15 May 17
Originally posted by ZahlanziWhat we need is for profit to be taken out of medicine, so that those working at Taco Bell will soon be giving you dialysis.
"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."
15 May 17
Originally posted by whodeywooo wooo zahlazi is scaring us with the profits bogey man.
What we need is for profit to be taken out of medicine, so that those working at Taco Bell will soon be giving you dialysis.
You know profit, the difference between what something costs to produce and what it's value is to someone.
15 May 17
Originally posted by WajomaGiven that people take staying alive pretty seriously, the value of certain services are without limit, which in the field of health, morally and ethically it is important that consumers are not being price gouged into poverty just because a service provider has cynically worked out that no cost is too high for most people to keep on living.
wooo wooo zahlazi is scaring us with the profits bogey man.
You know profit, the difference between what something costs to produce and what it's value is to someone.
15 May 17
Originally posted by WajomaProfits are OK if you are a doctor performing abortions or Nancy Pelosi racking in millions.
wooo wooo zahlazi is scaring us with the profits bogey man.
You know profit, the difference between what something costs to produce and what it's value is to someone.
Otherwise, you are evil and must be destroyed.
15 May 17
Originally posted by kmax87There is nothing magical about medical benefits. If you want a service pay for it.
Given that people take staying alive pretty seriously, the value of certain services are without limit, which in the field of health, morally and ethically it is important that consumers are not being price gouged into poverty just because a service provider has cynically worked out that no cost is too high for most people to keep on living.
Originally posted by ZahlanziI'm not sure if any dialysis thread is not just taking the piss though...
"For-profit dialysis companies often maximize their profits at the expense of their patients. John Oliver explores why a medical clinic is nothing like a Taco Bell."
15 May 17
Originally posted by kmax87It must be noted that the patients do not pay for it, the government does.
Given that people take staying alive pretty seriously, the value of certain services are without limit, which in the field of health, morally and ethically it is important that consumers are not being price gouged into poverty just because a service provider has cynically worked out that no cost is too high for most people to keep on living.
There is no real risk of anyone being price gouged into poverty, but there is a risk of poor standards if oversight is not carried out properly.
15 May 17
Originally posted by quackquackawesome. and what is an appropriate price for a life saving procedure? what YOU can afford?
There is nothing magical about medical benefits. If you want a service pay for it.
if a company develops the cure for a type of cancer and demand 1 million dollars for it, is that appropriate? is it appropriate for that same company to lobby (buy) your senators so as to make it illegal for someone else to develop a cure for said cancer? is it appropriate to make laws forbidding the importation of similar drugs from say, Canada? if that company decides it makes enough money selling few doses of that cure at 1 million a pop, and YOU are in desperate need of it, you will be singing a different tune.
even if we allow the ludicrous scenario of a free market regulating the price of the drug to affordable levels, you don't have a free market in the pharmaceutical business. you cannot buy from a competitor, you cannot have the government negotiate deals with the drug company. There is no free market when it comes to essential commodities. You cannot afford to wait until that cancer cure's price goes down. What are you going to do? Boycott and die?
15 May 17
Originally posted by twhiteheadIt seems a labyrinth of claim and counter claim in terms of which medical services are too expensive and out of the reach of ordinary citizens, without the appropriate health insurance in the US.
It must be noted that the patients do not pay for it, the government does.
There is no real risk of anyone being price gouged into poverty, but there is a risk of poor standards if oversight is not carried out properly.
Is dialysis a service given to anyone requiring it? And to what extent are medical procedures denied anyone in the States?