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Amnesty For covid Lies

Amnesty For covid Lies



People want to pretend the science changed instead of admitting they were wrong. What really happened is that they denied the science until the majority of people finally accepted the science they were told about and rejected.


No amnesty. We were smeared for telling the truth.


@metal-brain said
People want to pretend the science changed instead of admitting they were wrong. What really happened is that they denied the science until the majority of people finally accepted the science they were told about and rejected.


No amnesty. We were smeared for telling the truth.
No. You’re still lying. Moron.


@metal-brain said
People want to pretend the science changed instead of admitting they were wrong. What really happened is that they denied the science until the majority of people finally accepted the science they were told about and rejected.


No amnesty. We were smeared for telling the truth.
You made so mayn statements where onone could know the facts, that you were bound to hit some times near what is fact now.

You did post many outright lies and opposed to scientist you are unable to clearly state: "I have been wrong on this point".

So for your ego: Yes, in some points you where nearer to fact than contemporary scientific consensus.


Lying about what?
Be specific or stop lying.


@ponderable said
You made so mayn statements where onone could know the facts, that you were bound to hit some times near what is fact now.

You did post many outright lies and opposed to scientist you are unable to clearly state: "I have been wrong on this point".

So for your ego: Yes, in some points you where nearer to fact than contemporary scientific consensus.
You are lying. List the lies I told or shut up.


@metal-brain said
You are lying. List the lies I told or shut up.
Every single thing you posted was a conspiracy theory from a suspect source. Why should we waste our time picking through the rubbish to find a few things you may have accidentally got right?


@metal-brain said
People want to pretend the science changed instead of admitting they were wrong. What really happened is that they denied the science until the majority of people finally accepted the science they were told about and rejected.


No amnesty. We were smeared for telling the truth.
Science is not The Truth. It is the search for truth. As research continues in any area, scientists adjust their views based on research results. It's called the scientific method and it should be rigorously applied. Science, unlike faith and religion, are not stagnant.

2 edits

So you figure science should not change? There was this thing I heard about, where Newtonian physics was overtaken by relativity. That is how science changes.

Science changes by delving deeper into a subject so you clear up previous misconceptions.

So all you are doing is your pathetic attempt to weaponize the covid pandemic and you would NEVER be able to admit Trump is responsible for hundreds of thousands of those million dead because he totally downplayed the whole covid crisis from day one even though he was CLEARLY told as early as January covid was deadly.

"I didn't want to panic the public'

Which is ZERO leadership. You don't frigging IGNORE a crisis like that that left one MILLION dead but that is EXACTLY what your god king Trump did.

He is not a leader, he is a would be mafia boss and that is exactly how he ran things when he was 'shudder' POTUS.
You and the rest of your zombie crowd will NOT rewrite history. Historians will write the REAL history which will show the lack of leadership on the part of Trump and ALL his absolute failures as a leader.

2 edits

@sonhouse said
So you figure science should not change? There was this thing I heard about, where Newtonian physics was overtaken by relativity. That is how science changes.

Science changes by delving deeper into a subject so you clear up previous misconceptions.

So all you are doing is your pathetic attempt to weaponize the covid pandemic and you would NEVER be able to ...[text shortened]... ich will show the lack of leadership on the part of Trump and ALL his absolute failures as a leader.
Sonhouse if you're too much of a little biatch to run your own life and you require a 'leader' you go right ahead and find one and pay for shim/him/zee/it. I don't need a leader and most people don't.

You refer to trump as a god king, you have your own god, your own religion >>> the state <<< . And like the religions of old you want to use force make non-believers to kneel before your god.

Message to sonhouse: Fock Off


@kewpie said
Every single thing you posted was a conspiracy theory from a suspect source. Why should we waste our time picking through the rubbish to find a few things you may have accidentally got right?
Prove it or shut up. You are a liar.


@sonhouse said
So you figure science should not change? There was this thing I heard about, where Newtonian physics was overtaken by relativity. That is how science changes.

Science changes by delving deeper into a subject so you clear up previous misconceptions.

So all you are doing is your pathetic attempt to weaponize the covid pandemic and you would NEVER be able to ...[text shortened]... ich will show the lack of leadership on the part of Trump and ALL his absolute failures as a leader.
If the science changed tell us all how it changed. We are all waiting.


@phranny said
Science is not The Truth. It is the search for truth. As research continues in any area, scientists adjust their views based on research results. It's called the scientific method and it should be rigorously applied. Science, unlike faith and religion, are not stagnant.
So you say science is a lie. Great defense you idiot.


Flew back into Aus Sunday, Queensland has just gone from green to amber for the covid scaredemic, I wasn't looking forward to it.

To the credit of the Aussies many didn't know it had happened and of those that did none of them had changed what they had been doing. The qld goobermint was roundly ignored, a beautiful sight.


@wajoma said
Sonhouse if you're too much of a little biatch to run your own life and you require a 'leader' you go right ahead and find one and pay for shim/him/zee/it. I don't need a leader and most people don't.

You refer to trump as a god king, you have your own god, your own religion >>> the state <<< . And like the religions of old you want to use force make non-believers to kneel before your god.

Message to sonhouse: Fock Off
“ Sonhouse if you're too much of a little biatch to run your own life and you require a 'leader' you go right ahead and find one and pay for shim/him/zee/it. I don't need a leader and most people don't.”
Said the die hard trumpian kiwi.


@metal-brain said
If the science changed tell us all how it changed. We are all waiting.
For you in esay to understand sentences:

* There is a collection of methods whcih we call "science". That method is in a nutshell: observe things, quantify the observations, set up a hypothesis and try to disporve it by experiments. As long as it is not disproved it is called "state of scientific knowledge".

* There are hypotheses according to the "stateof scientific knowledge". Those change regularly.

One of the reasons why I so often (normally in vain) ask you to formulate a clear hypothesis is to be able to see if it holds water. (that is part of the scientific method). But sadly enough my perception of you is that your aim is not furthering of knowledeg, burt "being right" which is not in the category of scientific discussion. Our aim is to instigate reserach by formulating a hypothesis, that can be proved worng (just not with the knowledge at hand).

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