I'm rewriting (because I lost the one I wrote a few years ago) a program to randomly create chess positions. The original plan was to create a random position, copy the FEN, and import that position in Fritz X to play (or kibitz).
Then it occurred to me that I might just be able to finish the game in my own program - no export or copy or anything like that.
So the question is (for you fellow programmers) how hard is it to use on of my engines like Fritz, Shredder, Rybka, etc, as a UCI engine in my own program? Does anyone know of a tutorial for this topic online?
Another question I have: Do you know of an .ocx or a .dll file that might help in the graphical parts of the program? Moving the pieces for example?
And lastly, creating a "random" position on the board is no problem. But the position is not always a legal one. For example, both kings might be in check at the same time. I could write the code to avoid illegal positions, but if it's already been done in an .ocx or .dll, why rewrite it?
Any ideas?