... being liked

... being liked


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Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
19 Feb 13
4 edits

... being liked

guess it's much more important than i ever realized.

apparently, self confidence alone doesn't cut it (indefinitely).

makes sense. from childhood, human beings are sustained by self esteem;

it's plays a major role in who and what we are...

though subjective and fragile, it survives if nourished with success and encouragement and smiles.

public criticism's a killer of the first order.

must confess, it's taken awhile for me to realize the utter cyberspace importance

of anonymous, miniscule symbols:

a smiley,

a thumbs up or down.

your thoughts...

Already mated

Omaha, Nebraska, USA

04 Jul 06
19 Feb 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]... being liked

guess it's much more important than i ever realized.

apparently, self confidence alone doesn't cut it (indefinitely).

makes sense. from childhood, human beings are sustained by self esteem;

it's plays a major role in who and what we are...

though subjective and fragile, it survives if nourished with succes and encou ...[text shortened]...
of anonymous, miniscule symbols:

a smiley,

a thumbs up or down.

your thoughts...[/b]
😀 . . .

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
19 Feb 13
2 edits

Originally posted by coquette

😀 . . .
i see you laughing at the edits, coqie.

it's not what you think:

gold cross pencil > \ kept malfunctioning > ~ ~ ~ and the lead kept falling out > . . .

now, pls try 2 b nice to ppl u can't stand.


29 Dec 08
19 Feb 13
1 edit

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]... being liked

guess it's much more important than i ever realized.

apparently, self confidence alone doesn't cut it (indefinitely).

makes sense. from childhood, human beings are sustained by self esteem;

it's plays a major role in who and what we are...

though subjective and fragile, it survives if nourished with success and enco anonymous, miniscule symbols:

a smiley,

a thumbs up or down.

your thoughts...
I like people who are willing to risk being unliked.

Australian cat


20 Jan 09
19 Feb 13

Originally posted by JS357
I like people who are willing to risk being unliked.
Depends why they're willing to risk being unliked. Maybe they're just plain revolting.

29 Dec 08
19 Feb 13

Originally posted by Kewpie
Depends [b]why they're willing to risk being unliked. Maybe they're just plain revolting.[/b]
Good point. I like people who are willing to be disliked when they say something I agree with. 😉


10 May 07
19 Feb 13

Originally posted by JS357
Good point. I like people who are willing to be disliked when they say something I agree with. 😉
You can't expect to be loved or liked by everyone, and you can't demand of yourself to like everyone - some people mean a lot, some less and some mean nothing.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
19 Feb 13
1 edit

so far, all very good points.

speaking of 'points',

anybody able to point

me in the direction

of strong, black coffee?

14 Mar 04
19 Feb 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
so far, all very good points.

speaking of 'points',

anybody able to point

me in the direction

of strong, black coffee?
What Brand do you like?

free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
19 Feb 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
... being liked
first urge was to search out and post a mess of quotes from folks a lot smarter than me...

but, those would be someone elses thoughts on the subject...

if i were to assert, "i don't care if someone likes me or not", that wouldn't be the whole truth...
if i were to state that, "i'll show you respect as long as i receive the same", THAT would much closer to a bullseye...

"liking" is another way to achieve the brown smear on yer nose...
"respect" is a measure of character...


Dublin Ireland

31 Oct 12
19 Feb 13

I agree.

Like and respect are two different animals.

You may not like someone, but in a lot of cases they may deserve respect.

Respect comes in two forms. There is your normal polite respect that you
would afford another human being.

Then there is the awesome respect that someone has earned from
achieving something that only character can show. When someone has
shown their true colours and followed a way or a code leading to
honourable results. Then that person has demonstrated a character
that can lead to the measure of a person. Then you have what is known
as earned respect.

Respect that shows others that the respected person can be trusted
in whatever field of endeavour. Be that work or war.

The followers have to know if the person is up to the job.
If not then there will be an absence or a lack of respect.

There. That's the end of my little rant.

( insert smiley for respect ) 🙂

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
19 Feb 13

let's think out loud:

it seems there's general agreement

that character earns respect;

that character strength is driven by principles

relevant to any given situation;

and that such men and women are often extremely self confident and individualistic.

follows that these people find themselves in the minority

and, consequently, often threaten weaker people in the majority.

being threatened results in discomfort.

in a state of social discomfort, it's pretty difficult to feel affection

toward those responsible for the disconnect

between where you 'is'

needed a singular, intransitive verb of being, i think
and where you would like to be...

this much make sense?


Dublin Ireland

31 Oct 12
19 Feb 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
let's think out loud:

it seems there's general agreement

that character earns respect;

that character strength is driven by principles

relevant to any given situation;

and that such men and women are often extremely self confident and individualistic.

follows that these people find themselves in the minority

and, consequently, often ...[text shortened]... verb of being, i think[/hidden] and where you would like to be...

this much make sense?
While it may be true that such people might be in a minority,
I disagree that they would represent any threat. If they are of such character
then respect is deserved and freely given.

The people who deserve that respect would be admired and would be
a source of inspiration to many. They would not be considered a threat
or an affront to the sensibilities of the majority who may not exhibit such traits.
Indeed they would want to be associated with such people and may even wish
to emulate them rather than fear them.


09 Nov 12
19 Feb 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
it seems there's general agreement


and that such men and women are often extremely self confident and individualistic.

follows that these people find themselves in the minority

and, consequently, often threaten weaker people in the majority.

being threatened results in discomfort.

in a state of social discomfort, it's pretty difficult to feel affection

toward those responsible for the disconnect

Where on Earth was all of this agreed upon or even come from for that matter?


Dublin Ireland

31 Oct 12
19 Feb 13

Originally posted by Zamboner

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]it seems there's general agreement


and that such men and women are often extremely self confident and individualistic.

follows that these people find themselves in the minority

and, consequently, often threaten weaker people in the majority.

being threatened results in discomfort.
...[text shortened]... /b]

Where on Earth was all of this agreed upon or even come from for that matter?
It was agreed by Grampy Bobby and the Traits of Man Committee.

They had a vote and it was an overwhelming show of one hand.

The rest of us mortals didn't have a vote because
we are not permanent members of the Council.

We only have observer status. 🙂