Bush made me one.
Bush is a liar and a war monger.
Bush is a threat to the security of the world.
The deaths of up to 100,000 Iraqi's and coalition soldiers are just the start in a world where violence is being accepted as standard, the balance of power is changing and nuclear weapons abound.
Bush also breeds terrorism.
America, stop living in denial and impeach Bush now.
Demonstrate your concern for international peace and demonstrate that politicians will be held accountable.
There are many hundreds of millions who feel similarily.
Don't fall for Bush's costly political campaign.
Demonstrate with all your might and remind others to do so too.
While you're at it, sign on-line petitions to impeach Bush at:
That would explain why you are SO bad at it. Maybe there is some activist school that you can go to. You can take Effective Spamming - 101. You can probably clep out of Annoy People - 101 and go on to Annoy Everyone - 201. I thought that they might have Activist School in California, but it turns out that the Governator stomped it out. I think there may be one in Idaho, oops, that's Anarchy U. Oh well, I'm sure they gave you a brochure when they gave you your beret.
Good luck.
Originally posted by CliffLandinLOL! Good post, CL. Stang will need a new cause when Bush leaves in 3.5 years. I hope he is planning accordingly.
That would explain why you are SO bad at it. Maybe there is some activist school that you can go to. You can take [b]Effective Spamming - 101. You can probably clep out of Annoy People - 101 and go on to Annoy Everyone - 201. I thought that they might have Activist School in California, but it turns out that the Governator stomped it ou ...[text shortened]... rchy U. Oh well, I'm sure they gave you a brochure when they gave you your beret.
Good luck.[/b]
Originally posted by STANGThe problem I have with your message is that you are constantly dealing with a symptom (the Bush administration) and not the cause.
Bush made me one.
Bush is a liar and a war monger.
Bush is a threat to the security of the world.
The deaths of up to 100,000 Iraqi's and coalition soldiers are just the start in a world where violence is being accepted as standard, ...[text shortened]... mpeach.org
When you remove Bush you will not stop or change anything.
The same business' which run the world will still be running it. This means the same decisions will still be made. This means that the same pain, poverty and continual media coverage will continue.
The system creates war mongers and the system is the constant threat to the security of the world.
International peace is a hollow and worthless concept when the neccesities of life are produced by slave-like labour in third world countries. Peace will not be achieved whilst children work 16 hours a day and literally billions of people reside in poverty and deprevation.
Don't get me wrong though. I much prefer you being active against Bush than not being active at all.
I just feel that you should look into the causes of the problem a little more.
Bush is not even the main issue with American Foreign Policyl
Any Republican would have us at war as a response to 9-11. The Decmocrats would have had us at war as well, they just would have taken longer to get there.
We have politicians in Congress who have been there for 20-30 and more years. Alaka's own Senator Ted Stevens channels billions of dollars of federal funds into Alaska. Alaskans recieve more federal money per capita than any other state. Yet, the other states' leaders in Congress allow this to continue.
And, All of them recieve money from corprate America to campaign. After years of recieving that money, do you think those politicians will magically begin thinking for themselves?
The Patriot's Anti-Terrorism bill had been floating around Congress for decades in bits and pieces wainting for something to happen to justify the abridging of our freedoms.
As for freedom. Our system seems to be that we Americans have lots of rights and freedoms but the rest of ya'll just get whatever it is we decide you should have. And, America is accountable to noone.
Americans have not been going to the polls. This past election was a record turn out and half of us didn't show up!
Here is a little story from my neck of the woods about American politics.
Several years ago the environmentalists conviced a politician to write a bill that would prevent shooting wolves on the same day as hunters had flown in to hunt wolves. This is because the hunters were harrassing the wolves to the point of exhaustion, stepping off the plane and shooting the wolves who had no strength left to flee.
The bill passes. Then some good ole boy plitician wanted to take it away and people got cranky and the politicians set it aside. There was a special session on something else and somehow, it became okay to harry wolves before shooting them.
Alaskans were P*ssed Off to the Max. We forced a ballot in the next election. We showed up in droves and said, NO, YOU CANNOT SHOOT ON THE SAME DAY YOU FLY IN!!! So, a session goes by and once again, our little politicians are bringing it up inspite of the fact that Alaskans have clearly spoken.
Alaskans are big on hunting. Many, many Alaskans hunt to put food on the table. I know lots of people who go out and bring back food. Subsistence, which is what we call putting food on the table from wild sources is a BFD up here.
Wolves are not considered a food animal. Alaskans don't care to hunt them in general. However, a number of people make a lot, as in a whole heck of a lot of money from the process of hunting wolves for trophies. Alaska in expensive, travel to remote areas which is most of Alaska is even more expensive. Someone is making a lot of money and willing to make a lot of deals to get away with something the people clearly don't want!
This is the real problem with American politics and probably much of the politics of the First World Nations......the control of the society is no longer in the hands of the people.
Getting rid of Bush would be nice, IMO. But, it will solve very little. I have been an activist for a long time now. I don't what to do to change things......
And, while I am at it....Americans are pretty complacent but your ranting will not make us less so. If you wish to be an activist, it would be a good thing to learn more effective techniques. Can you name one great leader for social change whose techniques were, are like your endless rants?
Originally posted by AynatSigh. At last. An acolyte who understands "chimpism" and sees it for what it is. Sigh.
Bush is not even the main issue with American Foreign Policyl
Any Republican would have us at war as a response to 9-11. The Decmocrats would have had us at war as well, they just would have taken longer to get there.
We h ...[text shortened]... ial change whose techniques were, are like your endless rants?
You don't get it ...
... removing Bush would be a demonstration that the public WILL hold those in power accountable.
Bush lied and had personal financial interests in the invasion of Iraq with subsequent deaths of up to 100,000 people.
The balance of power is rapidly changing in the world, with the potential for violence to escalate toward annihlation within 50 years.
It is time for the public to take control.
Dictators create fear to control.
Dictators can also rely on your apathy, your fear and mega-million dollar campaigns to control.
Bush is your liability. Impeach him now.
Originally posted by STANGStan... you get it all except for the part of "those in power".
You don't get it ...
... removing Bush would be a demonstration that the public WILL hold those in power accountable.
Bush lied and had personal financial interests in the invasion of Iraq with subsequent deaths of up to 100,000 people.
The balance of power is rapidly changing in the world, with the potential for violence to escalate toward annihlati ...[text shortened]... r fear and mega-million dollar campaigns to control.
Bush is your liability. Impeach him now.
Who killed millions? Who started five wars? Any clue?
Originally posted by STANGOh, honey, you missed my point....
You don't get it ...
... removing Bush would be a demonstration that the public WILL hold those in power accountable.
Bush lied and had personal financial interests in the invasion of Iraq with subsequent deaths of up to 100,000 people.
The balance of power is rapidly changing in the world, with the potential for violence to escalate toward annihlati ...[text shortened]... r fear and mega-million dollar campaigns to control.
Bush is your liability. Impeach him now.
if it wasn't Bush it would be Cheney, Clinton, Reagan. Kerry......some other name. They are all variations on a theme.
There is no difference between our politicians. The changes that are necessary are more profound than impeaching one guy.....
I wish it was that easy.....
Remember the wolf hunting.....a record turnout, royally pissed off people and still it keeps coming back...
The issue is systemic not a single individual