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Should this person have had a gun??

Should this person have had a gun??




I'm just asking. Put another way, everyone who thinks that she shouldn't have had a gun, please explain?

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Here is the crux: Did she shoot the dude with an AR15 or some other kind of assault rifle or when you say 'gun' are you saying she had a lady's 38 or something like that? If so, why would you even ASK that question? You could have prefaced it by saying in advance it was a 38 or 22 or some such and you would already know the answer since the national discussion is about ASSAULT rifles not pistols.
So your agenda here is to provoke responses from the left you can then chortle over proving your moral superiority.


@sonhouse said
Here is the crux: Did she shoot the dude with an AR15 or some other kind of assault rifle or when you say 'gun' are you saying she had a lady's 38 or something like that? If so, why would you even ASK that question? You could have prefaced it by saying in advance it was a 38 or 22 or some such and you would already know the answer since the national discussion ...[text shortened]... ere is to provoke responses from the left you can then chortle over proving your moral superiority.
You make a valid point, I myself am always speaking about properly closing a post. My bad, but as just searched for an answer to your question....what caliber..it dawned on me that she simply needed, and used, a gun. I do not see that the type of gun would make one iota of difference. She reaches into her purse, pulls out a weapon, be it a gun or a slingshot, and kills the cretin.
Please elaborate your thinking on the bearing that the model of the gun would have in this case.


@averagejoe1 said
You make a valid point, I myself am always speaking about properly closing a post. My bad, but as just searched for an answer to your question....what caliber..it dawned on me that she simply needed, and used, a gun. I do not see that the type of gun would make one iota of difference. She reaches into her purse, pulls out a weapon, be it a gun or a slingshot, and kil ...[text shortened]... Please elaborate your thinking on the bearing that the model of the gun would have in this case.
or she has an ar-15 on her shoulder and the attacker shoots her first

or more likely, she buys an ar-15 but leaves it at home because nobody lugs that around unless it is to "trigger" the libs

Ar-15s are not self-defence weapons. They are assualt weapons, no matter how much you lugheads argue on the terminology.

Good on her that she has a handgun. I don't know anyone who wants to ban handguns. I don't.

I want it registered. I want the person getting it to pass through a background check. I want them to go through and pass training. I want it to be illegal to sell your guns to anyone but the government.

Guns are not toys. Guns are killing machine, and they should be treated as such. How long must one go through training to operate a forkflift. There is training to become a barber for fuk's sake.

No i don't give a fuk your slavers founding fathers put that amendment in the constitution 300 years ago. They would crap their pants if they would see what guns we have today.


@zahlanzi said
or she has an ar-15 on her shoulder and the attacker shoots her first

or more likely, she buys an ar-15 but leaves it at home because nobody lugs that around unless it is to "trigger" the libs

Ar-15s are not self-defence weapons. They are assualt weapons, no matter how much you lugheads argue on the terminology.

Good on her that she has a handgun. I don't know anyo ...[text shortened]... e constitution 300 years ago. They would crap their pants if they would see what guns we have today.
"Good on her that she has a handgun". That is all I wanted to hear from you, as a lib representing millions of libs. Thanyou very much. The other stuff, write it to someone else. I hope everyone takes note, you are all in for Americans having guns. So, what are all these posts about?


@sonhouse said
Here is the crux: Did she shoot the dude with an AR15 or some other kind of assault rifle or when you say 'gun' are you saying she had a lady's 38 or something like that? If so, why would you even ASK that question? You could have prefaced it by saying in advance it was a 38 or 22 or some such and you would already know the answer since the national discussion ...[text shortened]... ere is to provoke responses from the left you can then chortle over proving your moral superiority.
"Did she shoot the dude with an AR15 or some other kind of assault rifle"

The AR15 is not an assault rifle.
Call it an assault weapon when you want to demonize it.

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@zahlanzi said
or she has an ar-15 on her shoulder and the attacker shoots her first

or more likely, she buys an ar-15 but leaves it at home because nobody lugs that around unless it is to "trigger" the libs

Ar-15s are not self-defence weapons. They are assualt weapons, no matter how much you lugheads argue on the terminology.

Good on her that she has a handgun. I don't know anyo ...[text shortened]... e constitution 300 years ago. They would crap their pants if they would see what guns we have today.
"Ar-15s are not self-defence weapons"

Poppycock. Any gun can be used for self defense, but you might want a semiautomatic. If I had a bolt action firearm and I missed I had better hope he doesn't have a semiautomatic or I would be done.

Plus it is scary looking so you will be less likely have to use it for that. After all, that is why libs have a problem with it. Because of how it looks. They look at the semiautomatic rifle and they think they see a machine gun....because it looks like one.


@averagejoe1 said

I'm just asking. Put another way, everyone who thinks that she shouldn't have had a gun, please explain?
Why did she have a gun a childrens party?

In what sort of environment are kids growing up that someone comes in with an AR-15 and starts shooting?
How bloody twisted is it?

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Kiss my ass Comrade, Funny how it looks like an assault on those children in Texas but you are too far into the ass of Putin to have any kind of credibility here.
If someone can kill 20 people in a matter of seconds it is an ASSAULT rifle you POS.
Any gun can be used in self defense. Sure, a 90 pound woman carrying around an AR15 for self defense. You continue to show just how STUPID you really are.
She carries a snubnose 38 and reaches into her purse and pulls it out twice as fast as she could a fukking AR15 but you are just too stupid to understand the real world.
Your lack of education shines through all your posts and you have the street cred of a turnip.


@averagejoe1 said
"Good on her that she has a handgun". That is all I wanted to hear from you, as a lib representing millions of libs. Thanyou very much. The other stuff, write it to someone else. I hope everyone takes note, you are all in for Americans having guns. So, what are all these posts about?
"So, what are all these posts about?"
They are about you being unable or unwilling to comprehend what the majority are asking for. Gun control. Ban the weapons nobody would need, yes. But nobody that i know of is asking to ban handguns. Or hunting rifles. Or maybe even AR-15s as long as they are treated as the deadly weapons they are. Like needing extra training, extra paperwork.

You just argue, like you always do, in bad faith. You strawman every position and you exhaust anyone bothering to engage you.


@zahlanzi said
"So, what are all these posts about?"
They are about you being unable or unwilling to comprehend what the majority are asking for. Gun control. Ban the weapons nobody would need, yes. But nobody that i know of is asking to ban handguns. Or hunting rifles. Or maybe even AR-15s as long as they are treated as the deadly weapons they are. Like needing extra training, extra pape ...[text shortened]... always do, in bad faith. You strawman every position and you exhaust anyone bothering to engage you.
Yes, but what are the posts about? Do we not all agree to ban everything but hunting rifles, shotguns, hand guns? I think we do, so that is why I say what are the posts about.
Somewhere in all the posts it got blurry, I guess that indeed you DO want the closet woman to have had a snub nose. So if that is resolved, and getting rid of the biggies is resolved, what are all these posts about? A fair question. Why, look how this thread upset Sonhouse so much.
Is there anyone here who does not agree with what I am posting?


@sonhouse - If someone can kill 20 people in a matter of seconds it is an ASSAULT rifle you POS.

the AR 15 is not an automatic rifle, it is not military grade, hence it is not an assault rifle. You can apologize now

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It seems to me the whole deal over guns is lobbyist's keeping up the pressure to try to discredit the left by propagating the big lie we want to totally eliminate guns.
Almost nobody is calling for the end to personal ownership of guns and hunting rifles and those that do are lunatic fringe.
Libs just want to eliminate the threat to children the AR15 represents.
ASSSWIPE politicians thinks because it leads to more gun sales so they line their pockets with lobby money and they don't give a rats ass about the death of children, as long as gun lobby money keeps rolling in it will STAY that way or until those worthless POS politicians either die or voted out of office.
All they have to do to stop pretty much, sale of guns should be for those over 21. If that had been law no children would have died in these mass shooting because the AR15 is the weapon of choice for child murderers, they are the best equipped mass murderers in the US.

Make it 21 and those child murders will stop, at least the subhuman who kills chidren like that have to cool off for 3 or more years to be able to buy an AR15 or whatever which would be a time their brains are more fully grown and they would most likely never even think about shooting kids like they have before.

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@averagejoe1 said

I'm just asking. Put another way, everyone who thinks that she shouldn't have had a gun, please explain?

I think there’s a strong argument to be made that Dennis Butler should not have had a military optimized rifle like his “AR style rifle” (whatever that means). I don’t feel strongly about it but I’m willing to pretend I care for a bit.

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@sonhouse said
It seems to me the whole deal over guns is lobbyist's keeping up the pressure to try to discredit the left by propagating the big lie we want to totally eliminate guns.
Almost nobody is calling for the end to personal ownership of guns and hunting rifles and those that do are lunatic fringe.
Libs just want to eliminate the threat to children the AR15 represe ...[text shortened]... e fully grown and they would most likely never even think about shooting kids like they have before.
I agree with a lot of your post, esp about the lobbyists, money is surely the root of all evil . But it is the mire of all decision making, not much that can be done about that. Could be worse if there were NO safeguards. Covid money and other bills have had provisions providing that millions of dollars goes to the Kennedy Center, right in plain sight. And other waste. Government at work. Would you have earmarked such monies for Kennedy, and for thinks like discussing maidenhood in Pakistan? All of it, in plain sight.
So, Great. We have established that everyone wants everyone to have 'small guns', shall we say, and hunting rifles and shotguns. They kill people too, but we need not go there, as the 'having guns' arguments trumps any further argument about the guns. Thanks for that. We can back to the many other issues, like abortion and Jan 6.

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