No Moderators in Forums at All

No Moderators in Forums at All


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Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
28 Sep 15
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Can you please give some clarification as to why the offensive post in question has not been removed?
It is time to stop fretting about this situation.
Russ and the moderators both knew before deciding to leave the post in place that I would leave the site if the post remained. I know because I told them both.
I can take a hint. I have experienced this before and know that I just do not belong here.
"I don't know what it's like to be black, but I do know what it's like to be treated like a black in the 1950's" (the quote is mine and is in the book, Chess Bitch, Women in the Ultimate Intellectual Sport.


28 Oct 05
28 Sep 15

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Forum Ban Nominations (2015)

Since there's been a recent surge in opinions here about site members who should be given a forum ban, let's formalize this cause celeb with your thoughtful and objectively focused nominations:

[b]Nomination Ballot:

[b]1) Which active site member should receive a forum ban; for how long;
and why referencing RHP Terms of Service or Forum Guidelines?
Grampy Bobby, I can't think of anyone on this web site who has waved the possibility of a forum ban in the faces of people ~ i.e. those who you didn't like or who were unimpressed by you and said so ~ for their "behaviour" - as often as you have? Countless times. Over and over again. Sometimes more than once in a day. A newcomer might have been forgiven for thinking this was your own web site.

In all that time, have you ever thought of waving the threat of a potential forum ban at RJHinds for his often crass and insulting posts? I can't remember you ever doing it. You've made the threat numerous times ~ carefully copy pasting stuff from the site's FAQ or whatever ~ ad nauseam. Ever done it because of RJHinds' "behaviour"?

16 Feb 08
28 Sep 15
1 edit

Originally posted by caissad4
It is time to stop fretting about this situation.
Russ and the moderators both knew before deciding to leave the post in place that I would leave the site if the post remained. I know because I told them both.
I can take a hint. I have experienced this before and know that I just do not belong here.
"I don't know what it's like to be black, but I do know ...[text shortened]... he quote is mine and is in the book, Chess Bitch, Women in the Ultimate Intellectual Sport.
Now look, you are not being discriminated against. This is a clumsy and insensitive situation, that's all. I can try to understand and sympathise (even if I can't empathise) why you feel the way you do but I think you are making a decision based on emotions rather than straight facts, logic. Russ seems a decent enough guy; maybe he's been busy or had a more important family crisis to deal with. Clearly at least one of the moderators here is knob-head but a least one of them isn't. Personally I think you should fight this out - I feel like making it a matter of principle myself and I have PM'd one of the Mods (who I know) to ask why the post is still up. Maybe there is head Mod who's a bit of a tosser and is bullying the other ones. Stay and fight it out; demand the post is removed; I'll stand with you and loads of other will too. It should be removed several people have complained about it.

Doug Stanhope

That's Why I Drink

01 Jan 06
28 Sep 15

So, I just noticed this thread. Too long to read. Brief me: what are
you ladies yapping about, uh?

16 Feb 08
28 Sep 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Grampy Bobby, I can't think of anyone on this web site who has waved the possibility of a forum ban in the faces of people ~ i.e. those who you didn't like or who were unimpressed by you and said so ~ for their "behaviour" - as often as you have? Countless times. Over and over again. Sometimes more than once in a day. A newcomer might have been forgiven for thin ...[text shortened]... tuff from the site's FAQ or whatever ~ ad nauseam. Ever done it because of RJHinds' "behaviour"?
RJHinds doesn't thumb down Grampy Bobby's posts or openly disagree with him or call him out over his behaviour, which are the triggers for Grampy Bobby's passive agressive jibes.

16 Feb 08
28 Sep 15
2 edits

Originally posted by Seitse
So, I just noticed this thread. Too long to read. Brief me: what are
you ladies yapping about, uh?
You should read it, it concerns you and all of us here. Basically something was said somewhere that deeply offended someone else. The person who said it apologised (fair enough) and the apology was accepted. Sounds like Iike the end of it right. Well no the offendee wants the post itself removed and the mod team are refusing to take it down. Now several other people have alerted it and complained and it's still not taken down. It's become a matter of principle of subscriber self-moderation vs appointed moderation. It's an emotive topic and the offendee is feeling pretty hard done by and will leave the site. I think we (the paying subscribers) should demonstrate that subscriber power and unity is stronger the moderator stubbornness. What say you?

16 Feb 08
28 Sep 15

The phantom thumber is back 😉

Doug Stanhope

That's Why I Drink

01 Jan 06
28 Sep 15

Originally posted by divegeester
You should read it, it concerns you and all of us here. Basically something was said somewhere that deeply offended someone else. The person who said it apologised (fair enough) and the apology was accepted. Sounds like Iike the end of it right. Well no the offendee wants the post itself removed and the mod team are refusing to take it down. Now several ...[text shortened]... emonstrate that subscriber power and unity is stronger the moderator stubbornness. What say you?
Name names

RHP Code Monkey


21 Feb 01
28 Sep 15
1 edit

The offending thread has gone now, and the original creator of the thread has had posting privileges removed for a short while for using these forums to post his extreme views, and little else.

Long overdue, you may think, but generally people are entitled to post their views without interference (it would not be much of a debates forum if they couldn't).

Doug Stanhope

That's Why I Drink

01 Jan 06
28 Sep 15

O.k., I read the whole thing now, sort of.

And I disagree. You crying babies are spoiled little snowflakes.
Grow a thicker skin. This kind of sniveling is what is creating a
generation of wussies who require trigger warnings and develop
PTSD because someone called you "fat" online.

The solution? Do not click. Don't feed the troll. Turn off the damn

But who am I to judge? You all just badgered Russ into deleting
a thread, so you all won. RHP forums are now a little bit dumber
thanks to you al whiners.

P.S. I don't dig those RJHinds threads either, but I will survive.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
28 Sep 15

Originally posted by Russ
The offending thread has gone now, and the original creator of the thread has had posting privileges removed for a short while for using these forums to post his extreme views, and little else.

Long overdue, you may think, but generally people are entitled to post their views without interference (it would not be much of a debates forum if they couldn't).
Thanks, Russ.


26 Aug 07
28 Sep 15

Originally posted by Russ
The offending thread has gone now, and the original creator of the thread has had posting privileges removed for a short while for using these forums to post his extreme views, and little else.

Long overdue, you may think, but generally people are entitled to post their views without interference (it would not be much of a debates forum if they couldn't).
ahhh Hinds in the cooler, smells like victory!

10 Dec 11
28 Sep 15
1 edit

Originally posted by caissad4
It is time to stop fretting about this situation.
Russ and the moderators both knew before deciding to leave the post in place that I would leave the site if the post remained. I know because I told them both.
I can take a hint. I have experienced this before and know that I just do not belong here.
"I don't know what it's like to be black, but I do know ...[text shortened]... he quote is mine and is in the book, Chess Bitch, Women in the Ultimate Intellectual Sport.
If you go for that reason, it'll be like shooting your own leg after someone insulted you.
Give them double portion.

Oedipus' edit-->
Ok, I just came from library with some McEwan's stuff, Elia Kazan's novel Arangement etc., so I missed the solution was made. Even better so.

Doug Stanhope

That's Why I Drink

01 Jan 06
28 Sep 15
3 edits

Gee, this is humiliating. Liberal, progressive and open minded Europeans
scared of a few tiny, whiny Texans imposing their politically correct, right
wing fatso mumbo jumbo snowflake, triggered crap.

This is like being maimed and plundered by the evil empire after WW2
all over again. How sad.

16 Feb 08
28 Sep 15

Originally posted by Seitse
Gee, this is humiliating. Liberal, progressive and open minded Europeans
scared of a few tiny, whiny Texans imposing their politically correct, right
wing fatso mumbo jumbo snowflake, triggered crap.

This is like being maimed and plundered by the evil empire after WW2
all over again. How sad.
So you don't agree with the terms, conditions and forum guidelines of this site?