Originally posted by rhbThe connection has timed out
I guess we won't be playing here much longer - all this regicide is corrupting us. :'(
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Originally posted by PhlabibitWorks fine for me... maybe you Yanks should upgrade your interweb technology.
The connection has timed out
The server at news.bbc.co.uk is taking too long to respond.
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Originally posted by rhbThere have been tons of studies on this, many low-quality, and most of them didn't even find causal links between violent behaviour and (violent) computer games.
I guess we won't be playing here much longer - all this regicide is corrupting us. :'(
The post that was quoted here has been removedMY G**! A belly worser dan mine!!! Hey, listen up!! Din'tcha hear Prezzy Bush say to just "Trust me" an' he'll make us all better!! An dem lil' ol' electrodes stickin' outa our heads, will become proper jewelry as soon as his Propa's c'n get us ta believe it!!! AND! Dat der idiot who says given a choice between saving da country and saving our constitution, he'd save the country NEEDS to be SHOT for even saying sucha t'ing! PUT HIM IN DA video game an' gimme da controls!!! NOW! If'n I disappear from RHP ya'll KNOW dey'r watchin'!!!
Originally posted by shavixmirwatching porn is something passive. Playing a violent game is not. I suppose you could compare beeing violent after playing an aggressive game with beeing horny after having sex.
Well... porn makes you horny, doesn't it?
Why wouldn't aggression make you violent?