Originally posted by nikitaproninI have a theory that video games somehow change the wiring of the brain making kids more impulsive with shorter attention spans that demand constant stimulation. I also think they deprive children of their innate creativity. Maybe I'm getting old fashion, but whatever happened to piano lessons and reading?
Do violent games make kids or adults violent?
I think they can under surcomstancesm, such as an bad childhood or abusive parent, or maby a bully at school.
But my overall opinion is: The average person will not get more violent from playing games.
what are your opinions?
Originally posted by kirksey957I don't know what happened to reading. I did plenty when I was younger but it seems that maybe nikitapronin didn't do quite as much, surcomstances?!
I have a theory that video games somehow change the wiring of the brain making kids more impulsive with shorter attention spans that demand constant stimulation. I also think they deprive children of their innate creativity. Maybe I'm getting old fashion, but whatever happened to piano lessons and reading?
Originally posted by nikitaproninIf they were stupid to begin with then it could happen.🙄
Do violent games make kids or adults violent?
I think they can under surcomstancesm, such as an bad childhood or abusive parent, or maby a bully at school.
But my overall opinion is: The average person will not get more violent from playing games.
what are your opinions?
Originally posted by shavixmirIts been proven through Research that TV has a very bad effect on children, and causes ADD, I hardly ever watch TV (Dont even have one) And some of my friends who watch it like 6 hours a day, they go crazy when their not watching it, or doing somthing,
I don't think games or TV is the problem.
Lack of attention by the parents probably leads to more violence in children.
also I do think reading builds an inmagination, which is lacking in younger children
Originally posted by flyUnityIf there was a fire how would you know when you have no TV to warn you?
Its been proven through Research that TV has a very bad effect on children, and causes ADD, I hardly ever watch TV (Dont even have one) And some of my friends who watch it like 6 hours a day, they go crazy when their not watching it, or doing somthing,
also I do think reading builds an inmagination, which is lacking in younger children
Originally posted by flyUnityI don't watch TV. Most programs last at least 30 minutes, and I can only concentrate on one thing for about 15 minutes.
Its been proven through Research that TV has a very bad effect on children, and causes ADD, I hardly ever watch TV (Dont even have one) And some of my friends who watch it like 6 hours a day, they go crazy when their not watching it, or doing somthing,
also I do think reading builds an inmagination, which is lacking in younger children
Originally posted by Brother EdwinMaybe if you took a look out of your window and saw the flames and smoke?
If there was a fire how would you know when you have no TV to warn you?
Without a doubt TV has a massive effect on our society.
In the kingdom of Bhutan tv was banned until recently.
Since its introduction violent crime rose dramatically, mainly cos people imitate what they see..
Originally posted by dk3nnyWhy would you look out your window if you are watching TV?
Maybe if you took a look out of your window and saw the flames and smoke?
Without a doubt TV has a massive effect on our society.
In the kingdom of Bhutan tv was banned until recently.
Since its introduction violent crime rose dramatically, mainly cos people imitate what they see..
Originally posted by nikitaproninNaah. Violence was alive and well long before video games existed. It'll be here long after video games are gone.
Do violent games make kids or adults violent?
I think they can under surcomstancesm, such as an bad childhood or abusive parent, or maby a bully at school.
But my overall opinion is: The average person will not get more violent from playing games.
what are your opinions?
I don't know what causes violence in some people and not others, but I doubt it's video games. I think that would be giving a game too much credit.
Originally posted by wibBut, the percentage of violence went up since TV and Video games came into being,
Naah. Violence was alive and well long before video games existed. It'll be here long after video games are gone.
I don't know what causes violence in some people and not others, but I doubt it's video games. I think that would be giving a game too much credit.