Originally posted by Phlabibitthat was a movie? i watched 10 min of it, couldn't understand a thing and figured i'd better stop.
[b]Naked Lunch
I win!
what about some real classics like
plan 9 from outer space
baron von munschwhateveritis
nemesis (i couldn't believe i watched part 2 and 3)
godzilla (1998 remake had no redeeming quallities and makes one wistful for more nostalgic times)
highlander sequel(s)
mortal combat(s)
wish i could remember some more of them - it would at least make the time wasted watching them worthwhile
Originally posted by pradtfPlan 9 From Outer Space is hilarious, particularly the 'flying saucer' which is very evidently two paper plates.
that was a movie? i watched 10 min of it, couldn't understand a thing and figured i'd better stop.
what about some real classics like
plan 9 from outer space
baron von munschwhateveritis
nemesis (i couldn't believe i watched part 2 and 3)
godzilla (1998 remake had no redeeming quallities and makes one wistful for more nostalgic times)
highlander se ...[text shortened]... uld remember some more of them - it would at least make the time wasted watching them worthwhile
Baron von Munchousen was extremely humourous, but I don't know if it belongs on this list.
Originally posted by royalchickenyou are probably right. i thought of it probably because i couldn't spell it and because i read it was a candidate for worst movie somewhere on the internet. i guess it wasn't that bad, but it sure went on and on and on ...
Baron von Munchousen was extremely humourous, but I don't know if it belongs on this list.
i can't even remember what it was about anymore and i only saw it a couple of years ago. there were several strange looking people in it i seem to recall, but no more.