Weigh in everyone . The lib residents have never said word about 50,000 of them forced upon Texans, but they are up in arms about 50 of them in M Vineyard. One of them said "we have no room for 'them' (racist?)." Sure they do, Obama's house sleeps about 40 people. And they likened it to the holocaust. Do your homework and let us chat. As that Suzy person used to say , oh the irony.
@averagejoe1 saidHey, it could be worse.
Weigh in everyone . The lib residents have never said word about 50,000 of them forced upon Texans, but they are up in arms about 50 of them in M Vineyard. One of them said "we have no room for 'them' (racist?)." Sure they do, Obama's house sleeps about 40 people. And they likened it to the holocaust. Do your homework and let us chat. As that Suzy person used to say , oh the irony.
Could have been 2 plane loads of Trumpskulls.
Why don't you just migrate them over to New York city.
Maybe the Trump hotel ?
16 Sep 22
@jj-adams saidThere’s not much worse on the planet imaginable than being surrounded by 1000 trump supporters.
You'd rather be surrounded by a thousand illegals from the boarder than a thousand Trump supporters?
Good luck with that.
The dip in IQ at such a local level would probably interfere with weather patterns.
16 Sep 22
@averagejoe1 saidAll I saw was decent human beings greeting fellow human beings with open arms full of whatever they could spare, clearly not a trump supporter in sight.
Weigh in everyone . The lib residents have never said word about 50,000 of them forced upon Texans, but they are up in arms about 50 of them in M Vineyard. One of them said "we have no room for 'them' (racist?)." Sure they do, Obama's house sleeps about 40 people. And they likened it to the holocaust. Do your homework and let us chat. As that Suzy person used to say , oh the irony.
Who exactly is up in arms about it Joe?
This happens every time, the retarded gop governors like Abbot and DeSantis think they are scoring a home run just to get egg on their faces when the dem states do the decent thing.
16 Sep 22
@zahlanzi saidIt reminds me of the Belorussian dictator importing migrants and then trying to push them over the EU border as a reprisal for sanctions.
they basically kidnapped a bunch of people and used them as props in a political stunt.
Knowing full well garbage humans like the joe would eat it all up. Cruelty for it's own sake
Disgusting behaviour whoever does it
@zahlanzi saidNo, not kidnapping. Why, you are as smart as Gavin, saying the same thing. The main element of kidnapping was not met. There was consent of the illegals.
they basically kidnapped a bunch of people and used them as props in a political stunt.
Knowing full well garbage humans like the joe would eat it all up. Cruelty for it's own sake
Note that even Kevin is frantically searching for a thoughtful response, y'all are weighing way down on this one.
16 Sep 22
@averagejoe1 saidthey are looking like idiots 😂
No, not kidnapping. Why, you are as smart as Gavin, saying the same thing. The main element of kidnapping was not met. There was consent of the illegals.
Note that even Kevin is frantically searching for a thoughtful response, y'all are weighing way down on this one.
16 Sep 22
@wildgrass saidAnd they were welcomed with open arms, creches, food and shelter.
I like the part where Florida taxpayers foot the bill for a private jet to fly immigrants to Martha's Vineyard for a vacation.
That really cracked me up.
16 Sep 22
@shavixmir saidHow generous would they be after getting a few hundred thousand of them?
And they were welcomed with open arms, creches, food and shelter.
That really cracked me up.
@shavixmir saidLook at state by state election maps of the country from 2020.
There’s not much worse on the planet imaginable than being surrounded by 1000 trump supporters.
The dip in IQ at such a local level would probably interfere with weather patterns.
It's almost all red except the pockets of blue in large cities/urban areas.
Even California, a solid blue state is mostly red except for the highly populated areas of left-wing losers.
https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=pemBFlJB&id=CE49F2E7FD5DFE1794128A6236E18CA681F9F2B3&thid=OIP.pemBFlJBJwu-V79QMPoNLAHaIU&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.a5e981165241270bbe57bf5030fa0d2c%3Frik%3Ds%252fL5gaaM4TZiig%26riu%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fftpmirror.your.org%252fpub%252fwikimedia%252fimages%252fwikipedia%252fen%252ff%252ff4%252fCAController06Counties.[WORD TOO LONG].5av5XcJz3ND!_AOTUkUCqZgHaGx&vt=0&sim=11&iss=VSI&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0