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Found love over the internet

Found love over the internet


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I am interested in finding out peoples experience of internet love. Two reasons, a local radio station just had a love over the web competition in which a couple who had not personally met but fell in love over the web were married. The long distance partner was flown to melbourne for the ceremony. So it is possible....

A lot closer to my heart, is someone special in my life who i have not met but are faling for. We communicate regularly, i have no barriers (no inhabitions) between her and myself.

And yet there is the long distance realtionship problem. I want to get on a plane and fly across a couple of continents to be with her but that is just not possible right now.

As a medium for communication in a relationship i think the interent is great, maybe i am slightly biased. BUt from personal experience neither my love nor myself ever felt the need to hold back. Emotionally, and intimately she knows me more than anyone else in the world.....

BUT there is always the problem that both of us have felt, we do not want to give our heart to a computer screen. So on some level we have held back. Hearing the voice of some ones heart and soul through the words they right is one of the most wonderful things inthe world but it does not replace hearing the persons voice or feeling thier touch.

If there is any people who have a partner who travels a lot, maybe in the military, how do you cope ???


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Originally posted by trekkie
I am interested in finding out peoples experience of internet love. Two reasons, a local radio station just had a love over the web competition in which a couple who had not personally met but fell in love over the web were married. The long distance partner was flown to melbourne for the ceremony. So it is possible....

A lot closer to my heart, is someon ...[text shortened]... people who have a partner who travels a lot, maybe in the military, how do you cope ???

Well, all I can say is that I have had 2 long distance relationships in the past. Both were only a 3-4 hour drive away. But, they never lasted more than 3 months, even with that small of a drive between us. Take my word for it, long distance relationships are very hard. And having continents between you, well, that is just that much harder.

Sorry to be so bleak.


Hey, send me over a game or two. Or, are you tired of kicking my butt?

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Ahh yes, the wonders of a "Long Distance Relationship"
Having had me poor heart broken in such an instance, my advice to anyone who is listening is to avoid them. They give you only a scant amount of what you are looking for, and land up messing your head up.

That and you wish it had never turned out that way....

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Originally posted by trekkie
I am interested in finding out peoples experience of internet love. Two reasons, a local radio station just had a love over the web competition in which a couple who had not personally met but fell in love over the web were married. The long distance partner was flown to melbourne for the ceremony. So it is possible....

A lot closer to my heart, is someon ...[text shortened]... people who have a partner who travels a lot, maybe in the military, how do you cope ???

Allow me to continue the thread of "bleakness." Internet relationships are not real relationships. Of course there are those that work out, but I can name more internet relationships that have ended up in murder than have succeeded. The reason I say they are not real is because there is no risk involved. A long distance relationship is one thing, but the internet is no place to "fall in love." I'm afraid you've fallen in love with an unrealistic expectation. Please know I am welcome for you to prove me wrong. Kirk

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Originally posted by trekkie
I am interested in finding out peoples experience of internet love. Two reasons, a local radio station just had a love over the web competition in which a couple who had not personally met but fell in love over the web were married. The long distance partner was flown to melbourne for the ceremony. So it is possible....
"Internet love" and "long distance love" are two very different things -- which one are you really asking about? Me, I found the love of my life via the internet (he's the one who introduced me to this web site, as it happens), but we only live about 50 miles apart, so distance isn't much of a problem. I think looking for love online is a terrific idea (it worked for me!) but trying to carry on a long distance relationship is a very different and, IMO, much more difficult challenge....

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Noticing that you are from down under... A neighbor lady and a good friend of my wife <divorced with 3 grown children > met a guy (we'll call him Romeo) from Sidney over the internet and fell in love. She offered to buy a ticket, hop Qantas and get to know him. He suggested that they instead meet in New Zealand, as he had some vacation and has always wanted to see it. Ok. They met in New Zealand and had a good time. He then came 6 months later to visit her here in the states and they had a nice two weeks together. They planned on getting married and living here, as she is quite well to do. Romeo's son emails her... his dad (romeo) has been married to same woman in Sidney for 30 years... oops... and the son finds the emails by chance... end of romance.😲

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
Noticing that you are from down under... A neighbor lady and a good friend of my wife <divorced with 3 grown children > met a guy (we'll call him Romeo) from Sidney over the internet and fell in love. She offered to buy a ticket, hop Qantas and get to know him. He suggested that they instead meet in New Zealand, as he had some vacation and has always w ...[text shortened]... n in Sidney for 30 years... oops... and the son finds the emails by chance... end of romance.😲
This is precisely why there are more internet murders than successful internet relationships. Kirk

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Originally posted by kirksey957
This is precisely why there are more internet murders than successful internet relationships. Kirk
Nonsense. What do you base that observation on? I think you must spend too much time reading the tabloid headlines in the checkout aisle of the grocery store. Internet dating services are gaining in popularity all the time. It is true that some people have unrealistic expectations about what the service can provide, but many more have found it to be a useful tool. I, myself, met my girlfriend through such a service, and we have been dating for about a year and a half. Long distance relationships are usually doomed to failure, but if you use a little common sense, there is no reason why the internet can't be used to initiate a meaningful relationship.

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OK, let me clarify. What I was talking about was meeting someone over the internet, not necessarily an internet dating service that is designed to connect people person to person. I think it is crazy say for me to talk to someone 3000 miles away over the internet, someone I have never met before and somehow think this is a normal relationship full of potential just because they are chumy on the other end. Maybe I should post a picture of American Gothic for my profile pic. 😉 Kirk

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Originally posted by kirksey957
This is precisely why there are more internet murders than successful internet relationships. Kirk
I know two people who met their spouses on the internet.
I know nobody who has been murdered by someone they met on the internet. I doubt I am atypical in this.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
OK, let me clarify. What I was talking about was meeting someone over the internet, not necessarily an internet dating service that is designed to connect people person to person. I think it is crazy say for me to talk to someone 3000 miles away over the internet, someone I have never met before and somehow think this is a normal relationship full of po ...[text shortened]... on the other end. Maybe I should post a picture of American Gothic for my profile pic. 😉 Kirk
I think we should all be wary of people from Louisville, KY, that we meet over the internet. Nothing but a bunch of crazies, from what I hear. 😉

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Originally posted by rwingett
I think we should all be wary of people from Louisville, KY, that we meet over the internet. Nothing but a bunch of crazies, from what I hear. 😉
You have spoken the truth, my brother. Uh....you were excluding me I hope. Speaking of crazies, Louisville, KY leads the nation in the number of abuse lawsuits against priests in the Catholic church. Nearing 300 to date. 😠 Kirk

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Originally posted by kirksey957
You have spoken the truth, my brother. Uh....you were excluding me I hope. Speaking of crazies, Louisville, KY leads the nation in the number of abuse lawsuits against priests in the Catholic church. Nearing 300 to date. 😠 Kirk
I belive most of those are fake acustions😞

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Originally posted by UncleAdam
I belive most of those are fake acustions😞
Then I am at an absolute loss to explain why priest after priest is pleading guilty and the church is settling. Kirk

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Originally posted by kirksey957
You have spoken the truth, my brother. Uh....you were excluding me I hope. Speaking of crazies, Louisville, KY leads the nation in the number of abuse lawsuits against priests in the Catholic church. Nearing 300 to date. 😠 Kirk
This is a problem in all catholic countries. We have our bunch of pedophile catholic priest here too... Let them get married and that gonna fix most of the problem!


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