Why is it nobody wants to talk about all the good things Hitler did?
Six million Jews dead in the gas chambers. That’s all anybody wants to talk about. You’d think that’s all Hitler ever did.
Now, I’m not one of those crackpots who says the Holocaust never happened. But let’s put things in perspective. Let’s look at the big picture. Let’s look at all the lives Hitler saved.
That’s right, saved.
You want to know who the real heroes of the Third Reich were? They weren’t people like Goering or Goebels or Eichmann. Phw! They were thugs. Or worse, bureaucrats.
No, I’m talking about the true visionaries of the Reich: The scientists! People like Franz Muller, Eberhard Schairer, Erich Schoniger. Now those are your heroes. Those are the names you should remember. But you don’t do you? Shame on you. Shame.
They were the first scientists to establish a link between smoking and lung cancer. (Optional: Muller ran the first controlled epidemiological study in 1939; Schairer and Schoniger confirmed his results in 1943.) That’s right: The goose-stepping Nazis were the ones who first determined that smoking was hazardous to your health.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it.
It was Hitler who banned smoking on buses and trains. Who refused to issue ration coupons for tobacco to pregnant women. It was Hitler – Hitler! – who cracked down on tobacco advertising and decreed that tobacco advertising could not portray smoking as a glamorous, masculine pastime. The Nazis specifically forbid cigarette ads that associated smoking with sports – or auto racing. Hitler called these measures "the beginning of the end" of the vice that fouled the lungs and sapped the moral character of the master race.
So think about it: Who really won World War II? I’ll tell you who won: The smokers won World War II.
And because of that, think of how many more people were condemned to die.
think the guy makes a good point....
Originally posted by adj1765yes...and lets' not forget he was also a keen follower of the mickey mouse fan club. he brought joy to all those children! what a wonderful man.
Why is it nobody wants to talk about all the good things Hitler did?
Six million Jews dead in the gas chambers. That’s all anybody wants to talk about. You’d think that’s all Hitler ever did.
Now, I’m not one of those crackpots who says the Holocaust never happened. But let’s put things in perspective. Let’s look at the big picture. Let’s look at all ...[text shortened]... ny more people were condemned to die.
think the guy makes a good point....
Originally posted by adj1765Sure, he was a regular saint. Especially if you were Aryan. I don't think
Why is it nobody wants to talk about all the good things Hitler did?
Six million Jews dead in the gas chambers. That’s all anybody wants to talk about. You’d think that’s all Hitler ever did.
Now, I’m not one of those crackpots who says the Holocaust never happened. But let’s put things in perspective. Let’s look at the big picture. Let’s look at all ...[text shortened]... ny more people were condemned to die.
think the guy makes a good point....
he personally gave much of a sheit if jews got lung cancer.
Originally posted by XanthosNZand we could all sit around holding our gay hands together, wearing our mickey mouse hats, while quietly anticipating what will happen in the next show of 'Mickey Mouse Fan Club'. what is wrong with that?
You're right Hitler did a lot of good, just think of all the blacks, homosexuals and handicapped people he killed. We'd all be gay mulatto cripples if it wasn't for him.
Originally posted by Sicilian Smaugi smoke, i go outside. i've got the flu!
Was working a few days a go at a site hadnt been to for a while. Bloke there i was working with gave up smoking about 8 months ago, and ive not been smoking myself for 16 days now. He used to be the same as me, bout 20-30 a day, nipping out the office to the little smokers tables once an hour having one. I was horrified to hear him speak of the selfis ...[text shortened]... become like that. I dont want to smoke anymore but anyone else, smoke what tha f you want!! 😠
Originally posted by Sicilian Smaugthanks doc, but i'll just wait till it passes.
If i was about to die i'd go on a drinking, pill boshing, cigarette smoking, crack smoking, ketamine snorting binge. Here's a tip.. If you get a cold and you were supposed to be going out that evening, drinking or whatever then bosh a couple of e's. They will give you a reprieve for the whole time you're licked off the pills, starts wearing off.. bosh some more!! Not sure if it works on flu but i wouldnt bet against it.
Have i entered the twighlight zone? Anyone who believes it is right to gas, starve and murder children; just because he tried to get some people to stop smoking does not make him a savior in any way. Who ever compares cigerette marketing executives to Hitler in this day and age does not have a firm grip on reality. For one it is lables on the f'ng box "smoking causes lung damage". Did Hitler lable the mass train "You are all going to die, including your innocent children"