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How many deaths caused by vaccines?

How many deaths caused by vaccines?



It seems like a simple question, but is it really?

A seemingly perfectly healthy person gets a vaccine shot and dies soon afterwards. Seems pretty obvious the vaccine is the cause, right?
But a branch covidian claims it is just a coincidence. "If someone dies after drinking water does that prove water killed him"? That is a typical response from a branch covidian. As if people take vaccines every day.

What about vaccines in general? Is there any vaccine that killed people? It is my understanding that all vaccines have killed people, even the safest vaccines. There must be at least some confirmed deaths caused by vaccines.

Which vaccine caused the most deaths? Which vaccine caused the least deaths? Are they confirmed deaths, or unconfirmed deaths? Who determines what a confirmed death is and who does the counting?

If someone dies after getting a vaccine, but nobody reports it to VAERS is it counted as no death at all?

Who does the most accurate death count caused by vaccines?

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@metal-brain said
It seems like a simple question, but is it really?

A seemingly perfectly healthy person gets a vaccine shot and dies soon afterwards. Seems pretty obvious the vaccine is the cause, right?
But a branch covidian claims it is just a coincidence. "If someone dies after drinking water does that prove water killed him"? That is a typical response from a branch covidian. As ...[text shortened]... AERS is it counted as no death at all?

Who does the most accurate death count caused by vaccines?
How many deaths caused by the diseases the vaccines protect from? It seems like a simple question and it is really.


"A seemingly perfectly healthy person gets a vaccine shot and dies soon afterwards. Seems pretty obvious the vaccine is the cause, right?"
No, it's not obvious. The cause of death needs to be investigate. The seemingly perfectly healthy person may not be so healthy. The vaccine dose might have been contaminated somehow.
That's why we don't listen to morons on the internet declaring something to be "obvious". We wait for actual experts to do their actual jobs and research why something occurred.

"As if people take vaccines every day."
Just because an action is rare that doesn't mean anything out of the ordinary happening after is because of that action.
I barely go to the bank. If i do go to the bank and get run over by a car afterwards, is it because i went to the bank? There are a lot more people going to the bank that DON'T get run over by a car afterwards. Could there be a different explanation for why I was ran over by a car? Would someone reading about this incident in the paper where all it says is "Dude goes to the bank. Gets run over by a car after" be an idiot for assuming i got run over by a car because i went to the bank or would he be more reasonable to ask "hey what the fuk was that guy doing when crossing the street? Was the driver drunk? Where his breaks malfunctioning?"

"It is my understanding that all vaccines have killed people, even the safest vaccines."
It is my understanding that surgeries have killed people, even the safest ones. Cars have killed people, even the safe ones.

"If someone dies after getting a vaccine, but nobody reports it to VAERS is it counted as no death at all?"
If a tree falls in the forest but nobody is around to hear it, does a conspiracy nut assume it's a government conspiracy involving trees?


Those pushing to vaccinate teenagers who are in no more danger from COVID than chickenpox will certainly ignore vaccine deaths.

The sad part is that they will count a death as COVID without actually testing to make sure it was a COVID death.

There is definitely a double standard.


@eladar said
Those pushing to vaccinate teenagers who are in no more danger from COVID than chickenpox will certainly ignore vaccine deaths.

The sad part is that they will count a death as COVID without actually testing to make sure it was a COVID death.

There is definitely a double standard.
Don’t you guys vaccinate against chicken pox?


@kevcvs57 said
Don’t you guys vaccinate against chicken pox?
I was not. I got chickenpox as a kid, so did my brother and sisters. The symptoms of chickenpox are much more annoying than covid.

The big thing I have against this vaccine is that it is genetically modified. I avoid genetically modified foods. I will avoid this genetically modified vaccine.

1 edit

@zahlanzi said
How many deaths caused by the diseases the vaccines protect from? It seems like a simple question and it is really.


"A seemingly perfectly healthy person gets a vaccine shot and dies soon afterwards. Seems pretty obvious the vaccine is the cause, right?"
No, it's not obvious. The cause of death needs to be investigate. The seemingly perfectly healthy person m ...[text shortened]... ody is around to hear it, does a conspiracy nut assume it's a government conspiracy involving trees?
How many deaths from the vaccine, not the disease it is supposed to prevent.
Has the Michigan boy who died after getting the second shot been confirmed as a covid vaccine death? There has been plenty of time to determine the cause of death so which is it?


If the VAERS website is not confirmation of any deaths then where do you find out how many confirmed deaths there are? Who does the reporting of confirmed deaths?

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I think I should establish that vaccines do cause deaths. Let's end that denial right now.

"Many vaccines have been determined to rarely cause anaphylaxis. The risk of anaphylaxis is less than two cases per million doses of vaccines administered to children and adolescents [29]. While anaphylaxis is serious and can be fatal, death and other complications can be prevented with rapid treatment using effective medications including epinephrine, corticosteroids and beta-agonists. A 10-year review of claims to the US National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program noted five cases of death from anaphylaxis after vaccinations [30]. Another study published in 2003 using electronic health record databases found that after 7,644,049 doses of vaccination in children and adolescents, there were five possible cases of vaccine associated anaphylaxis and none resulted in death [29]. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends screening patients for contraindications and precautions, including allergy history, prior to vaccination [31]. However, since anaphylaxis following vaccination is not always predictable or preventable, ACIP also recommends that healthcare providers be prepared to treat medical emergencies including anaphylaxis if they occur"


I also want to dispel the myth that all vaccines are safe. There are some notable exceptions:

"In the era of modern medicine, some of the first concerns about vaccines causing death date to isolated, but high profile past vaccine safety incidents. The “Cutter Incident” in 1955 involved a flaw in the Salk polio vaccine manufacturing process at Cutter Laboratories that led to production of substantial amounts of what was thought to be inactivated vaccine that contained live poliovirus. The result has been called “…one of the worst pharmaceutical disasters in US history”[11], with 40,000 cases of polio resulting in 51 cases of permanent paralysis and five deaths among vaccinated individuals, and 113 cases of paralysis and five deaths among contacts of vaccinated individuals [11,12]. As a result of the Cutter Incident, the US government implemented much more vigilant monitoring and regulation of the vaccine industry [13]. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now requires extensive testing to evaluate the safety and efficacy of vaccines prior to licensure. After licensure, FDA requires ongoing lot-release testing and manufacturing facility inspections. Additionally, manufacturers are required to conduct post-licensure safety monitoring for their products and report to the FDA [14,15].

In 1976, concerns in the United States about a possible influenza pandemic involving a virus similar to the deadly 1918 pandemic strain resulted in a large-scale vaccination program for the entire country. Approximately 45 million people were vaccinated in 10 weeks with what became known as the “swine flu vaccine” [16]. The US government abruptly stopped the vaccination program when no swine flu cases were detected outside the military base where the disease originated and when an unexpectedly high number of cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome were reported in vaccinated individuals. The vaccine was estimated to have caused approximately one Guillain-Barré syndrome case per 100,000 persons vaccinated [17], resulting in 53 deaths [18]. As a result of the association between the 1976 swine flu vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome, this condition is closely monitored every influenza season as part of the influenza vaccine safety monitoring in the United States."

Vaccines cause deaths. It is a fact, now let's have an honest discussion about it without accusing others of conspiracy theories just because you cannot accept vaccines kill people. They do.

How many deaths? That is the question.


This whole Covid panic reminds me of the AIDS panic that swept the 1980s. Several independent scholars found that those AIDS patients had identical symptoms to cancer patients. What was happening was that all the standard cancer patients who happened to have that AIDS marker were singled-out and automatically labeled as AIDS victims destined for certain death.

The exact same thing seems to be happening today -- anyone dying from any condition who happens to have the tiniest hint of this virus is automatically labeled a Covid death. Meanwhile, not a single 'official' expert dares to talk about the real reasons why people have wrecked immune systems and all those 'underlying conditions'.

This is exactly what happens when a for-profit disease-care industry runs amok and gains world-monopoly.


@bunnyknight said
This whole Covid panic reminds me of the AIDS panic that swept the 1980s. Several independent scholars found that those AIDS patients had identical symptoms to cancer patients. What was happening was that all the standard cancer patients who happened to have that AIDS marker were singled-out and automatically labeled as AIDS victims destined for certain d ...[text shortened]... is exactly what happens when a for-profit disease-care industry runs amok and gains world-monopoly.
Interesting study results...

Accordingly, those individuals with an insufficient level of Vitamin D are 80% more likely to acquire COVID-19 infection as compared to those who have a normal level of Vitamin D.


Low levels of vitamin D is also associated with cancer and issues while recovering from surgery.

It would only take about 1k or 2k IU per day for a vast majority of people to achieve vitamin D sufficiency.

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Sounding the alarm will result in a gag order in Canada.


How can we find out the truth when a gag order is put on those telling the truth?


@metal-brain said
It seems like a simple question, but is it really?

A seemingly perfectly healthy person gets a vaccine shot and dies soon afterwards. Seems pretty obvious the vaccine is the cause, right?
But a branch covidian claims it is just a coincidence. "If someone dies after drinking water does that prove water killed him"? That is a typical response from a branch covidian. As ...[text shortened]... AERS is it counted as no death at all?

Who does the most accurate death count caused by vaccines?
How many deaths caused by vaccines?

This question presupposes you have an accurate answer - and you don't! Your mindless obsession with subject only serves to highlight your ignorance.

Please stop being part of the problem - -


@mchill said
How many deaths caused by vaccines?

This question presupposes you have an accurate answer - and you don't! Your mindless obsession with subject only serves to highlight your ignorance.

Please stop being part of the problem - -
I asked the question. Why would I ask the question if I already had the answer?

All I know is that people do die from vaccines. I just want to know if a number of confirmed deaths exists. The VAERS website does not post confirmed deaths. They say so right on their website.

How do we get a number for "confirmed" deaths caused by vaccines?



Looks like the deaths I have read about say death by heart disease, not by vaccination.


@eladar said

Looks like the deaths I have read about say death by heart disease, not by vaccination.
Vaccines cause heart problems so they deny it is the vaccine causing the heart problems. Covid also causes heart problems, but instead of blaming covid they blamed HCQ to mislead people into thinking HCQ was dangerous.

Everything they do is a scam. The branch covidians don't see what is right in front of their face though. They are in denial. It is obvious to the unbiased.


Yeah, SUCH a big deal made of it all, like in Missouri where the delta variant is KILLING people and overwhelming the local hospitals.

Strangely enough, in the same state where most ASSSHOLES refuse the vax and they are dying because of it.

Yep, humans are SO smart.

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