(4/3 )(pi 1/2 inf 3)
that last three is meant to show 'cubed' and the 4/3 is four thirds, as the 1/2 is showing a half. the infinity squiggle (8 on its side) didn't work either and had to be replaced by 'inf' 😛 But still!
Anyone here who does maths will recognise the general formulea for a sphere.
if we take the distance from here to infinity we'll find it's equally far away whichever way we go. Thus - we must be in a sphere of infinity.
Surrounded by it.
So is infinity the radius of our little circle?
no. - why not? because once we see it as a line it becomes finite - only at our end, not at the far end, but finite all the same.
Therefore the radius must be 1/2 of infinity because if we double what we have to go infinatly far in both directions it will not end either way.
Thus we can calculate the maximum space we have to use - shown by the above formula.
Any maths equation that looks to be bigger is clearly false - because thats all we have available ;-)
The post that was quoted here has been removedActually (not kidding here) this occured to me while playing football after school 🙂
of course, As someone has pointed out - infinity not being a proper number the whole equation is complete b*llocks but it seemed fun at the time...
Nice to see so many people on this forum with such varied and wide ranges of interestst these days.
*cocks eyebrow*