i watched this tape of a lion innocently eating a carcus when suddenly bam!!! it was shot in the head and died in seconds,
Personaly,i think its slaughter? i mean ur not really hunting the animal, if you've just payed for it. what satisfaction does a hunter get out of shooting a an animal, i mean its just a click of a trigger and its dead? wat is that come on!!!
Imagine if some person put you in a small area, and fires one in your head? thats not right! thats playing god? its cause of hunting and poaching that some animals are leading towards extinction!!!
what are your comments???
I am not a hunter. I could never kill another living being in cold blood. This is probably because I'm too much of a romantic--I imagine the animal with a family, a wife, a book to finish maybe, a steady job and good prospects. Other than being hunted for sport, that is.
However, (now this is all mainly our fault too) the animals often don't have as much garzing land or hunting grounds as they once had, and thereby become a threat to themselves and to us through over-crowding. I know that park managers in Africa have to kill off whole herds of elephant because otherwise they would litterally eat up all available food.
Now, I do agree that hunting for sport, hunting for the thrill of killing something from 200 yards away with a tool that is not even your ingenuity at work but some poor gunmaker schmuck, is barbaric. I think that these people should be put in a giant cage and forced to fight it out with a lion hand to paw, with nothing but a loincloth and a sharp stick. There are good reasons to hunt, however, reasons that both assist the spieces to live in a humanized world and to actually provide food.
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I love to hunt but I do not agree with all forms of hunting. I like to Bowhunt as it takes away any technological advantage I may have and evens the odds quite a bit. Many states have had to pay professional hunters to come in and thin out the deer population as the over population was causing harmful mutations and disease.
I do not agree with baiting, or running dogs, or the use of high powered rifles. But I also wouldn't force my opinion on someone who enjoys rifle hunting.
Originally posted by ChessNutEvens the odds? Would you like to take a second and rephrase that?
I love to hunt but I do not agree with all forms of hunting. I like to Bowhunt as it takes away any technological advantage I may have and evens the odds quite a bit. Many states have had to pay professional hunters to come in and thin out the deer population as the over population was causing harmful mutations and disease.
I do not agree with baiting, ...[text shortened]... high powered rifles. But I also wouldn't force my opinion on someone who enjoys rifle hunting.
Originally posted by thesonofsaulI don't think he needs to, the whole idea is to make the kill. For example, hunting wild pig in dense bush with a bow gives you a good chance of getting killed. The damn snakes make things interesting as well. Making a ground stalk of a deer with nothing but a traditional recurve bow is incredibly exciting and you have to be very skilled to be successful. There's poetry in such a hunt.
Evens the odds? Would you like to take a second and rephrase that?
I love to shoot competetively, but hunt only with a bow. I never take a shot unless I'm very sure its going to be clean. Hence, I'm rarely successful.
OMG, we got Animal activist in this site, I live in Wy, And Everyone here hunts, I Bowhunt and and Rifle hunt, Since the Politics came from Washinton DC, A person now get more prison time for killing a wolf, then if he kills a person, This is crazy. BTW A loin Kills a deer a week average, and usually only eats less then 1/2 of it, Killing Loins actually saves animals, Same with Wolves.
And one more point, A animal shot lives only sec in pain, otherwise he would starve to death in the winter when he gets too old, And I seen where they suffer months when that happens
Originally posted by Hand of HecateHow many people have died hunting pig with a bow? How many pigs? I understand the poetry of the hunt. One of my dreams is to beable to purchase decent camera equipment and go out in the wild to capture wildlife on film. The only problem I had was the idea of the odds being even. If the pig had a bow and the thumbs to operate it, then the odds would be even.
I don't think he needs to, the whole idea is to make the kill. For example, hunting wild pig in dense bush with a bow gives you a good chance of getting killed. The damn snakes make things interesting as well. Making a ground stalk of a deer with nothing but a traditional recurve bow is incredibly exciting and you have to be very skilled to be suc ...[text shortened]... I never take a shot unless I'm very sure its going to be clean. Hence, I'm rarely successful.
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Originally posted by flyUnityI have nothing against hunting, especially sinse we have killed off most of the predators like lions (which used to roam the entire earth, and we're talking BC times here) and wolves there are few natural hunters. They are supposed to kill off the animals. That is their job. What they don't eat the ravens and bald eagles finish up. And as for the discrepency between jail time for killing a wolf and a human, it's not that it's too much time for killing a wolf, but too little time for killing a human. Well, it depends on the human of course. I would wager that wolves have most humans beat in just about every catagory--with the exception of being able to shoot a gun from an airplane.
OMG, we got Animal activist in this site, I live in Wy, And Everyone here hunts, I Bowhunt and and Rifle hunt, Since the Politics came from Washinton DC, A person now get more prison time for killing a wolf, then if he kills a person, This is crazy. BTW A loin Kills a deer a week average, and usually only eats less then 1/2 of it, Killing Loins actually sa ...[text shortened]... death in the winter when he gets too old, And I seen where they suffer months when that happens
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Originally posted by flyUnityMy loins have yet to kill a deer (or any animal for that matter).
OMG, we got Animal activist in this site, I live in Wy, And Everyone here hunts, I Bowhunt and and Rifle hunt, Since the Politics came from Washinton DC, A person now get more prison time for killing a wolf, then if he kills a person, This is crazy. BTW A loin Kills a deer a week average, and usually only eats less then 1/2 of it, Killing Loins actually sa ...[text shortened]... death in the winter when he gets too old, And I seen where they suffer months when that happens
Originally posted by thesonofsaul"I would wager that wolves have most humans beat in just about every catagory--with the exception of being able to shoot a gun from an airplane."
I have nothing against hunting, especially sinse we have killed off most of the predators like lions (which used to roam the entire earth, and we're talking BC times here) and wolves there are few natural hunters. They are supposed to kill off the animals. That is their job. What they don't eat the ravens and bald eagles finish up. And as for the ...[text shortened]... every catagory--with the exception of being able to shoot a gun from an airplane.
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Would you like to take a second and rephrase that?
Originally posted by thesonofsaulLOL, Killing a wolf Is a felony, I feel like killing them (even from airplanes) after one chased my horse through a barbwire fence
I have nothing against hunting, especially sinse we have killed off most of the predators like lions (which used to roam the entire earth, and we're talking BC times here) and wolves there are few natural hunters. They are supposed to kill off the animals. That is their job. What they don't eat the ravens and bald eagles finish up. And as for the ...[text shortened]... every catagory--with the exception of being able to shoot a gun from an airplane.
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No. We shouldn't ban hunting. If we do ban it based on the criteria that "it's cruel to the animals" then we need to stop the slaughter of billions of animals per year that we end up devouring in our hamburgers, steaks, chicken wings, etc.
If I were a wild animal I'd much rather die being shot in the wild than spend my whole life penned up and then slaughtered just because I got tender enough for the butcher's knife. Or just because my fat hide could get a certain price on a certain market.