Do i misunderstand the rules of chess, or has the site allowed an illegal move here? My bishop is covering one of the squares that the king has just castled over...
I thought you couyldn't castle over a square that wa under attack??
Game 3789511
Originally posted by noxidjkramThe king has to pass through a check for it to be illegal. Only the rook passes through your bishop's line.
Do i misunderstand the rules of chess, or has the site allowed an illegal move here? My bishop is covering one of the squares that the king has just castled over...
I thought you couyldn't castle over a square that wa under attack??
Game 3789511
Originally posted by noxidjkramyour bishop was covering the b8 square, he castled queenside, so there are no illegal moves that have been played.
Do i misunderstand the rules of chess, or has the site allowed an illegal move here? My bishop is covering one of the squares that the king has just castled over...
I thought you couyldn't castle over a square that wa under attack??
Game 3789511
Originally posted by noxidjkramNo it's not.
Do i misunderstand the rules of chess, or has the site allowed an illegal move here? My bishop is covering one of the squares that the king has just castled over...
I thought you couyldn't castle over a square that wa under attack??
Game 3789511
Your bishop is not covering where the king is castling. The rook can pass over a white-protected square. the king cannot.
You mistake yourself.
Originally posted by noxidjkramThe king was not under attack, that is what matters, the rook is not important.
Do i misunderstand the rules of chess, or has the site allowed an illegal move here? My bishop is covering one of the squares that the king has just castled over...
I thought you couyldn't castle over a square that wa under attack??
Game 3789511
Originally posted by noxidjkramDon't feel bad, Victor Korchnoi asked that same question in one of his Candidates games against Karpov. (or was it one of the Championship match games)
Then I DO misunderstand - after all these years... *laughs at self* 🙄
If a GM can ask, why can't you?
Originally posted by noxidjkramDon't feel too bad. You're in good company. Korchnoi had to ask an arbiter essentially the same question about the castling rule during the final Candidates match for the World Championship!
Then I DO misunderstand - after all these years... *laughs at self* 🙄
EDIT: too slow.... 😞 It's an interesting read.
Originally posted by noxidjkramLord kill me now please. 😞
Do i misunderstand the rules of chess, or has the site allowed an illegal move here? My bishop is covering one of the squares that the king has just castled over...
I thought you couyldn't castle over a square that wa under attack??
Game 3789511