Heather Cox Richardson is a respected American historian. She leans left. I hope the conservatives here will read through this piece.
September 24, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
Sep 25
On Monday, we learned that after last year’s election, John Eastman, a well-connected lawyer advising former president Donald Trump, outlined a six-point plan to overturn the outcome of the election and install Trump as America’s leader. They planned to cut the voters’ actual choice, Democrat Joe Biden, out of power: as Trump advisor Steve Bannon put it, they planned to “kill the Biden presidency in the crib.” This appears to have been the plan that Trump and his loyalists tried to execute on January 6.
That is, we now have written proof of an attempt to destroy our democracy and replace it with an autocracy.
This was not some crazy plot of some obscure dude in a shack in the mountains; this was a plan of the president of the United States of America, and it came perilously close to succeeding. The president of the United States tried to overturn the results of an election—the centerpiece of our democracy—and install himself into power illegitimately.
If this is not a hair-on-fire, screaming emergency, what is?
And yet, Republican lawmakers, with the notable exceptions of Representatives Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), have largely remained silent about the fact that the head of their party tried to destroy our democracy.
The best spin on their silence is that in refusing to defend the former president while also keeping quiet enough that they do not antagonize the voters in his base, they are choosing their own power over the protection of our country.
The other option is that the leaders of the Republican Party have embraced authoritarianism, and their once-grand party—the party of Abraham Lincoln, the party that saved the United States in the 1860s, the party that removed racial enslavement from our fundamental law—has become an existential threat to our nation.
Democracy requires at least two healthy parties capable of running a government in order to provide oversight for those currently in control of the government and to channel opposition into peaceful attempts to change the country’s path rather than into revolution. But Republicans appear to believe that any Democratic government is illegitimate, insisting that Democrats’ calls for business regulation, a basic social safety net, and infrastructure investment are “socialism” that will destroy the country.
With Democrats in charge of the federal government, Republicans are cementing their power in the states to support a future coup like the one Eastman described. Using “audits” of the 2020 elections, notably in Arizona but now also in Pennsylvania and Texas, Trump loyalists have convinced their supporters to distrust elections, softening the ground to overturn them in the future. According to a new poll by NORC at the University of Chicago, 26% of Americans now believe that “[t]he 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump and Joe Biden is an illegitimate president,” and 8% believe that "[u]se of force is justified to restore Donald Trump to the presidency."
Arguing that they have to stop the voter fraud they have falsely claimed threw the election to Biden, Republican lawmakers in 18 states have passed more than 30 laws to cut down Democratic voting and cement their own rule. Trump supporters have threatened election workers, prompting them to quit, and have harassed school board members and local officials, driving them from office.
Although attorneys general are charged with nonpartisan enforcement of the law, we learned earlier this month that in September 2020, 32 staff members of Republican attorneys general met in Atlanta, where they participated in “war games” to figure out what to do should Trump not be reelected. The summit was organized by the Rule of Law Defense Fund, the fundraising arm of the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA), which sent out robocalls on January 5 urging recipients to march to the Capitol the following day “to stop the steal.” In May, RAGA elevated the man responsible for those robocalls to the position of executive director, prompting others to leave.
In states where Republicans have rigged election mechanics, party members need to worry about primary challengers from the right, rather than Democratic opponents. So they are purging from the party all but Trump loyalists, especially as the former president is backing challengers against those who voted in favor of his impeachment in the House in January 2021. Last week, one of those people, Representative Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH), announced he was retiring, in part because of right-wing threats against his family.
Trump loyalists are openly embracing the language of authoritarianism. In Texas, Abbott is now facing a primary challenger who today tweeted: “Texans deserve a strong and robust leader committed to fighting with them against the radical Left. They deserve a leader like Brazil has in Jair Bolsonaro…..” Bolsonaro, a right-wing leader whose approval rating in late August was 23%, is threatening to stay in power in Brazil against the wishes of its people. He claims that the country’s elections are fraudulent and that “[e]ither we’ll have clean elections, or we won’t have elections.”
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) today used language fascists have used in the past to stoke hatred of their political opponents, tweeting that “ALL House Democrats are evil and will kill unborn babies all the way up to birth and then celebrate.” Yesterday, the leader of Turning Points U.S.A., Charlie Kirk, brought the movement’s white nationalism into the open when he told a YouTube audience that Democrats were backing “an invasion of the country” to bring in “voters that they want and that they like” and to work toward “diminishing and decreasing white demographics in America.” He called for listeners to “[d]eputize a citizen force, put them on the border, give them handcuffs, get it done.”
Today, we learned that the 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will be held in Budapest, Hungary, where leader Viktor Orbán, whom Fox News Channel personality Tucker Carlson has openly admired, is dismantling democracy and eroding civil rights. When former vice president Mike Pence spoke in Budapest earlier this week at a forum denouncing immigration and urging traditional social values, he told the audience he hoped that the U.S. Supreme Court would soon outlaw abortion thanks to the three justices Trump put on the court.
Establishment Republicans who are now out of power are not on board the Trump train. They are quietly backing anti-Trumpers like Representative Cheney. Former House speakers John Boehner and Paul Ryan, former Florida governor Jeb Bush—who was widely expected to win the Republican nomination in 2016, only to be shut out of it by Trump—and former president George W. Bush's former adviser Karl Rove have all donated money to Cheney to help her stave off a challenge from a Trump loyalist in the 2022 election. Next month, former president Bush himself will hold a fundraiser for Cheney in Texas.
Other establishment Republicans currently in power might be staying quiet about the party’s slide toward authoritarianism because they are simply hoping that the Trump fire will burn itself out. The former president is no longer commanding the crowds he once did, and his increasing legal woes as well as the investigation into the insurrection will almost certainly take up his time and energy. The mounting coronavirus deaths among his unvaccinated supporters also stand to weaken support for his faction.
But the fact that Republican lawmakers have ignored the Eastman memo, which outlines the destruction of our democracy, suggests that the party, which organized in the 1850s to protect the nation against those who would destroy it, has come full circle.
@phranny saidGood post. The good news I see is the slow erosion of support for former President Trump, even among Republicans. His wild claims of massive widespread voter fraud, unfulfilled promises regarding his silly border wall, crazy ideas on COVID 19 cures, as well as his (less than) honest business practices are leaving the GOP divided and rudderless. The bad news is the large block of Republicans who still worship this man as a demi God, as well as the Democrats' unwillingness to stick together as a cohesive voting block, as Bill Clinton once said: "Getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats"
Heather Cox Richardson is a respected American historian. She leans left. I hope the conservatives here will read through this piece.
September 24, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
Sep 25
On Monday, we learned that after last year’s election, John Eastman, a well-connected lawyer advising former president Donald Trump, outlined a six-point plan to overturn the outcome of ...[text shortened]... rder-protect-white-demographics
Generally things are heading in the right direction. The traditional Republican cold war socialism boogie-man scare tactic is a card they've played too many times, and now sounds like the little boy who cried wolf. District gerrymandering and attacks on our election system are being challenged in the courts, and will at least lessen their effect, while conservative allegiance to dirty energy sources such as coal and oil are being systematically thwarted by market forces that now dictate wind and solar power will be used far more simply because they are cheaper and more sustainable. This is no time to drop one's guard however. Conservative passion to recreate the 1950's still burns brightly in the hearts of many. Persistence pays! 🙂
@mchill saidWhatever, but you seem to discount the push for Socialism??
Good post. The good news I see is the slow erosion of support for former President Trump, even among Republicans. His wild claims of massive widespread voter fraud, unfulfilled promises regarding his silly border wall, crazy ideas on COVID 19 cures, as well as his (less than) honest business practices are leaving the GOP divided and rudderless. The bad news is the large block ...[text shortened]... ive passion to recreate the 1950's still burns brightly in the hearts of many. Persistence pays! 🙂
McHill, do the leaders, and you know who they are, of the Democratic party have a goal of Socialism for America? And I think, though I could be wrong, that Obama's 'fundamentally change" America had socialist undertones? Or, what else could he have meant. You know, redistribution, 'from each according to his ability to each according to his needs'. Socialism.
Yet, you refer this movement as a tactic to scare us?
So, can you tell us here, now, that there is no agenda which smack of socialism?
@averagejoe1 saidMcHill, do the leaders, and you know who they are, of the Democratic party have a goal of Socialism for America? And I think, though I could be wrong, that Obama's 'fundamentally change" America had socialist undertones?
Whatever, but you seem to discount the push for Socialism??
McHill, do the leaders, and you know who they are, of the Democratic party have a goal of Socialism for America? And I think, though I could be wrong, that Obama's 'fundamentally change" America had socialist undertones? Or, what else could he have meant. You know, redistribution, 'from each according to ...[text shortened]... c to scare us?
So, can you tell us here, now, that there is no agenda which smack of socialism?
Dear Joe - Sorry, but you are wrong. Take a long, hard look at the NYSE, NASDAQ, and S&P levels in January 2008 when Obama took office, then look at them 8 years later when he left office. Wall Street fared very well under Obama, far better than it did under GW Bush when his deregulation mania allowed banks and brokerage houses to peddle their toxic mortgages, and crashed the housing market. If this is your definition of "socialist undertones" Wall Street and the business community seemed to like it - a lot!
You folks on the right wing throw around terms like socialism pretty freely, but I don't think you know what it looks like.
@phranny saidThere never was a democracy in the USA since I was born.
Heather Cox Richardson is a respected American historian. She leans left. I hope the conservatives here will read through this piece.
September 24, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
Sep 25
On Monday, we learned that after last year’s election, John Eastman, a well-connected lawyer advising former president Donald Trump, outlined a six-point plan to overturn the outcome of ...[text shortened]... rder-protect-white-demographics
The corporate news media decides who you vote for. Why didn't you consider voting for Howie Hawkins? Is it because you have never or rarely heard of him? Why do you think that is?
People vote for who they hear about the most. The corporate news media controls who you hear about the most and the least. They don't have to steal votes. You already vote for who they want you to.
@metal-brain saidPeople vote for who they hear about the most. The corporate news media controls who you hear about the most and the least. They don't have to steal votes. You already vote for who they want you to.
There never was a democracy in the USA since I was born.
The corporate news media decides who you vote for. Why didn't you consider voting for Howie Hawkins? Is it because you have never or rarely heard of him? Why do you think that is?
People vote for who they hear about the most. The corporate news media controls who you hear about the most and the least. They don't have to steal votes. You already vote for who they want you to.
Yes, there is some truth to this, but I would point out that in addition to well publicized candidates, there are also many write - in and relatively unknown candidates people can vote for. Few people heard had of George H.W. Bush outside of Texas when he ran as an Independent in the 80's, just as few people had heard of a junior senator named Barack Obama outside of Illinois in 2007, but they were both pretty successful. So, to say "There never was a democracy in the USA since I was born" isn't entirely accurate (unless you're under the age of 6)
@averagejoe1 saidA push for Socialism ?
Whatever, but you seem to discount the push for Socialism??
McHill, do the leaders, and you know who they are, of the Democratic party have a goal of Socialism for America? And I think, though I could be wrong, that Obama's 'fundamentally change" America had socialist undertones? Or, what else could he have meant. You know, redistribution, 'from each according to ...[text shortened]... c to scare us?
So, can you tell us here, now, that there is no agenda which smack of socialism?
So what ??
So what if 60% of Americans decide to embrace Socialism ? Then what ?
If democracy decides that the people, or as FOX Propaganda likes to scream "We the people", through a democratic election decide that they'll give Socialism a try, then isn't that the path ??
Or do you believe that the minority gets to decide the path of a nation ??
Even after "we the people" decided the path in the election ??
I'm not the biggest fan of Socialism. I witnessed the election of a left wing government about 3 decades ago in my country. I didn't like it. Not one bit.
But as a believer in our democratic system, I accepted it.
And as things turned out, the pendulum swung back and turfed that government after one term.
Democracy has a way of correcting these things.
And I wouldn't want an authoritarian regime to correct that.
The hallmark of the American political system is its' democracy, imperfect as it is.
If authoritarianism is what it takes to preserve a socio-economic system you believe is set in stone, then you need to re-evaluate what you think makes America great.
You guys have your MAGA hats on backwards. And for the wrong reason.
@mchill saidThere is also money. The wealthy are greatly advantaged here which is obvious. More money helps poll numbers through political ads. Poll numbers determine whether or not a candidate is allowed into the debates.
People vote for who they hear about the most. The corporate news media controls who you hear about the most and the least. They don't have to steal votes. You already vote for who they want you to.
Yes, there is some truth to this, but I would point out that in addition to well publicized candidates, there are also many write - in and relatively unknown candidates people ...[text shortened]... a democracy in the USA since I was born" isn't entirely accurate (unless you're under the age of 6)
The whole system is rigged in favor of the wealthy. They will even change the poll number requirement to stay in the debates if they don't like someone getting attention. Even write in candidates have to meet a certain criteria for them to be counted.
The USA is a plutocracy, not a democracy. That ship has sailed.
Do you know that Bernie, Tulsi or Marianne weren't even on the final voting ballots? Biden, the darling of the elites, was literally shoved down everyone's throat while the truly honest and worthy candidates were cleverly eliminated.
U.S. is basically a corporate-owned police state with a military that's infested with criminally insane war criminals that nobody can control, and a profit-driven health care monopoly that's caused more harm than all the world wars.
@bunnyknight saidAnd so your point is ......
Do you know that Bernie, Tulsi or Marianne weren't even on the final voting ballots? Biden, the darling of the elites, was literally shoved down everyone's throat while the truly honest and worthy candidates were cleverly eliminated.
U.S. is basically a corporate-owned police state with a military that's infested with criminally insane war criminals that nobo ...[text shortened]... n control, and a profit-driven health care monopoly that's caused more harm than all the world wars.
Stop pretending we have a democracy and go straight to authoritarianism ??
That's what you're getting at, right ??
And then what ??
We hitch our wagons to an authoritarian leader who turns out to be a big mistake.
With no means of correcting that mistake.
Is that it ??
Please enlighten us.
@bunnyknight saidRemember how Pete Buttijet was given false credit for winning Iowa?
Do you know that Bernie, Tulsi or Marianne weren't even on the final voting ballots? Biden, the darling of the elites, was literally shoved down everyone's throat while the truly honest and worthy candidates were cleverly eliminated.
U.S. is basically a corporate-owned police state with a military that's infested with criminally insane war criminals that nobo ...[text shortened]... n control, and a profit-driven health care monopoly that's caused more harm than all the world wars.
Pete and others pulled out of the race so they didn't pull votes from biden right when biden needed it. Not Warren though. She was pulling votes from Sanders so she stayed in. Even most of the candidates that were in the debates before that were just there to give the appearance of competition for the presidency. They helped biden, then Sanders helped biden.
Even a lot of the candidates are part of the fix. Biden winning was predetermined. The parasitic elites have the whole system corrupted. Ranked choice voting would help, but they have their corrupted minions preventing that too. Gavin Newsom killed it in CA with his veto power.
I am glad there are still smart people like you out there to bring light on this so I know I am not alone. Most people only see what they want to see.
@averagejoe1 saidThere is no push for socialism in the US.
Whatever, but you seem to discount the push for Socialism??
McHill, do the leaders, and you know who they are, of the Democratic party have a goal of Socialism for America? And I think, though I could be wrong, that Obama's 'fundamentally change" America had socialist undertones? Or, what else could he have meant. You know, redistribution, 'from each according to ...[text shortened]... c to scare us?
So, can you tell us here, now, that there is no agenda which smack of socialism?
There is only a push for democracy, which you and your allies denounce at every opportunity.
@mott-the-hoople saiddamn dont they scream when caught losing?
damn dont they scream when caught cheating?
@metal-brain saidJust because corporations decide who YOU vote for, doesn't mean the rest of us are so gullible.
There never was a democracy in the USA since I was born.
The corporate news media decides who you vote for. Why didn't you consider voting for Howie Hawkins? Is it because you have never or rarely heard of him? Why do you think that is?
People vote for who they hear about the most. The corporate news media controls who you hear about the most and the least. They don't have to steal votes. You already vote for who they want you to.