I notice that some of you believe that people who are unfortunate enough to resort to looting should be shot. Hopefully many would disagree.
I'm wondering how many people on each side of the fence agree that Bush is a looter too (with personal financial interests in oil and military equipment).
Originally posted by STANGHow did he loot military equipment? He's the president so essentially he owns the military equipment in the same way Bill Clinton owned all those B-1's that bombed Bosnia.
I notice that some of you believe that people who are unfortunate enough to resort to looting should be shot. Hopefully many would disagree.
I'm wondering how many people on each side of the fence agree that Bush is a looter too (with personal financial interests in oil and military equipment).
Anyway, Stang, how did you feel about all that military hardware rescuing those poor blacks that Bush has subjected to poverty?
Originally posted by sasquatch672Oh well, it was worth trying. Hunger took my mind from the heart of it.
You're making less sense than your first post. What exactly are you talking about?
I understand your English probably isn't perfect, and this may be a contextual misunderstanding. But specifically what instance are you speaking of?