14 Feb 18
Originally posted by @kingdavid403It goes back to the idea of making money.
I might believe that it is inappropriate for the state to subsidize my wheat... But if I have a choice between making $45,000 and making $240,000... What should I choose?
I can continue arguing and voting for logical policies...
Why not do with a second home on Pelican Lake and a jet ski?
I might impress King David on RHP forums for sticking to my principals but, ultimately, I want jet skis.
And Pres. Trump wants to make profits.
They say that Pres. Trump is actually a bad businessman and might be on the verge of debt... wouldn't he be an IDIOT if he wasn't pursuing the best possible way to make money?
Originally posted by @philokaliaHe's a liar and a thief and Trumptards believe his lies and that he is for America first. $45.000 or 240.000 by not paying American workers? Not even close. Maybe you should think about your workers and their families welfare before your jet skis. Which he can already afford by the way. Personally, I would give up my jet skis any day to know my workers have health insurance. How about you Mr.Selfish Greedy? Or, is it that you are only concerned about yourself and your welfare and that you could care a less if your workers or their family members die from no health insurance so you can have jet skis?
It goes back to the idea of making money.
I might believe that it is inappropriate for the state to subsidize my wheat... But if I have a choice between making $45,000 and making $240,000... What should I choose?
I can continue arguing and voting for logical policies...
Why not do with a second home on Pelican Lake and a jet ski?
I might ...[text shortened]... ge of debt... wouldn't he be an IDIOT if he wasn't pursuing the best possible way to make money?
14 Feb 18
Originally posted by @kingdavid403First off... "Liar and thief." Yeah, OK. I am not sure about that. I think that isn't true.
He's a liar and a thief and Trumptards believe his lies and that he is for America first. $45.000 or 240.000 by not paying American workers? Not even close. Maybe you should think about your workers and their families welfare before your jet skis. Which he can already afford by the way. Personally, I would give up my jet skis any day to know my wor ...[text shortened]... s if your workers or their family members die from no health insurance so you can have jet skis?
Trumptards? Yeah man, OK. Glad we're off on the right foot.
Should I think about workers and their families? Of course, but isn't that what your magnificent welfare state is for?
We have this funny situation where Pres. Obama failed to create circumstances that improve the lives of workers, so now businessmen are fully responsible for that, more than they are responsible for profits?
Whose job is it to take care of workers?
- The State's
- The Businessman
- The Worker himself
- A & B?
- A & B & C?
What do you want from the government, and what do you want from businessmne, and what is rational to expect form businessmen?
Or is this conversation too deep for a forum, lol. Should we all just be shouting and complaining.
Originally posted by @philokaliaFirst off... "Liar and thief." Yeah, OK. I am not sure about that. I think that isn't true.
First off... "Liar and thief." Yeah, OK. I am not sure about that. I think that isn't true.
Trumptards? Yeah man, OK. Glad we're off on the right foot.
Should I think about workers and their families? Of course, but isn't that what your magnificent welfare state is for?
We have this funny situation where Pres. Obama failed to create circumsta ...[text shortened]... is this conversation too deep for a forum, lol. Should we all just be shouting and complaining.
Ever heard of Trump University? or all the other people he has ripped of in business deals?
Trumptards? Yeah man, OK. Glad we're off on the right foot.
Yep, me too.
Should I think about workers and their families? Of course, but isn't that what your magnificent welfare state is for?
Nope. That's what employers are suppose to be able to do. and all most all could, if it were not for the greedy wealthy. Up until the 1980s, almost all jobs had insurance through their work that was half paid for by the workers. that is not possible today. Due to the greed of the wealthy who want jet skis on top of their million dollar mansions at the price of other peoples lives.
We have this funny situation where Pres. Obama failed to create circumstances that improve the lives of workers, so now businessmen are fully responsible for that, more than they are responsible for profits?0 Obama did not create the failure of everyone being insured, The insurance companies, for profit hospitals, and Republicans created that by making what Obama was trying to do fail. Funny how you say we but pretend to be South Korean.
What do you want from the government, and what do you want from businessmne, and what is rational to expect form businessmen?
I want the government to force the greedy wealthy to put people and lives before their own selfish greed. I want the government to fix it so we can have businesses offer insurance to their employees at a reasonable affordable price like it use to be. The rational is people and life's before profit. I bet you call yourself Pro-life don't you? LOL What a joke.
Or is this conversation too deep for a forum, lol. Should we all just be shouting and complaining.
Who's shouting? We all should be complaining. It seems it might be to deep for you since your are already hallucinating about people shouting and can't take the heat from your own false posts.
14 Feb 18
Originally posted by @philokaliaDon't be silly. Randians like you never believe the state shouldn't subsidise you. What you disagree with is them subsidising anyone else. Even - no, particularly - some poor sod who might actually need it.
It goes back to the idea of making money.
I might believe that it is inappropriate for the state to subsidize my wheat...
14 Feb 18
Originally posted by @kingdavid403So you want the govt to STEAL from the rich and GIVE to the poor?
[b]First off... "Liar and thief." Yeah, OK. I am not sure about that. I think that isn't true.
Ever heard of Trump University? or all the other people he has ripped of in business deals?
Trumptards? Yeah man, OK. Glad we're off on the right foot.
Yep, me too.
Should I think about workers and their families? Of course, but isn't tha ...[text shortened]... e already hallucinating about people shouting and can't take the heat from your own false posts.
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleSo you want the government to STEAL from the poor and working classes to give to the rich?
So you want the govt to STEAL from the rich and GIVE to the poor?
14 Feb 18
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleOh, but it’s alright for the rich to steal from the producing classes?
So you want the govt to STEAL from the rich and GIVE to the poor?
Oh, you don’t call that theft, eh?
Well... perhaps theft is just a way of looking at things, then?
14 Feb 18
Originally posted by @kingdavid403They haven't.
So you want the government to STEAL from the poor and working classes to give to the rich?
14 Feb 18
Originally posted by @shavixmirNo, its just that you are looking at it in a stupid way.
Oh, but it’s alright for the rich to steal from the producing classes?
Oh, you don’t call that theft, eh?
Well... perhaps theft is just a way of looking at things, then?
Originally posted by @mott-the-hooplelol, unhuh. Who gets the most welfare money (government subsides) from hard working tax payers dumb arse? Poor and working class people or wealthy rich corporations? Who pays a larger percent of their income in taxes, the poor and working classes or the wealthy? Unhuh. Then they turn around and make money off them in their businesses and write off all expenses and then some. Turns out that they (the wealthy) are robbing the poor and working classes to become even wealthier. Most wealthy do not pay their far share of taxes if anything. So who in reality are the ones actually paying the most taxes? The working class. Most wealthy today are nothing but freeloading rip-offs. Your false god Trump calls it being smart. You know, like his new tax scam for himself and the wealthy elite. End of story.
They haven't.
14 Feb 18
Originally posted by @philokaliaReally. You are unsure that Trump is a liar? Really?
[b]First off... "Liar and thief." Yeah, OK. I am not sure about that. I think that isn't true.
This is the nub of it.
Trump advocates who think maybe Trump is not a liar are simply not living in the same world I am.
The evidence is rather overwhelming for any intellectually honest person. He lies almost every time he opens his mouth. But you don't think that's true.
Now I don't believe you either.
14 Feb 18
Originally posted by @stevemccWow...the concept of NO ONE ever lies...@stevemcc...do you infer that YOU have never lied?
Really. You are unsure that Trump is a liar? Really?
This is the nub of it.
Trump advocates who think maybe Trump is not a liar are simply not living in the same world I am.
The evidence is rather overwhelming for any intellectually honest person. He lies almost every time he opens his mouth. But you don't think that's true.
Now I don't believe you either.
Originally posted by @kingdavid403" Who gets the most welfare money (government subsides) from hard working tax payers dumb arse? "
lol, unhuh. Who gets the most welfare money (government subsides) from hard working tax payers dumb arse? Poor and working class people or wealthy rich corporations? Who pays a larger percent of their income in taxes, the poor and working classes or the wealthy? Unhuh. Then they turn around and make money off them in their businesses and write off ...[text shortened]... are nothing but freeloading rip-offs. Your false god Trump calls it being smart. End of story.
LOL...subsidies are not welfare (ignorant) Let me explain subsidies...My state offered several companies in the space (nasa) and auto industries subsidies to locate here. Since then Auto manufacturing has moved from the north down here...we now have high paying jobs where northern cities like Detroit are basically bankrupt. Also many very high paying jobs related to space and aeronautics. Subsidies has been very good for us. Without subsidies the north is in decline.
"Who pays a larger percent of their income in taxes, the poor and working classes or the wealthy?"
The wealthy
"Then they turn around and make money off them in their businesses and write off all expenses and then some. Turns out that they (the wealthy) are robbing the poor and working classes to become even wealthier."
The wealthy are providing jobs so the working class can have a decent life themselves. Most poor are that way because of life choices
" Most wealthy today are nothing but freeloading rip-offs."
Stupid comment. Where do you think jobs come from?
Have you ever had a job?