19 Jun 21
19 Jun 21
The right wing darlings who pointed guns at protestors have struck a plea deal:
"He pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault, a misdemeanor. His wife pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment.
They were sentenced to pay the maximum fines: $750 for him, $2,000 for her. The weapons they brandished will be destroyed as a condition of their pleas."
This was considerably more harsh that the diversion program with community service and than a dismissal of charges DA Kim Gardner was willing to give them last year.
19 Jun 21
@no1marauder saidWho did he assault? Were the protesters trespassing on private property?
The right wing darlings who pointed guns at protestors have struck a plea deal:
"He pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault, a misdemeanor. His wife pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment.
They were sentenced to pay the maximum fines: $750 for him, $2,000 for her. The weapons they brandished will be destroyed as a condition of their pleas." ...[text shortened]... community service and than a dismissal of charges DA Kim Gardner was willing to give them last year.
19 Jun 21
@no1marauder saidThey are wealthy, paying a fine and buying two new guns is a lot better than doing community service for them.
They were sentenced to pay the maximum fines: $750 for him, $2,000 for her. The weapons they brandished will be destroyed as a condition of their pleas."
This was considerably more harsh that the diversion program with community service and than a dismissal of charges DA Kim Gardner was willing to give them last year.
19 Jun 21
@metal-brain said1. No one.
Who did he assault? Were the protesters trespassing on private property?
2. Yes, and they broke into the private property by tearing down a metal gate in order to get in.
@dood111 saidWrong on both counts.
1. No one.
2. Yes, and they broke into the private property by tearing down a metal gate in order to get in.
As to the gate, as I said last year:
It's been posted on this Forum at least half a dozen times but:
It's the 1:29 video which in the first 10 seconds clearly shows people walking through the open gate (someone is holding the left side open).
What happened to the gate later is irrelevant to the continued, false claim that protesters "smashed" it to gain access.
19 Jun 21
@no1marauder saidSince they were trespassing did the owners call the police?
Wrong on both counts.
As to the gate, as I said last year:
It's been posted on this Forum at least half a dozen times but:
It's the 1:29 video which in the first 10 seconds clearly shows people walking through the open gate (someone is holding the left side open).
What happened to the gate later is ...[text shortened]... ss.
19 Jun 21
@no1marauder saidAs to the first Missouri law states:
Wrong on both counts.
As to the gate, as I said last year:
It's been posted on this Forum at least half a dozen times but:
It's the 1:29 video which in the first 10 seconds clearly shows people walking through the open gate (someone is holding the left side open).
What happened to the gate later is ...[text shortened]... ss.
565.056. Assault in the fourth degree. — 1. A person commits the offense of assault in the fourth degree if:
(3) The person purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury;
(4) The person recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of death or serious physical injury to another person;,is%20a%20class%20A%20misdemeanor.
Either section would be applicable in the case though I imagine (3) is what he pled to.
19 Jun 21
@metal-brain saidAfter they threatened the protestors with guns, yes.
Since they were trespassing did the owners call the police?
The McCloskeys weren't the only owners; it was a large gated community that included the Mayor of St. Louis' residence which is where the protestors were headed.
19 Jun 21
@no1marauder saidThey did it backwards.
After they threatened the protestors with guns, yes.
The McCloskeys weren't the only owners; it was a large gated community that included the Mayor of St. Louis' residence which is where the protestors were headed.
Now I understand the harassment charge.
What about the assault charge? Who did he assault?
19 Jun 21
@metal-brain saidAs already stated:
They did it backwards.
Now I understand the harassment charge.
What about the assault charge? Who did he assault?
Missouri law states:
565.056. Assault in the fourth degree. — 1. A person commits the offense of assault in the fourth degree if:
(3) The person purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury;
Everyone he pointed a gun at.
19 Jun 21
@no1marauder saidWrong. They were trespassing so they placed themselves in apprehension of immediate physical injury. All they had to do is leave the private property.
As already stated:
Missouri law states:
565.056. Assault in the fourth degree. — 1. A person commits the offense of assault in the fourth degree if:
(3) The person purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury;
Everyone he pointed a gun at.
Why wasn't the U.S. Capitol Police officer that killed Ashli Babbitt charged with a crime?
@metal-brain saidI'm not going to waste time discussing the law with you. Mere trespassing does not entitle the property owner to kill you or injure you so your "analysis" is wrong.
Wrong. They were trespassing so they placed themselves in apprehension of immediate physical injury. All they had to do is leave the private property.
Why wasn't the U.S. Capitol Police officer that killed Ashli Babbitt charged with a crime?
If you want to discuss Ashli Babbitt AGAIN (there have been several threads already on this Forum regarding her), start another thread. But she was in a mob attempting to break into a legislative hall in order to kidnap or kill members of Congress and the actions of the Capitol Police officer were legally justified.
19 Jun 21
@no1marauder said"Mere trespassing does not entitle the property owner to kill you or injure you"
I'm not going to waste time discussing the law with you. Mere trespassing does not entitle the property owner to kill you or injure you so your "analysis" is wrong.
If you want to discuss Ashli Babbitt AGAIN (there have been several threads already on this Forum regarding her), start another thread. But she was in a mob attempting to break into a legislative hall in or ...[text shortened]... ap or kill members of Congress and the actions of the Capitol Police officer were legally justified.
EXACTLY! But it is fine if a police officer does it without warning? It was essentially a surprise execution. Congress was not even in any real danger. They had an underground subway escape to several destinations available to them. I don't care what AOC lied about, she was in no real danger and she knew it. Ashli Babbitt was not even armed.
"But she was in a mob attempting to break into a legislative hall in order to kidnap or kill members of Congress"
You have no evidence she had malicious intent and she did not do the breaking. You don't even have evidence any of the protesters had intent to kill or kidnap at that time. A few were found to have that intent later, but not at that time. BTW, was the person who broke in identified and arrested?
You said someone opened the McCloskeys gate to let others in. Was that person identified and arrested? Were any of the trespassers charged with trespassing and harassment?
None of the trespassers were harmed and the McCloskeys did have reason to fear them. They were an angry mob too. They could not have known the intent of the trespassers. I think you are letting partisan bias affect your ethical standards. You are once again embracing a double standard in several different ways.
Ashli Babbitt didn't deserve to die. What was she going to do, chase down the subway on foot like the road runner cartoon character and eat spinach like Popeye and lift the subway over her head? Give me a break. She was a thin woman. The only reason she was shot is because someone ordered him to. That person ordered an execution with disregard for the legal process. Why no tasers, pepper spray and other non lethal force?
@metal-brain saidI would argue that nobody deserves to die but it’s typical of a Qanon twinky like you to get outraged at the death of one of your snarling psycho bitch fellow travellers whilst trying to smash her way into a defended area as part of a mob that had already violently assaulted the police and were trying to hunt down democratically elected members of congress for execution at the behest of the facist pig Trump. I’d have emptied a magazine into the scumbag lot of them.
"Mere trespassing does not entitle the property owner to kill you or injure you"
EXACTLY! But it is fine if a police officer does it without warning? It was essentially a surprise execution. Congress was not even in any real danger. They had an underground subway escape to several destinations available to them. I don't care what AOC lied about, she was in no real dang ...[text shortened]... cution with disregard for the legal process. Why no tasers, pepper spray and other non lethal force?
Did you see the video of her being shot, her intent could not be clearer. And where are you during the threads when we are talking about black men being shot in the back or slowly garrotted in broad daylight by the police. You racist pigs are a proper suck joke.
@metal-brain said
"Mere trespassing does not entitle the property owner to kill you or injure you"
EXACTLY! But it is fine if a police officer does it without warning? It was essentially a surprise execution. Congress was not even in any real danger. They had an underground subway escape to several destinations available to them. I don't care what AOC lied about, she was in no real dang ...[text shortened]... cution with disregard for the legal process. Why no tasers, pepper spray and other non lethal force?
"Supporters of President Donald Trump who violently stormed the U.S. Capitol last week intended to "capture and assassinate elected officials in the United States government," federal prosecutors asserted in documents released Friday."
This is the last I'll discuss the incident in this thread; the mob at the Capitol had clearly expressed their intent to harm the folks within and had violently attacked Capitol Police defending the premises:
"Violence that day left officers with head wounds, cracked ribs and smashed spinal disks, according to Capitol Police Labor Committee Chairman Gus Papathanasiou. Court documents in the federal criminal investigation describe a number of alleged assaults that sent officers to the hospital.
One Metropolitan Police officer, identified in court documents only as "A.W." said he was pulled into the crowd, kicked, hit with poles and stomped on by several individuals. He emerged from the crowd bleeding from his head, with a laceration that required two staples to close.
Riot defendant and former Green Beret Jeffrey McKellop allegedly assaulted four officers, shoving a flagpole into an officer's face and then throwing it like a "spear," causing a laceration near the officer's left eye, prosecutors said. McKellop has pleaded not guilty to the charges."
"In total, more than 150 officers were injured in the attack: 86 Capitol Police officers reported injuries, the sources said, along with 65 members of the Metropolitan Police Department, Chief Robert Contee testified in January."