04 Jun 14
my favourite was the "now you can bring your gun to the bar".
no longer will there be fun bar fights where some drunks punch each other's lights out and maybe one of them gets stabbed.
now they will straight up shoot each other, including the programmer nerds (like me) who just want a beer after debugging multithreaded c++ for 12 hours straight.
thank god i live in a civilized country. like romania.
05 Jun 14
Originally posted by ZahlanziNo doubt there will still be bars where owners (rightfully) set the conditions of entry and they may indeed stipulate a gun free zone, you'll still be able to patronise these places and get your ass kicked in a conventional way.
my favourite was the "now you can bring your gun to the bar".
no longer will there be fun bar fights where some drunks punch each other's lights out and maybe one of them gets stabbed.
now they will straight up shoot each other, including the programmer nerds (like me) who just want a beer after debugging multithreaded c++ for 12 hours straight.
thank god i live in a civilized country. like romania.
Is this part of some sadomasochistic disorder you have, it would explain why you compulsively post here just to get your ass kicked intellectually.
Originally posted by normbenigndo you seriously advocate teaching grade school children how to use guns? do you seriously expect them to be in a situation where they require to use guns?
Why not? It isn't rural kids who are taught the proper use of guns that end up shooting up the school, or doing drive byes.
why don't you train them how to properly fight with knives? maybe how to make molotovs or car bombs?
Originally posted by Zahlanzi"do you seriously advocate teaching grade school children how to use guns?"
do you seriously advocate teaching grade school children how to use guns? do you seriously expect them to be in a situation where they require to use guns?
why don't you train them how to properly fight with knives? maybe how to make molotovs or car bombs?
Absolutely. They know that guns aren't to be used for settling minor issues, and they learn to take responsibility seriously.
Kids who learn things right early seldom go off the tracks. We teach kids that knives are used to butcher the meat we kill with guns, not to intimidate classmates.
Originally posted by normbenigndo you believe kids have the mental maturity to not only learn about guns, but also to use them?
"do you seriously advocate teaching grade school children how to use guns?"
Absolutely. They know that guns aren't to be used for settling minor issues, and they learn to take responsibility seriously.
Kids who learn things right early seldom go off the tracks. We teach kids that knives are used to butcher the meat we kill with guns, not to intimidate classmates.
should we allow children to drive as well? how about operating heavy machinery?
your country banned kinder surprise eggs because they thought children are too retarded and they might choke with the small parts. but guns are ok?
sexual education is barely thought in your highschools but it is ok to sell guns intended for use by a child?
Originally posted by normbenignYou do realize that bullying by school-age children is such an epidemic, that a many anti-bullying campaigns have been started, right? And this amount bullying is in spite of the fact that children are taught as soon as they can understand words, the importance of respect, being nice, sharing, love, tolerance, getting along with others, etc, both at home, in school, and TV shows aimed at kids.
"do you seriously advocate teaching grade school children how to use guns?"
Absolutely. They know that guns aren't to be used for settling minor issues, and they learn to take responsibility seriously.
Kids who learn things right early seldom go off the tracks. We teach kids that knives are used to butcher the meat we kill with guns, not to intimidate classmates.
While I'm not against teaching children of certain ages how to properly use guns, I certainly don't expect doing so will keep kids from "going off the tracks" with guns.
07 Jun 14
Originally posted by ZahlanziGun safety should be taught, just because you are taught how to handle
do you seriously advocate teaching grade school children how to use guns? do you seriously expect them to be in a situation where they require to use guns?
why don't you train them how to properly fight with knives? maybe how to make molotovs or car bombs?
a gun safely isn't training them how to fight with them. Only to use them
as they are designed to. It isn't the training on how to use the gun that
should matter as much as teaching kids to value life so that even knowing
how to use a gun does not mean they will do it in some evil way.