I just wanted to share what I think is an AWESOME use of social media....
Although social media/technology has clearly done some good in our world, I don't think any of us can deny that it was also caused some serious problems. Especially within the younger population (cyberbullying, predators having a field day roping in minors, less physical activity, etc etc)
But here is an example of a use that is positive, inspirational and often life-changing...
I stumbled upon a site about a year ago that I didn't know existed and have since known three people whose lives have changed because of it. It is called "GoFundMe." Basically, it has a pay-it-forward theme to it. If you visit the site, you will read story after story of people who are in need. Every possible scenerio you can imagine...people who lost everything and must start over, people with stage 4 cancer desperate to try a last ditch, not covered medicine, people who want to send their grandpa to see just one Steelers game before he dies...you get the idea. Some request a mere thousand dollars...others their need is far greater. Amazingly, complete strangers come through time & time again...donating money to complete strangers...whoever's story touched their heart....
Is there a possibility that people are making up their stories or that they do not use the money as they claimed that they would? Sure. But it is one of those things in life when you give someone the benefit of the doubt. You trust and believe that most people are truthful, honorable, and decent.
There are some who post who technically are not in an "emergency" situation. I do know someone who's teenage daughter was given an opportunity to study abroad. This girl was brilliant and ambitious but they could not afford to send her. They took to this site and many strangers donated to her cause so that she could pursue her dreams. Surely she will never forget this act of generosity and support. And who knows? She may end up finding a cure to some hideous disease, or invent some amazing product?
I suggested this crowdfunding possibility to a neighbor of mine who found herself borderline destitute after a series of unfortunate events in her life. She needed a fresh start and was offered a place to stay in Georgia if she could get herself there. She requested a modest amount of money to cover her moving expenses. The money was raised in less than one week. She must wait I believe 5-7 days to withdraw it, but it will be waiting for her. All because a few strangers heard her plight and decided to invest in her new beginning.
Many of us, at some point in our lives, will find ourselves struggling whether due to finances, health issues, unemployment, unfortunate luck, and yes...maybe even as a result of some bad choices that were made. What a great way for people to help others get back on their feet. Or to help a person realize a dream that would otherwise be unattainable. Hopefully, the recipients are in the position one day to pay-it-forward.
If you know anyone who might be in dire need or have an unfulfilled dream or goal, I hope you will pass along the web site. It is very easy (and free) to register and post a request. The site charges a nominal fee that I believe is deducted from the donations received.
I am not even sure I am "allowed" to post this kind of info in this RHP forum? lol I hope it's ok, Russ? I have no vested interest...I don't work for them or anything, I promise. There are other sites that offer the same thing...this is just the one I am familiar with...and I think the one that is most reputable....
Anyhow, I hope this info helps just one person out there 🙂
Originally posted by SeitseI am assuming you've contributed to such a cause? Good for you 😉 We all have the right to send our money to wherever we wish.
I just barfed in my mouth a bit.
How about funding protheses and coffins for the Iraqi families
shattered by the U.S. colonizing army?
Originally posted by SeitseHey...just a thought...you can certainly post on their behalf! And any person who feels as you do can contribute.
I just barfed in my mouth a bit.
How about funding protheses and coffins for the Iraqi families
shattered by the U.S. colonizing army?
Would you take the time and effort to do this? To put your money where your mouth is?
Hmmmm, I didn't think so.
Originally posted by Landisqueen170And you have the right to remain silent. You should use it more often.
I am assuming you've contributed to such a cause? Good for you 😉 We all have the right to send our money to wherever we wish.
So, let me get this straight: you just discovered a site where you can
give 20 pennies to some unfortunate soul in order to feel good about
your life with the least effort possible. And you think that's good?
I have a better idea: why not stopping being the cause of the problem?
For example: stop consuming useless crap so the 3rd world doesn't
have to be ravaged by multinationals and the empire's army.
Originally posted by Landisqueen170Responding to your own questions? You are a mouth breather, aren't you?
Hey...just a thought...you can certainly post on their behalf! And any person who feels as you do can contribute.
Would you take the time and effort to do this? To put your money where your mouth is?
Hmmmm, I didn't think so.
You are so poor all you have is money. And not even that much.
Originally posted by SeitseYou know nothing of me Seitse. And you make assumptions out of anger without any knowledge... which is always dangerous. You know that 😉
And you have the right to remain silent. You should use it more often.
So, let me get this straight: you just discovered a site where you can
give 20 pennies to some unfortunate soul in order to feel good about
your life with the least effort possible. And you think that's good?
I have a better idea: why not stopping being the cause of the problem? ...[text shortened]... eless crap so the 3rd world doesn't
have to be ravaged by multinationals and the empire's army.
You are entitled to think and feel however you choose. I actually respect your right to do so. You, however, do not afford me the same respect. If someone does not agree with you, they must be wrong or stupid or both.
Originally posted by Landisqueen170Please read the profile text for @Crowley
You know nothing of me Seitse. And you make assumptions out of anger without any knowledge... which is always dangerous. You know that 😉
You are entitled to think and feel however you choose. I actually respect your right to do so. You, however, do not afford me the same respect. If someone does not agree with you, they must be wrong or stupid or both.
GoFundMe is a phenomenon of the internet age.
While there are some legitimate people who get legitimate help on the site, there are, unfortunately, a lot of people just scamming.
Fraud is so rampant on the site that some media outlets have begun to refer to the site as GoFraudMe.
I would urge anyone thinking about making a donation to some 'needy' person with a sick child to STOP, do their homework, and make sure the money is really needed and really going to the person who needs it.
If you do donate, there is a better than 50% chance that you are now the victim of a scam.
People often pray on the gullibility of those addicted to social media.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyThank you Bobby but I am no fool, I promise 😉 lol
Please read the profile text for @Crowley
I am well aware of the fact that some posters will be hateful and maliciously argumentative and rude just to stir the pot and/or just because they are fulfilling some need in their life. It's actually quite sad.
But there is always the chance...however slim (lol)...that a person is given some food for thought. That person will surely never admit to it. But the possibility exists. And so I chime in here & there, on occasion, with that hope. But certainly no expectations 😉 lol
Originally posted by Red NightI agree. But such is life, I suppose.
GoFundMe is a phenomenon of the internet age.
While there are some legitimate people who get legitimate help on the site, there are, unfortunately, a lot of people just scamming.
People often pray on the gullibility of those addicted to social media.
I, for one, err on the side of giving people the benefit of the doubt.
It is not for everyone, but on the whole, I think the concept is great but buyer beware as they say.
The site encourages you to stick with donating to family & friends who you know are legit. A person can choose to link their campaign to their FB, etc. But one does not have to do that....
So for example, the teenager I spoke of...I knew her family. I knew her story was legit. I donated and know for sure she actually went abroad. If a person is skeptical, (s)he can donate only to people/causes that are posted that they themselves can verify.
That being said - strangers can still just "risk" it and donate to an unknown person. Last night I read a campaign about a young special needs boy who was repeatedly bullied at school. Someone stole or damaged his hearing aid and the parents were asking for donations to replace it. I sent in a modest amount. I have no idea if this boy exists, if this really happened...but in the event that it is not a scam, it was an easy, painless thing for me to do. I guess some would consider me a sucker (i.e. Seitse) but I can live with that. lol
Originally posted by Landisqueen170Speaking of which, did you accept robbie carrobie's invitation to join his Clan?
I am well aware of the fact that some posters will be hateful and maliciously argumentative and rude just to stir the pot and/or just because they are fulfilling some need in their life. It's actually quite sad.
Originally posted by Red NightYou are 100% - you either must do your homework OR as I said, give the benefit of the doubt.
GoFundMe is a phenomenon of the internet age.
While there are some legitimate people who get legitimate help on the site, there are, unfortunately, a lot of people just scamming.
Fraud is so rampant on the site that some media outlets have begun to refer to the site as GoFraudMe.
I would urge anyone thinking about making a donation to some 'needy' ...[text shortened]... the victim of a scam.
People often pray on the gullibility of those addicted to social media.
Scams are everywhere. So if you are a true skeptic, stick to supporting people or causes on the site (or anywhere for that matter) that are KNOWN to you. You can't go wrong that way.
It's a shame that what started out as a benevolent concept is tarnished by scammers taking advantage. But I say, don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Don't let the scammers "win" by allowing the site, or others like it, to fold.
And there's always karma, anyhow...lol
Originally posted by FMFShould I? lol I know nothing of him or his clan...
Speaking of which, did you accept robbie carrobie's invitation to join his Clan?
And anyhow, I am swamped with games and drowning with every passing day. Just a novice who becomes more humble with every loss.