Originally posted by Attacking The KingWell I am Canadian but if I was able to participate in your election I'd go with Jack Parr because if you guys could actually elect "the second Bush" (and twice [mind boggling]) then at least it'd be good to have a person who was bright but who didn't take himself seriously.
I'd go with Vince Mcmahon from WWE.
Good looking, Billionaire, Kicks ass when he needs to.
Originally posted by Attacking The Kingi used to watch it when he was in a wheelchair, that was what 10 years ago?
Na the limo explosion was one of many stunts.
anyway he wouldn't be any good as president, you need someone who's in touch with the poor...like that obama guy, he'd make a great president.
Originally posted by Attacking The Kingno one said change
He said "change"...ain't nothing changed yet.
Still time though.
Maybe instead of being on TV every day he could get to work and "change" things?
he said
"He hasn't done anything good so far."
edit: so you're another fox news watcher?