29 Nov 21
@contenchess saidSho' 'nuf, Fat BOY?
Hopefully that's not fake too 🙄
I imagine the jury will be deadlocked because of those...."I don't care! He din do nuffin! He's a good boy!" ....type of jurors.
Oh so clever.
Hear that at The Klan meeting, Fat BOY?
@contenchess saidHe's not the idiot here.
You know everyone considers you an idiot right?
Even your leftist friends roll their eyes when they read your posts.
If you take any group of friends their is always that annoying idiot in the group.
That's you. 😉
29 Nov 21
@contenchess saidAmericas justice system gets it right most of the time.
Hopefully that's not fake too 🙄
I imagine the jury will be deadlocked because of those...."I don't care! He din do nuffin! He's a good boy!" ....type of jurors.
None of us on this site has all the evidence, so let's not judge things too harshly.
@contenchess saidIf your friends consider me an idiot,
You know everyone considers you an idiot right?
Even your leftist friends roll their eyes when they read your posts.
If you take any group of friends their is always that annoying idiot in the group.
That's you. 😉
I'm flattered....Everyone, though?
Wonder why you and 'your friends,' get
more thumbs down, than thumbs up....
Tell me, oh wise FAT ONE....Pretty please, FAT Boy.
@contenchess said''........group of friends their is always that......,''
You know everyone considers you an idiot right?
Even your leftist friends roll their eyes when they read your posts.
If you take any group of friends their is always that annoying idiot in the group.
That's you. 😉
Hey, GENIUS, you spelled there incorrectly.
Here 'ya go, FAT Boy
29 Nov 21
@mott-the-hoople saidFrom a MUTT
dont worry, there is room for more than one, your spot is on solid ground
That's a compliment
29 Nov 21
@contenchess saidSurely if you are going to point out the kharma of being a grammar nazi, the least you should be able to do is spell grammar correctly...
You do realize when you become a Grammer Nazi everyone will point out your Grammer mistakes and typos.
You just opened a can of ass. 😉
@contenchess saidCertainly won't be you, FB
You do realize when you become a Grammer Nazi everyone will point out your Grammer mistakes and typos.
You just opened a can of ass. 😉
Study up, FAT ONE.