@Sprogladog saidWhat do you think will fix things by how we treat each other, lowering the rethoric in your opinion to respectfully disagreeing always, or name calling with and without anger? Lowering the bar to bottom of barrel, will never cause us to rise above it, it just justfies bad behavior!
sometimes you need to be straight with somebody and tell them they are being bats##t crazy and acting like an idiot...its not nice, but sometimes it's what's needed.
@KellyJay saidWhen will the hypocrisy end KJay?
What do you think will fix things by how we treat each other, lowering the rethoric in your opinion to respectfully disagreeing always, or name calling with and without anger? Lowering the bar to bottom of barrel, will never cause us to rise above it, it just justfies bad behavior!
@Earl-of-Trumps saidYes, who says the Democrats couldn't bring manufacturing back to the US? It's an impressive sight; these huge factories with their assembly lines filled with voters at various stages of construction.
I believe that for some time Trump has had the momentum and it should pay dividends.
However, I think the Democrats have been busy as beavers manufacturing votes and sadly, not only will Harris win the white house, but some republican senators expected to win, won't.
Watch: Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona. Harris will take them.
Not surprising right wingers are making absurd pre-election charges to justify their coming sore loserism.
@Sprogladog saidSo says someone who looks down on others because in their opinion, those who sees things differently than them are less than.
Listen Trump supporters deserve all the abuse they get and then some...however I would say his supporters are just a by product of years of Neoliberalism and most americans are complicit in that.
@divegeester saidI early voted. Oliver.
Will you be admitting voting for Trump this time around?
@Sprogladog saidI do believe there would be words and I would restrict assess to my home. You equate disagreeing with you to be on par with that?
If I came over to your house every day and pooped on your bed would you at any point become disagreeable?
@KellyJay saidI'd say trump and voting for trump is worse than pooping on the floor....but it looks like your guy is going to wins, so congratulations. Spare a thought to us poor lefties crying into our lattes this morning.
I do believe there would be words and I would restrict assess to my home. You equate disagreeing with you to be on par with that?
@Sprogladog saidThis is why I don't take your points seriously, your hate has poisoned your mind that you don't act or speak with reason, only your negative feelings.
I'd say trump and voting for trump is worse than pooping on the floor....but it looks like your guy is going to wins, so congratulations. Spare a thought to us poor lefties crying into our lattes this morning.