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The Myth of the USA as 'The Land of Opportunity'

The Myth of the USA as 'The Land of Opportunity'


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'The Land of Opportunity' line is actually a half-truth, and as I've said before, a half-truth can be more damaging than a lie, yet is far more effective and deceptive than a lie. The 'Opportunity' this land provides is for the wealthy --- more specifically the corporate elites, who have taken over the disease-care industry, the food industry, the war industry, and the federal government itself.



Another [AMERICA SUCKS] thread by Duchess64 😴 😴 😴


One indication of this land of opportunity:

In the 1970's, CEO wages were about 30 times the average worker.

Now, 21st century, that wage is now three HUNDRED times the average worker.

What is wrong with this picture?



Must be bothπŸ™‚ Just ask Trump.....
Boy is he in deep doo doo now. lawsuits flying. YEA!


It's quite simple. When you own the ones dealing the cards, it's easy to stack the deck in your favor.

Limit campaign donations.

In what other country can politicians get millions to run for office. In what other country do they spend most of their time asking donors for more money (and making sure only bills favoring the most rich get passed to the detriment of the rest)


America, like most West-European countries have an attractive image of safety and oppertunity.
The US, UK, Italy and France even more so.

That vast majorities of immigrants live on or below the poverty line doesn’t seem to dent the image.
It’s easy to think that it reflects on how crap the countries are they are departing from, but there has to be more to it that that and and good PR.

If I imagine leaving everything behind to live as a tramp or hobo, my mind wanders to the Southern States of the US or the South of France as well.

Why not Iceland or Germany?
Or China?
Thailand... yeah... could do that.

Some countries, I think, have a natural “I can get lost and not found” aura around them. And good weather. Which is why I wouldn’t be homeless in the UK.


@sonhouse said
One indication of this land of opportunity:

In the 1970's, CEO wages were about 30 times the average worker.

Now, 21st century, that wage is now three HUNDRED times the average worker.

What is wrong with this picture?
The typical conservative Republican in the US is on the poor end of the financial spectrum. Unfortunately, they are also among the least educated.

These frogs still haven't yet figured out they're being boiled alive, by the very same politicians they keep voting for.

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What it means is that corporations (and those politicians relying on their largesse) have simply become 10 times more greedy over the last few decades. Thank you, Ronald Reagan.


@earl-of-trumps said
Another [AMERICA SUCKS] thread by Duchess64 😴 😴 😴
Tell me honestly that America does NOT suck more now than it used to (especially if you are not white).

The American dream is a pipe dream for most.


The post that was quoted here has been removed
I've been incredibly privileged my entire life for one reason and one reason only.

I'm white.

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