@Ghost-of-a-Duke saidTechnically, GW was re-elected, not elected, in 2004 so the statement would be cottect.
I bow down to your wisdom sir, but did say on the news earlier today it had been over 100 years.
@AverageJoe1 saidRight back at you.
Don't get the point of your marxist thingy,
Slurs about a person's parentage is kindergarten stuff and is of no relevance. (Gerald Ford, for example, had an abusive alcoholic for a father. Did that have any bearing on him being president? ).
@no1marauder saidSorry; you're right. I meant flip it.
The GOP currently holds a thin majority in the House so the Democrats can't "keep" it. Do you mean you think they'll flip it?
@no1marauder saidThen is would simply revert to 2000, as Bush lost PA in 2000 as well.
Technically, GW was re-elected, not elected, in 2004 so the statement would be cottect.
@sh76 saidI stand corrected.
Then is would simply revert to 2000, as Bush lost PA in 2000 as well.
@Ghost-of-a-Duke saidThe man poisoned minds. Including the human Kamala's. This is a capitalist society. Let's just disagree. Its almost Christmas.
Right back at you.
Slurs about a person's parentage is kindergarten stuff and is of no relevance. (Gerald Ford, for example, had an abusive alcoholic for a father. Did that have any bearing on him being president? ).
@KellyJay saidAt a certain point, and that point was reached years ago, normal people realise it’s completely pointless to argue with you people.
Name calling does not add anything to any discussion, that it, is that all you got? You also feel free to tell me how Jesus is limited?
It’s like talking to furniture. Or explaining time as a dimension to a 3 year old.
Every argument, every nuance, not once has one of you actually shifted opinion on anything.
And you csn probably say the same about us. However, the facts are basically that vaccinations work, murdering children in Palestine is just as bad as murdering kids in Israel, that most moslims are normal (and have more in common with Christians, than atheists do), that carrying loaded weapons in the streets of a town is completely nuts, that women should opt if they want abortions or not, etc.
And why are these facts? Because 99% of Western civilization realises this.
The democrats are a right-wing capitalist party. That’s when you compare them to the world. Which is what most people do.
The republicans are an extremist right-wing, conspiracy driven cult of nationalistic and unhinged policy wanting lunatics.
You can’t seriously discuss travelling the globe with people who think the Earth is flat.
You can’t seriously discuss politics with people who claim that the democrats are communists and Jewish space lasers are starting forest fires in California.
@shavixmir saidYou look down on others because they hold a different point of view, which you can tell by taking up another side of any discussion, but that isn't enough. You cannot agree to disagree; instead, you must be hateful, which turns off any ability to see both sides rationally. When anyone does the same thing while speaking to someone on the left, they are no different.
At a certain point, and that point was reached years ago, normal people realise it’s completely pointless to argue with you people.
It’s like talking to furniture. Or explaining time as a dimension to a 3 year old.
Every argument, every nuance, not once has one of you actually shifted opinion on anything.
And you csn probably say the same about us. However, the fac ...[text shortened]... m that the democrats are communists and Jewish space lasers are starting forest fires in California.
Don't think of it as 'looking down' or 'being hurtful" think of it as the harsh and truthful words an addict needs to hear from people who care. Think of it as an intervention.
@Sprogladog saidIf it was something from people who cared, they wouldn't attack the integrity or personhood of those they disagree with, they would simply show them the error of their ways instead of telling them they are the reasons for the errors of what is wrong.
Don't think of it as 'looking down' or 'being hurtful" think of it as the harsh and truthful words an addict needs to hear from people who care. Think of it as an intervention.
sometimes you need to be straight with somebody and tell them they are being bats##t crazy and acting like an idiot...its not nice, but sometimes it's what's needed.
@KellyJay saidI have no problem with people disagreeing with me.
You look down on others because they hold a different point of view, which you can tell by taking up another side of any discussion, but that isn't enough. You cannot agree to disagree; instead, you must be hateful, which turns off any ability to see both sides rationally. When anyone does the same thing while speaking to someone on the left, they are no different.
Happens all the time.
But when they disagree because of flat planets, alien abductions, anti-vax malarkey... it's not genuine. Those people are either moronic, misled or vile.
And then, yes, I look down upon them with the disdain I hold for narcissists and psychopaths.
@Earl-of-Trumps saidWill you be admitting voting for Trump this time around?
I believe that for some time Trump has had the momentum and it should pay dividends.
However, I think the Democrats have been busy as beavers manufacturing votes and sadly, not only will Harris win the white house, but some republican senators expected to win, won't.
Watch: Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona. Harris will take them.
@spruce112358 saidOne safe bet is that nothing will be a landslide in this election. It’s gonna be tighter than Shav’s wallet on a Glasgow pub crawl.
I'm bad at predicting "the mood of the people." But I guess it will be a landslide for Harris.
@shavixmir saidI am sure there are excuses we would get from everyone on why they treat others with distain instead of being respectfull.
I have no problem with people disagreeing with me.
Happens all the time.
But when they disagree because of flat planets, alien abductions, anti-vax malarkey... it's not genuine. Those people are either moronic, misled or vile.
And then, yes, I look down upon them with the disdain I hold for narcissists and psychopaths.