@ponderable saidOh, what did Dylan once sing?
Who can decide this? Certainly not the president I should hope. The seante or the House of Representatives or the Congress as a whole (or the Supreme Court of the United States in the end?)
🎼 “It’s a hard rain’s gonna fall...” 🎼
found it It's section II Article 1:
The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.
Edit: fortgot to mention: Constitution of the United States of America
@ponderable saidOh, you know he’s gonna do his best to get around silly things like laws and rules.
found it It's section II Article 1:The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.
@earl-of-trumps saidso what is the reason for this to be true?
This part of what Trump said is true:
What did Trump say?
In a series of tweets, Mr Trump said "universal mail-in voting" would make November's vote the "most inaccurate and fraudulent election in history" and a "great embarrassment to the USA".
In nearly every Country he possibility of mail Voting is offered, and in most countries this runs well. Why shouldn't it in the USA?
@ponderable said"In nearly every Country he possibility of mail Voting is offered, and in most countries this runs well. Why shouldn't it in the USA?"
so what is the reason for this to be true?
In nearly every Country he possibility of mail Voting is offered, and in most countries this runs well. Why shouldn't it in the USA?
Because trump knows that a vast majority of those votes will not be for him.
@earl-of-trumps saidDude, that has been debunked on so many platforms, it’s embarrassing.
This part of what Trump said is true:
What did Trump say?
In a series of tweets, Mr Trump said "universal mail-in voting" would make November's vote the "most inaccurate and fraudulent election in history" and a "great embarrassment to the USA".
It’s already a known fact that the President does not have that authority.
Congress does.
So he must know that when he tweets what he does.
That leads to the next question.......motive ?
An election delay has already been in my thoughts for a few months.
The news here is that this has come come out of the President’s mouth. That’s the news. So now what ?
First, the narrative has been teed up for FOX, Breitbart and the likes to run with.
Secondly, this is intentioned to sow more civil unrest on top of what is already there and a “law and order” wartime President will step in and clean up the mess that he has created.
Additionally, when he loses this fall, not only will he reject the results, but about 30% of the American population will follow him in this rejection.
This is going to be ugly !!
Civil war ??
@shavixmir saidFurther proof, in case anyone needed it, that Trump is increasingly desperate. Such are the gasps of a wounded, cornered animal.
trump calls for election to be postponed!
EDIT: just to be clear: a delayed election will NOT extend his term of office. His mandate ends 20 January 2021, election or no election. The Constitution determines the order of succession if no president is elected by that date and nothing Trump could do changes that.
@shavixmir saidShould be interesting, I thought something like this may happen.
trump calls for election to be postponed!
It really is going to get ugly.