Yes, I just got back from the dentist.
Why, why, why does the dentist have to be so PAINFULL?
Combine that with the fact that I don't trust them, I swear they are drilling on perfectly good teeth just to make a buck.
Pain + Distrust who could ask for anything more?
Going to the dentist is a cross between going to the OB and going to the mechanic.
Originally posted by mlpriorTo top it off, I noticed the dentist's hand shaking when he started to put the drill in. I thought for sure I was a gonner!
Yes, I just got back from the dentist.
Why, why, why does the dentist have to be so PAINFULL?
Combine that with the fact that I don't trust them, I swear they are drilling on perfectly good teeth just to make a buck.
Pain + Distrust who could ask for anything more?
Going to the dentist is a cross between going to the OB and going to the mechanic.