Would any Fox News fans like to comment on this video clip? Anybody willing to put their neck on the line and support FOX on this blatant piece of lies and propoganda? I guess its because of 'news' like this that 80% of fox viewers believe that the u.s. have found links between Al Qaeda and Saddam while only 13% of other american news viewers believe that to be true.
With hindsight, is there anybody out there who still watches this crap that for some reason is called 'news' in the u.s?
Originally posted by RagnorakThat was quite an old clip wasn't it?
Would any Fox News fans like to comment on this video clip? Anybody willing to put their neck on the line and support FOX on this blatant piece of lies and propoganda? I guess its because of 'news' like this that 80% of fox viewers believe that the u.s. have found links between Al Qaeda and Saddam while only 13% of other american news viewers believe th ...[text shortened]... on is called 'news' in the u.s?
I mean, the Hutton enquiry found the BBC guilty.
And Hutton is a man to be trusted! He headed the investigation into the Bloody Sunday murders in the early 70's and found the British army: "Not at fault."
I'm sure in 30 years time this will turn up a white-wash as well.
Gilligan pointed out that the 'dossier on weapons in Iraq was spiced up'.
Hutton said this was utter rubbish and that the British government: "did not spice anything up."
Let's see:
- No nukes
- No chemical weapons
- No 45 minute striking capability
- No download from a 1991 thesis....oh wait...there was....naughty Blair!
Na...It's perfectly understandable that Hutton came down on the government's side. That's why he was hired.
Isn't it against the law in most countries to deliberately broadcast false news and present it as facts to improve your companies political goal? I mean, it's perfectly legit to present false news as a comedy scene, but in the way fox news does it, I'm sure they would be outright banned in most countries, and if their company originated in such countries, a few people may get life imprisonment and in some other extreme countries, perhabs even death. It's viewed as a very serious crime to broadcast false news in most countries, please tell me the USA has similar laws, or do they? Do they have any laws at all regarding this?
Fox news was banned from Canada for this reason, this of course poured outrage among Americans and claimed we were "Muslim symphasizers" because we considered allowing Al-Jazeera. What they don't know, is Al-Jazeera AGREED to allow us to CENSOR their news programs if innapropriate (hate mongering) or proven false, Fox news, as arrogant as they are, did not agree to this, mind you, Fox news is covered in so many lies, that by censoring them all out, there would be nothing to watch anyways. So we had no choice but to simply ban Fox.
Of course, pressure got to pussybag Paul Martin from our "friends" down south and he allowed it back on the air, which was a bad decision. Hate programs like Fox news who broadcast false news should not be tolerated in a country that wants to promote multi-culturalism and tolerance, but I suppose we have to tolerate the intolerant to a certain degree, as long as the intolerant don't kill people, oops, too late for that. . .
Originally posted by mateuloseIsn't it illegal to hunt down Fox like this anymore?
Isn't it against the law in most countries to deliberately broadcast false news and present it as facts to improve your companies political goal? I mean, it's perfectly legit to present false news as a comedy scene, but in the way fox n ...[text shortened]... as the intolerant don't kill people, oops, too late for that. . .
EDIT: That was terrible. My humble apologies. People should be shot for such bad puns.
Originally posted by shavixmirBasicly now what is happening in the Canadian news front right now, is: Everyone must follow the rules, but Fox is "special" because we have to make Bush feel all cuddley when he visits here. The whole idea of having one set of rules for Fox and one set of rules for everyone else sickens me, but what can you do? Fox is probably planning global domination this way. . .
Isn't it illegal to hunt down Fox like this anymore?
EDIT: That was terrible. My humble apologies. People should be shot for such bad puns.
Originally posted by mateulose"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of the press." Unless it is libel, slander, a violation of someone else's copyright protection, or the like, it is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Isn't it against the law in most countries to deliberately broadcast false news and present it as facts to improve your companies political goal? I mean, it's perfectly legit to present false news as a comedy scene, but in the way fox news does it, I'm sure they would be outright banned in most countries, and if their company originated in such countrie ...[text shortened]... ase tell me the USA has similar laws, or do they? Do they have any laws at all regarding this?
However, as a practical matter originally because of limited availability of radiowave frequencies, and persisting for similar reasons, the FCC regulates who may broadcast. Although the FCC requires some evidence of public service and credible standards, they don't mess with political ideology much. Traditionally, there had been an expectation of "equal time for opposing views," but this principle largely has been abandoned.
Originally posted by mateuloseWell maybe you will get educated with Fox and al Jazeera broadcasting in Canada. Watch both then decide. Or are you just afraid you might learn something? I watch news programs from all over the world including Cuba just to get a different perspective on things.
Isn't it against the law in most countries to deliberately broadcast false news and present it as facts to improve your companies political goal? I mean, it's perfectly legit to present false news as a comedy scene, but in the way fox news does it, I'm sure they would be outright banned in most countries, and if their company originated in such countrie ...[text shortened]... to a certain degree, as long as the intolerant don't kill people, oops, too late for that. . .
Originally posted by darvlayWell lets see? Beheadings comes to mind. They are definately anti-Jewish and Christian. They tell about the war in Iraq but, fail to mention how much money and aid the US is sending to the tsunami victims who by the way a lot are Moslem. Not once did I see the mention of helicopters from the Aircraft Carrier Roosevelt dropping food and water to the victims of this catastrophy. I watch News programs from all over the world. China, Japan, Russia,France, Al-Jazeera, when they show it in English and Univision, Galavision and the Central and South American broadcasts since I speak Spanish and they show the war and the tsunami victims affording me a different perspective on the subject.
Like what, slimjim?
Originally posted by slimjimSorry, I thought you were talking about Canadian television, not Al-Jazeera. I misread your post.
Well lets see? Beheadings comes to mind. They are definately anti-Jewish and Christian. They tell about the war in Iraq but, fail to mention how much money and aid the US is sending to the tsunami victims who by the way a lot are Moslem. Not once did I see the mention of helicopters from the Aircraft Carrier Roosevelt dropping food and water to the victims o ...[text shortened]... d they show the war and the tsunami victims affording me a different perspective on the subject.
Originally posted by slimjimHow are beheadings anti-Jewish or Christian? How are beheadings any less a savage sight to see then a few of Iraqis geting firebombed and running in terror while engulfed in flames? (Fox news has shown such graphic footage before, especially at the start of the war, BTW, the Iraq war started while I was in Florida seeing my grand-father, so I did catch Fox down in that Republican stronghold quite often). If anything, beheadings seem quite merciful and painless in terms of human ways to die. And that stuff is really what happens, do you want them not to show what happens? And the one time they dicided not to show the beheadings, of Margerat Hassan, you Yank cons got angry at them for NOT showing it, so sheeesh, what's up with that?
Well lets see? Beheadings comes to mind. They are definately anti-Jewish and Christian. They tell about the war in Iraq but, fail to mention how much money and aid the US is sending to the tsunami victims who by the way a lot are Moslem. Not once did I see the mention of helicopters from the Aircraft Carrier Roosevelt dropping food and water to the victims o ...[text shortened]... d they show the war and the tsunami victims affording me a different perspective on the subject.
You so far haven't presented any evidence Al-Jazeera is hateful or broadcasting false news. I will continue to hound you until you present something concrete. Your beheading argument is completely invalid as Fox news has shown footage way more violent and graphic then that, and BTW, I don't think news should be sensored due to violence anyways, let ppl see the REAL violence, maybe they won't fight stupid wars if they do. . .