I've been getting concerned about the UK lately. this is a good country we shouldn't let our liberties slip, the technology to intrude on people is fast improving, and to an extent unavoidable, but our rights are not catching up, but getting worse. it's a risky slope . this is where i see it most ;
> the distortion and monitoring of on-line content. and the CCTV / surveillance culture sold by sophistic crap like 'big brother' causing govt n councils n companies to over employ surveillance / security at expense of useful jobs.
> Attacks on democratic process like the MPs expenses stories the papers made 'news'
plus a lack of publicity for EU elections.
> The Afgan war, rather than building new resources, fighting over old ones,
> papers & TV stations that spread racism, the Afgan war, and mindless celebrity crap.
the internet was an escape but less now
it's suppression manifests in 3 forms, Govts over intervening, taking a 'nanny' mentality as far as peoples living rooms, over spending on military and manipulating the news. greedy corporations trying to suffocate decent business to leave us with just crap. 3rdly religious groups selling dogma to limit peoples freedoms.
It Has To Stop: The way out are partly breaking out of a 2 party system, this offers no real democracy. and just avoiding all that's involved, am not saying i know the answers , just can see something is wrong...
Originally posted by Black Star UchessYou have the same thing over there as we do in the US. The govt. will say it is to fight terror. You aren't against fighting terror are you? But speaking of terror, did you know that there are other similarities with our governments with regard to terror. For instance, in the United States they were conducting an excercise at the same time of the exact scenario as what really transpired on 911? The same happened there. I mention it because you are right about the 2 parties. They are both controlled by the same masters. Look it up and see.
I've been getting concerned about the UK lately. this is a good country we shouldn't let our liberties slip, the technology to intrude on people is fast improving, and to an extent unavoidable, but our rights are not catching up, but getting worse. it's a risky slope . this is where i see it most ;
> the distortion and monitoring of on-line con t's involved, am not saying i know the answers , just can see something is wrong...
agree the terrorist legislation , combined with the technology to enforce it, is a poisoned chalice
it makes everyones lives worse , even those who built it , people are waking up to it ... I'm not a pessimist as i think a lot of this is a natural effect of technology we have. We need clearer rights now to make sure we don't slip further , definately don't back 'terrorism' in anyway.
Originally posted by Black Star UchessThe only effect we can have on it is to try and make people aware of what is going on and get them to look into it. The 2 party system over here pretty much makes it tough for an independent or libertarian to win on a scale that will have impact. Knowledge can change that and the first step is to awaken people.
agree the terrorist legislation , combined with the technology to enforce it, is a poisoned chalice
it makes everyones lives worse , even those who built it , people are waking up to it ... I'm not a pessimist as i think a lot of this is a natural effect of technology we have. We need clearer rights now to make sure we don't slip further , definately don't back 'terrorism' in anyway.
Originally posted by Black Star UchessAre you sure your not talking about the US?
It Has To Stop: The way out are partly breaking out of a 2 party system, this offers no real democracy. and just avoiding all that's involved, am not saying i know the answers , just can see something is wrong...[/b]
Face it, you my friend are a right wing radical nut case. How dare you talk against Big Brother in such a way!! ðŸ˜
Here in the states they are comtemplating censoring what people say on the air ways. The way it works is, if you have something controversial to say you MUST give both sides to the issue, otherwise you can't say anything at all.
Originally posted by Black Star UchessHave you seen the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000?
I've been getting concerned about the UK lately. this is a good country we shouldn't let our liberties slip, the technology to intrude on people is fast improving, and to an extent unavoidable, but our rights are not catching up, but getting worse. it's a risky slope . this is where i see it most ;
> the distortion and monitoring of on-line con ...[text shortened]... t's involved, am not saying i know the answers , just can see something is wrong...
Have a look http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulation_of_Investigatory_Powers_Act_2000
this type of thing may seem necessary and useful when dealing with wrong-doers, however, if the government has this kind of power, isn't it basically a police-state?
and the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_Act_2006 are even worse.
Originally posted by generalissimoYour damm straight its a police state!
Have you seen the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000?
Have a look http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulation_of_Investigatory_Powers_Act_2000
this type of thing may seem necessary and useful when dealing with wrong-doers, however, if the government has this kind of power, isn't it basically a police-state?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prev ...[text shortened]... _of_Terrorism_Act_2005
and the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_Act_2006 are even worse.
We are slipping into a police state tho i don't hate the police particularly,
the problem / good thing maybe ? is with all the technology available ,
the govts have more ability to enforce laws , at the press off a button almost
if the laws are not liberal enough we will end up as cctv monitored pigs in pens ,
even with countries that had good rights,
At the next election civil liberties / data protection is going to be a deciding factor for me
think we need a constitution of rights , n the data protection act is out of date and failing
Originally posted by Black Star UchessI don't understand the "war against terrorism". Historically, one man's traitor is another man's patriot...one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. If you invade a country, capture, kill or torture members of the population, manipulate it's government, what reaction do you expect from people who were, even before we arrived, indoctrinated into thinking that western ideologies were evil.You are not fighting terrorists, you are creating them. How would we all react if a foreign power decided that, since Gordon Brown was never elected to office, his government was not legal and must be removed? Would we all sit back and watch while a foreign army did to our population what they are doing to others. While I freely admit that my reasoning is probably naive, I think we should put our time and resources to intellengence gathering and re-securing our borders. Look what happened when America pulled out of Vietnam. The country reverted to a perfectly normal place which is now a popular holiday destination.
agree the terrorist legislation , combined with the technology to enforce it, is a poisoned chalice
it makes everyones lives worse , even those who built it , people are waking up to it ... I'm not a pessimist as i think a lot of this is a natural effect of technology we have. We need clearer rights now to make sure we don't slip further , definately don't back 'terrorism' in anyway.
Originally posted by acb123If the war on terrorism was legit, and it isn't, then we have already lost it. If it were true that foreign terrorists crashes those planes into the towers, then in one fell swoop they were able to take our liberty. Look up terrorism statistics and the picture becomes quite clear.
I don't understand the "war against terrorism". Historically, one man's traitor is another man's patriot...one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. If you invade a country, capture, kill or torture members of the population, manipulate it's government, what reaction do you expect from people who were, even before we arrived, indoctrinated into th ...[text shortened]... country reverted to a perfectly normal place which is now a popular holiday destination.
Originally posted by Black Star Uchesswhy doesn't the UK get a written constitution that protects civil liberties and basic freedoms in the first place?
We are slipping into a police state tho i don't hate the police particularly,
the problem / good thing maybe ? is with all the technology available ,
the govts have more ability to enforce laws , at the press off a button almost
if the laws are not liberal enough we will end up as cctv monitored pigs in pens ,
even with countries that had go ...[text shortened]...
think we need a constitution of rights , n the data protection act is out of date and failing