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forum ban

forum ban



ever gotten one?
what for?
how long?
did you learn anything?


Originally posted by lemondrop
ever gotten one?
what for?
how long?
did you learn anything?
is what?


Originally posted by lemon lime
is what?
You guys are a couple of lemons. I'd ban the pair of you.


1 edit

Originally posted by lemondrop
ever gotten one?
what for?
how long?
did you learn anything?
yes on occasion
talking smack to moderators, standing up to tyranny, self imposed (asked the mods to ban me)
ranging from a day to a month
yes - even if we suffer injustice it might be beneficial in some way

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Originally posted by lemondrop
ever gotten one?
what for?
how long?
did you learn anything?
No. Except maybe I play by the rules enough! 😉

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Originally posted by lemondrop
ever gotten one?
what for?
how long?
did you learn anything?
Why do you want to know?

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Originally posted by Seitse
Why do you want to know?
It's for his upcoming book...
"Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Ban"

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Originally posted by Seitse
Why do you want to know?
just curious

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Originally posted by lemondrop
just curious

I got a couple of years or more. It was a permanent ban, actually, but
I guess the site needed the cash.

I learned not to call people pedophiles, mostly because no matter how cool
someone pretends to be, they will click the alert button.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
It's for his upcoming book...
"Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Ban"
good one
Dr. Strangelove
my favorite movie all time


Originally posted by Seitse

I got a couple of years or more. It was a permanent ban, actually, but
I guess the site needed the cash.

I learned not to call people pedophiles, mostly because no matter how cool
someone pretends to be, they will click the alert button.
my only offense was calling people dickheads
relatively speaking
it was a compliment
however I did learn that thin skins are common here
snitches everywhere
I'm a good girl now

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Originally posted by Seitse
Why do you want to know?
What is there to know? I don't mean about you. Not that I don't find you interesting. Well, maybe not even about you. I'm interested in your ideas, you know, like your world view. Big picture stuff. That sort of thing.

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Originally posted by Seitse

I got a couple of years or more. It was a permanent ban, actually, but
I guess the site needed the cash.

I learned not to call people pedophiles, mostly because no matter how cool
someone pretends to be, they will click the alert button.
Personally, I see this as an open forum to the extent that one can say pretty much whatever they want. I don't think one should be banned for doing that.

I'll leave the banning business to those that control it, but when someone like a Dasa comes along, well then, maybe there's a point when they go over the top.

What do you think?


Originally posted by lemondrop
however I did learn that thin skins are common here
Well, we learned the same thing. You go girl.

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Originally posted by josephw
your world view
Will you marry me?

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