Originally posted by PhlabibitI agree, 2D is the only way to go, even if the 3D is all photorealistic and stuff. K-I-S-S.
I've never heard such a thing, I just rotate the board a few degrees. Actually, I just play 2d.
I find I can only tolerate so many degrees of sophistication in a chess game. The more elaborate the position, the more simple I need the pieces to make any sense of it. If I'm about to be pinned, skewered, forked, sacrificed, or combinationed to death, I don't need my rooks looking like ships or elephants, or trying to determine if this piece is a pawn-human or a bishop-human.
Originally posted by SuzianneAgreed. It isn't really playable unless they are Staunton shaped. The knight-turning thing was a nice gimmick mentioned in the advertising but I can't find it anywhere in the menus.
I don't need my rooks looking like ships or elephants, or trying to determine if this piece is a pawn-human or a bishop-human.