Hi. I get bored on here so i want people to play this game with me. You send me a private message with a number of questions (it has to be in multiples of 5...i.e. 5,10,15) and I answer them and then ask you the by the same process. The only rule is nothing that would give away personal security (like homeadress). Dont ask here cause I wont answer. Send me a private message.
Originally posted by Elseno 😏😏
Hi. I get bored on here so i want people to play this game with me. You send me a private message with a number of questions (it has to be in multiples of 5...i.e. 5,10,15) and I answer them and then ask you the by the same process. The only rule is nothing that would give away personal security (like homeadress). Dont ask here cause I wont answer. Send me a private message.
Originally posted by ElseWhy won't you answer if we ask here? If they won't give away personal security, then why do we need a PM? Are you shy? Or are you paranoid? Or both?
Hi. I get bored on here so i want people to play this game with me. You send me a private message with a number of questions (it has to be in multiples of 5...i.e. 5,10,15) and I answer them and then ask you the by the same process. The only rule is nothing that would give away personal security (like homeadress). Dont ask here cause I wont answer. Send me a private message.
Originally posted by ark13I sent my 5 questions to Else ages ago but she hasn't answered any of them 🙁
Why won't you answer if we ask here? If they won't give away personal security, then why do we need a PM? Are you shy? Or are you paranoid? Or both?
1) why do you want people to ask you questions ?
2) will you answer them truthfully ?
3) can we ask the same question twice ?
4) can we repeat the question but in a different way ?
5) are all these question getting on your nerves ?