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HELP! PLEASE! Computer wizards!!!

HELP! PLEASE! Computer wizards!!!


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I want to run a demo I downloaded but I receive the message:

768MB of free swap file space required. Free some and try again, moron*.

What the hell is this? I uninstalled limewire, works, and some stuff I never use, and I have 45 Gb free space, 😲


* My laptop is quite harsh.

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Google is your friend.

"Click on My Computer with the right mouse button,then click properties.
Then go to the Advanced ( In the top of this small window you have System Restore,Remote and in the end Advanced)

There where Performance is,click on Settings.

And then in the new opened window in the top is again Advanced.
Click on it.

The you will have at the bottom of the window a button Change.

There is where you can change the swap file space.

It depends of how many MB of RAM you have...

I have 256 MB DDR,so for the Initial(minimum) size i have 384 mb free swap space.

The maximum musst be set to 3 times more then your size of MB RAM!!!

So i have 256 mb ram and my maxium free swap space is 768 mb.

If someone has 1024 mb of ram,then the swap file space musst be set to 3072 mb and so on."

From: http://www.soccergaming.tv/showthread.php?threadid=102739

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Thanks, you are very kind... but... but

does anyone know how do you say swap file in Finnish??? 😞

It does not appear in my dictionary and woman is out of town
and friends are unreachable and with a hangover, so I am quite
blind in here... damn...

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Originally posted by Seitse
Thanks, you are very kind... but... but

does anyone know how do you say swap file in Finnish??? 😞

It does not appear in my dictionary and woman is out of town
and friends are unreachable and with a hangover, so I am quite
blind in here... damn...

Surely it should be the same?
If not... Throw said laptop out of window, buy new one.

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Originally posted by Natsia

Surely it should be the same?
If not... Throw said laptop out of window, buy new one.
Nice, but today I cannot buy a new one with English operative system or however you call that :'(

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Originally posted by Seitse
Thanks, you are very kind... but... but

does anyone know how do you say swap file in Finnish??? 😞

It does not appear in my dictionary and woman is out of town
and friends are unreachable and with a hangover, so I am quite
blind in here... damn...
virtual memory = virtuaalimuisti

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I dont know how accurate this translation is but:

Click model after Minun Tietokone avulla aivan hiiri button,then click tarpeisto.
Niin muodoin sisu jotta Kehittynyt ( Kotona ylin -lta nyt kuluva harvalukuinen akkuna te hankkia Elimistö Restore, Remote ja kotona häntäpää Kehittynyt ) Paikalla johon Esitys is,click model after Laskeva.

Ja niin muodoin kotona veres säilykerasian avaaja akkuna kotona ylin on jälleen Kehittynyt. Click model after se.

Te jälkisäädös hankkia aikaa nojautua -lta akkuna napittaa Heilahdus.

Paikalla on johon te kanisteri heilahdus tehdä vaihtokauppa arkistoida asettaa. Se luottaa -lta kuinka usea MB -lta JUNTTA te hankkia.

I-KIRJAIN hankkia MB DDR,so ajaksi Initialminimum () koko i-kirjain hankkia mb vapauttaa tehdä vaihtokauppa asettaa.

Enimmäis- raivo olla asento jotta 3 silloin tällöin enemmän niin muodoin sinun koko -lta MB Juntta!!! Joten i-kirjain hankkia mb juntta ja minun enimmäis- vapauttaa tehdä vaihtokauppa asettaa on mb. Tokko joku has mb -lta ram,then tehdä vaihtokauppa arkistoida asettaa raivo olla asento jotta mb ja joten model after.

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Originally posted by Natsia
I dont know how accurate this translation is but

Click model after Minun Tietokone avulla aivan hiiri button,then click tarpeisto.
Niin muodoin sisu jotta Kehittynyt ( Kotona ylin -lta nyt kuluva harvalukuinen akkuna te hankkia Elimistö Restore, Remote ja kotona häntäpää Kehittynyt ) Paikalla johon Esitys is,click model after Laskeva.

Ja niin muodoin ...[text shortened]... ram,then tehdä vaihtokauppa arkistoida asettaa raivo olla asento jotta mb ja joten model after.
it's complete gibberish. 😵

I'll translate some of it just for fun:

"Enimmäis- raivo olla asento jotta 3 silloin tällöin enemmän niin muodoin sinun koko -lta MB Juntta!!! Joten i-kirjain hankkia mb juntta ja minun enimmäis- vapauttaa tehdä vaihtokauppa asettaa on mb. Tokko joku has mb -lta ram,then tehdä vaihtokauppa arkistoida asettaa raivo olla asento jotta mb ja joten model after."

means verbatim:

maximum rage to be position in order to 3 every now and then more so shape your whole from MB junta!!! so i-letter to procure mb junta and my maximum to free to make trade to set is mb. hardly someone has from mb ram, then to do trade to file to set rage to be a position in order to mb and hence model after.


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Originally posted by wormwood
it's complete gibberish. 😵
Oh well. I tried. 🙄
Good luck Seitse. Hope you can figure it out.

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Originally posted by Seitse
I want to run a demo I downloaded but I receive the message:

768MB of [b]free swap file
space required. Free some and try again, moron*.

What the hell is this? I uninstalled limewire, works, and some stuff I never use, and I have 45 Gb free space, 😲


* My laptop is quite harsh.[/b]
Buy that demo and it will work! 😀

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Originally posted by Seitse
I want to run a demo I downloaded but I receive the message:

768MB of [b]free swap file
space required. Free some and try again, moron*.

What the hell is this? I uninstalled limewire, works, and some stuff I never use, and I have 45 Gb free space, 😲


* My laptop is quite harsh.[/b]
Go back to your Aging Nerd persona for a moment, and you should be able to solve this within seconds.

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Originally posted by Seitse
Nice, but today I cannot buy a new one with English operative system or however you call that :'(
Maybe the tabs are in the same place as the English versions


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User 67898 helped me solve a similar problem on my PC. Perhaps if you weren't such a dick towards him in these forums he'd be willing to help you.

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Originally posted by wormwood
virtual memory = virtuaalimuisti
Quite obvious now that I read it 🙁

Thanks, Herra Agricola 🙂

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