dead back.
Combined therapy won’t approach that sort of figure.
It plays heavily into the whole: “Thou shallt not be insulted” thing that’s only getting worse.

Naked, on his knees in the mud, apology would seem to me a better punishment.
Or that for the coming year, any TV appearance has to be done with him in frilly pink knickers and a massive banner across the TV screen stating: “I am a massive turd.”

But, I strongly believe that suing should only lead to real expenses being compensated. Otherwise you’re pandering to greed and throwing raw meat to the circling murder of lawyers.

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@shavixmir said
I loathe Alex Jones, his politics, his conspiracy crap and this loathing extends to his followers and, basically, everything right-wing.

And what he said about that shooting was absolutely reprehensible.

But a billion in damages? That is nowhere in the ballpark of realistic.
It’s not going to bring the dead back.
Combined therapy won’t approach that sort of figure. ...[text shortened]... nsated. Otherwise you’re pandering to greed and throwing raw meat to the circling murder of lawyers.
I somewhat agree with you about the award. However, Alex Jones took in several million off his lies and BS. So as far as him, I personally think he should have gone to prison. He went way beyond just insults. If it makes you feel any better, The award was actually 968,000,00, not a billion. That's split between 19 families I believe. 🙂


@kingdavid403 said
I somewhat agree with you about the award. However, Alex Jones took in several million off his lies and BS. So as far as him, I personally think he should have gone to prison. He went way beyond just insults. If it makes you feel any better, The award was actually 968,000,00, not a billion. 🙂
I didn’t know prison is an option in this sort of case.

However, that costs tax-payers money and I’m not sure that locking someone up for this kind of thing is the right signal either.

Perhaps, at the next mass shooting, get the bodies in open caskets on display, with all the parents and friends gathered together. No police or anything and force Alex to give a speech along the lines of what he’s been saying as he stands amongst the coffins and gathered.

Film it for all to see. A social experiment on raw pain versus attrocious rhetoric.

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@shavixmir said
I didn’t know prison is an option in this sort of case.

However, that costs tax-payers money and I’m not sure that locking someone up for this kind of thing is the right signal either.

Perhaps, at the next mass shooting, get the bodies in open caskets on display, with all the parents and friends gathered together. No police or anything and force Alex to give a speech ...[text shortened]... and gathered.

Film it for all to see. A social experiment on raw pain versus attrocious rhetoric.
The families of the murdered children had gun toting Trumptarded far-right wing freaks hunting these families down because they believed Alex Jones and his lies and bs about the murders. To me, that should be a prison sentence.


@kingdavid403 said
The families of the murdered children had gun toting Trumptarded far-right wing freaks hunting these families down because they believed Alex Jones and his lies and bs about the murders. To me, that should be a prison sentence.
For Alex or for those behaving in such a manner?

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@shavixmir said
For Alex or for those behaving in such a manner?
Both I would say. However, a lawsuit is suffice for Alex; as it borders on free speech I suppose. This is "off the cuff" so to speak.


@kingdavid403 said
Both I would say. However, a lawsuit is suffice for Alex; as it borders on free speech I suppose. This is "off the cuff" so to speak.
Oh, I don’t think it’s a free speech issue.
Free speech generally refers to being able to criticise government without persecution.

Descency, misinformation, lying, bullying, deliberate provocation, etc.
I reckon that’s what this is about.

And yes. He’s certainly guilty of that.


@shavixmir said
For Alex or for those behaving in such a manner?
Same effing thing.

Hang them all.

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@shavixmir said
I loathe Alex Jones, his politics, his conspiracy crap and this loathing extends to his followers and, basically, everything right-wing.

And what he said about that shooting was absolutely reprehensible.

But a billion in damages? That is nowhere in the ballpark of realistic.
It’s not going to bring the dead back.
Combined therapy won’t approach that sort of figure. ...[text shortened]... nsated. Otherwise you’re pandering to greed and throwing raw meat to the circling murder of lawyers.
the money is not to bring the victims back.

The money is pain inflicted on this maggot and a deterrent to any future maggots who want to make money on the suffering of others.

If you make a billion dollars profit by dumping some toxic waste in a river and it costs 200 million dollars to clean it up, the damages cannot be 200 million. They must be 2 billion. Or 200 billion. So others look at this and not even think of taking the risk of doing the same.

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@kingdavid403 said
Both I would say. However, a lawsuit is suffice for Alex; as it borders on free speech I suppose. This is "off the cuff" so to speak.
If you declare bankruptcy in the US are there any restrictions on what physical assets you can retain or when you can operate as a business again.
I can see this piece of dumpster slime stashing millions away and then declaring his pockets are empty.


@shavixmir said
I loathe Alex Jones, his politics, his conspiracy crap and this loathing extends to his followers and, basically, everything right-wing.

And what he said about that shooting was absolutely reprehensible.

But a billion in damages? That is nowhere in the ballpark of realistic.
It’s not going to bring the dead back.
Combined therapy won’t approach that sort of figure. ...[text shortened]... nsated. Otherwise you’re pandering to greed and throwing raw meat to the circling murder of lawyers.
He is charged a billion dollars for hurting people's feelings using knowingly false information. That is literally what the news industry does every day.

OJ Simpson paid $33.5 million for actually killing someone.

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@kevcvs57 said
If you declare bankruptcy in the US are there any restrictions on what physical assets you can retain or when you can operate as a business again.
I can see this piece of dumpster slime stashing millions away and then declaring his pockets are empty.
If you declare bankruptcy in the US are there any restrictions on what physical assets you can retain or when you can operate as a business again.
I don't know for sure about assets. I do know one can only claim bankruptcy once in seven years, I believe.
I can see this piece of dumpster slime stashing millions away and then declaring his pockets are empty.
I'm sure he has already hidden much. He's worth a couple hundred million or so. Yes he is certainly a piece of dumpster slime. That's much nicer than what I would say.

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@kevcvs57 said
If you declare bankruptcy in the US are there any restrictions on what physical assets you can retain or when you can operate as a business again.
I can see this piece of dumpster slime stashing millions away and then declaring his pockets are empty.
I can see this piece of dumpster slime stashing millions away and then declaring his pockets are empty.
Yep, You are right. He recently withdrew 65 million which has mysteriously disappeared. Read article below.

https://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Alex-Jones-defamation-net-worth-17493673.php 😠


@kingdavid403 said
I can see this piece of dumpster slime stashing millions away and then declaring his pockets are empty.
Yep, You are right. He recently withdrew 65 million which has mysteriously disappeared. Read article below.

https://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Alex-Jones-defamation-net-worth-17493673.php 😠
He should have been sentenced to half an hour in a locked room with the parents and some sharp objects, he’s a monster for what he knowingly put them through.

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