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gordon brown

gordon brown


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any chance of re-election?

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He has been a bit of a disapointment hasn't he 🙁
I had high hopes too after his speach on his family and hard working back ground.

Now is the time for the Greens!! (there go my high hopes again)

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Originally posted by yo its me
He has been a bit of a disapointment hasn't he 🙁
I had high hopes too after his speach on his family and hard working back ground.

Now is the time for the Greens!! (there go my high hopes again)
do you think the tories may have shot themselves in the foot by telling the public how punative they will be if elected,i for ond dont fany working untill im 67.

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Saying Labour screwed up the economy is a bit liberal with the facts, don't you think? Are you saying that all the elected governments in all the countries in the world all screwed up their own respective economies at the same time, and it's just coincidence?

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I think the banks' collapse and worldwide recession runs a little deeper than what the labour part have/haven't done. It's big commerce and money that run the show. The government make policies and procedures, whilst while these large organisations that run the show choose to either follow them or not. Whichever is most financially viable.
More to blame are perhaps the greedy little individuals who feathered their own nests, at the expense of selling us all down the river, and leaving us all to pick up the pieces for the next ten years. Even more so the true powers that be, that lurk around behind the scenes.
There's a lot that goes on in the that we will never even know about. Elections and democracy are an illusion. All politicians do at the end of the day pay us all lip service, and we carry on in our ignorance, happy in our materialistic existances and blinded by all that is unimportant in life, bling, ipods, NME etc.
Yes there should have been stricter guidelines in place, to control this but would it have been any different if Conservative, Lib Dem, Green Party etc had been elected? I doubt it. Politicians are no more in control than we are.

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
I think the banks' collapse and worldwide recession runs a little deeper than what the labour part have/haven't done. It's big commerce and money that run the show. The government make policies and procedures, whilst while these large organisations that run the show choose to either follow them or not. Whichever is most financially viable.
More to blame Green Party etc had been elected I doubt it. Politicians are no more in control than we are.
Greed, you're right that's what's gotten us into this mess, that and selfishness where we (the first world) hold all the worlds goodies.

Would it have been any different if the Green Party had been elected? I doubt it.

I dissagree. The Greens have policys that goven money in a very different way, giving the power to the comunity not the banks.


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Originally posted by a winner
do you think the tories may have shot themselves in the foot by telling the public how punative they will be if elected,i for ond dont fany working untill im 67.
I learnt last week that the state pays out more money in benefits then it collects in income tax- so something has to change. But I don't think any party but the Greens are on the right track.

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Correct, work your bollocks off while your young and you could retire at 50, thats my plan anyway (and a little help from inheritance too! 😛)

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Originally posted by rmacken
Correct, work your bollocks off while your young and you could retire at 50, thats my plan anyway (and a little help from inheritance too! 😛)
Inheritances should always be kept secret.

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Originally posted by SJ247
Inheritances should always be kept secret.
oops.... very true, my bad


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How exactly could he have done things better?

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