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For a really weird esp test......

For a really weird esp test......


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How it is done is remarkably simple. But I am in a dilemma. Do I reveal it and ruin people's fun, or do I let it go?

Yours in confusion,


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Originally posted by Maustrauser
How it is done is remarkably simple. But I am in a dilemma. Do I reveal it and ruin people's fun, or do I let it go?

Yours in confusion,

Don't reveal it as yet! Leave it just for a day or two to see how many people can figure it out!🙄

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It is about as difficult as putting on a hat.....



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Any skeptic worth his salt should be able to figure that one out pretty quickly.

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This thing is extremely stupid. Let's see how many mo rons fall for it.

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Originally posted by syte
This thing is extremely stupid. Let's see how many mo rons fall for it.
I am a mo ron ...

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This is how it works:

Your computer fires a tiny brain scanning laser out of the tiny little air-holes in your monitor (these holes allow the chameleon screen algae-bots to breathe). This tiny laser reads your mind (the saying out loud of the card is a red herring) and bounces it back to the website via satellite.....and, hey presto, the website has "read" your mind with astonishing accuracy.

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Hint (and close your eyes tight if you don't want to read this), but if you can't get it, just use the "back" and "forward" buttons on your browser a few times!


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took me a few treis to figrue it out. it's not a bad illusoin. you see these thnigs form time to time. i thnik thye're pretty neat.

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I figured it out.

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I picked all of them, and it still worked!

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