@metal-brain saidExcellent news if it’s true the west can finally rid itself of a relationship with a pariah state. Isn’t it odd how all the authoritarian fascist states are huddling together. We should’ve ditched these dark age goons a long time ago. The clearer the battle lines the better. A deal with Iran is looking more and more likely which might be good news for the Yemen.
Powerful people are not going to like this.
Petrodollar warfare?
@kevcvs57 saidThat went right over your head, didn't it?
Excellent news if it’s true the west can finally rid itself of a relationship with a pariah state. Isn’t it odd how all the authoritarian fascist states are huddling together. We should’ve ditched these dark age goons a long time ago. The clearer the battle lines the better. A deal with Iran is looking more and more likely which might be good news for the Yemen.
Nations that stopped selling their oil for US dollars got invaded by the USA. Maybe they are still accepting dollars, but accepting China's currency is going to make some people really unhappy.
@metal-brain saidNo I think my answer went over yours
That went right over your head, didn't it?
Nations that stopped selling their oil for US dollars got invaded by the USA. Maybe they are still accepting dollars, but accepting China's currency is going to make some people really unhappy.
A I don’t think the USA is going to invade Saudi do you?
B Even if they did we are talking about a regime that executed 81 people the other day and some of them were woman accused of adultery.
I’d prefer to have them as an enemy rather than an ally.
Do you think I care if the mega rich are unhappy?
@kevcvs57 saidYou are very naive.
No I think my answer went over yours
A I don’t think the USA is going to invade Saudi do you?
B Even if they did we are talking about a regime that executed 81 people the other day and some of them were woman accused of adultery.
I’d prefer to have them as an enemy rather than an ally.
Do you think I care if the mega rich are unhappy?
@kevcvs57 saidMB is right on this one. This is not about Saudi Arabia as a strategic partner. This is about maintaining the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
Excellent news if it’s true the west can finally rid itself of a relationship with a pariah state. Isn’t it odd how all the authoritarian fascist states are huddling together. We should’ve ditched these dark age goons a long time ago. The clearer the battle lines the better. A deal with Iran is looking more and more likely which might be good news for the Yemen.
You think inflation is bad now just because we spent 2 trillion dollars that we didn't have last year for no good reason? Just wait until we have to pay for oil in Yuan.
It really doesn't matter financially if we pay in Yuan or Peso's instead of dollars, you just do the math because the money will START as dollars, so if a Yuan is worth 10 cents to the dollar, no idea of the real rate right now, but you give them a thousand bucks and you get a thousand bucks of foreign currency so paying in Yuan doesn't seem like a huge deal to me.
The only problem I see is if you see, say a 3:1 difference, for some currency, so you give up dollars for some ratio and that will work out ok if the market is stable.
Right now the market is unstable so you say pay your original 3:1 and the same day the numbers go south AFTER you just paid 3 to 1 and say now it is 4 to 1 and you just lost some 20-30% on the deal.
@sonhouse saidIt is a big deal, a really big deal.
It really doesn't matter financially if we pay in Yuan or Peso's instead of dollars, you just do the math because the money will START as dollars, so if a Yuan is worth 10 cents to the dollar, no idea of the real rate right now, but you give them a thousand bucks and you get a thousand bucks of foreign currency so paying in Yuan doesn't seem like a huge deal to me.
T ...[text shortened]... south AFTER you just paid 3 to 1 and say now it is 4 to 1 and you just lost some 20-30% on the deal.
@sh76 saidWe’ve got to stop obsessing about artificial bartering tokens, the world turned and the west survived and thrived not being on the dollar for hundreds of years.
MB is right on this one. This is not about Saudi Arabia as a strategic partner. This is about maintaining the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
You think inflation is bad now just because we spent 2 trillion dollars that we didn't have last year for no good reason? Just wait until we have to pay for oil in Yuan.
This is Democracy versus Authoritarianism on a global scale and it’s pretty obvious which camp Saudi falls into, we cannot continue to bumble along cheek to cheek with these despotic regimes.
@kevcvs57 said"we cannot continue to bumble along cheek to cheek with these despotic regimes."
We’ve got to stop obsessing about artificial bartering tokens, the world turned and the west survived and thrived not being on the dollar for hundreds of years.
This is Democracy versus Authoritarianism on a global scale and it’s pretty obvious which camp Saudi falls into, we cannot continue to bumble along cheek to cheek with these despotic regimes.
So you do see the hypocrisy. Ukraine is not a democracy either. Did the corporate news media care enough to report the Rohingya genocide so you cared about the killings?
So many unworthy victims.
@metal-brain saidStop lying and stop being stupid
"we cannot continue to bumble along cheek to cheek with these despotic regimes."
So you do see the hypocrisy. Ukraine is not a democracy either. Did the corporate news media care enough to report the Rohingya genocide so you cared about the killings?
So many unworthy victims.
Ukraine is a functional democracy the fact that you and Putin do not like the results of that democracy is irrelevant.
Putin started a war in the heart of Europe by j fading another sovereign state. The west and NATO cannot ignore that and all the moral relativism in the world is not going to change the fact that Putin us a direct threat to a lot of the countries that form the nato alliance and nato and the west have every right to react too, and contain that threat, just as you claim Russia and its alliance does.
@kevcvs57 saidStop lying and stop being stupid, Ukraine is not a democracy. The Obama administration took Ukraine by a coup that caused 13,000 deaths, more unworthy victims the corp. news media ignored. Ukraine is a puppet of the USA.
Stop lying and stop being stupid
Ukraine is a functional democracy the fact that you and Putin do not like the results of that democracy is irrelevant.
Putin started a war in the heart of Europe by j fading another sovereign state. The west and NATO cannot ignore that and all the moral relativism in the world is not going to change the fact that Putin us a direct threat t ...[text shortened]... e every right to react too, and contain that threat, just as you claim Russia and its alliance does.
@metal-brain saidStop lying and stop being stupid
Stop lying and stop being stupid, Ukraine is not a democracy. The Obama administration took Ukraine by a coup that caused 13,000 deaths, more unworthy victims the corp. news media ignored. Ukraine is a puppet of the USA.
https://www.reuters.com/article/ ...[text shortened]... -usa-ukraine-tape/leaked-audio-reveals-embarrassing-u-s-exchange-on-ukraine-eu-idUSBREA1601G20140207
A Russian strung puppet was voted out of office by the Ukrainian Parliament for reneging on the democratic will of parliament and people at the behest of his warlord in the Kremlin by not signing the document which would have / should have began the process of EU membership, and then violently suppressing peaceful dissent by shooting dead 162 of his own citizens.
If you do not understand the recent history of Ukraine please stop lying about it. Ukraine is a democratic state being violently attacked by an authoritarian one.
Democracies must for their own survival support other democracies just like in the case of China and Russia authoritarian despotic states support each other for the same reason.
Grow up little man.