ever since i spent five years with the rosicrucians i have had high psychic abilities.
when i place my cursur over ghost of a duke's name (it is the same as the 18th century version of swinging
a pendulum over a map to find treasure ) i get the impression of petticoats and a dress. ghost
is either a woman or he has one of those live-in vietnamese house pigs dressed up in petticoats and a dress.
12 Jul 19
@mister-moggy saidI am pretty sure goad is a man! π
ever since i spent five years with the rosicrucians i have had high psychic abilities.
when i place my cursur over ghost of a duke's name (it is the same as the 18th century version of swinging
a pendulum over a map to find treasure ) i get the impression of petticoats and a dress. ghost
is either a woman or he has one of those live-in vietnamese house pigs dressed up in petticoats and a dress.
@mister-moggy saidYour pendulum is faulty sir.
ever since i spent five years with the rosicrucians i have had high psychic abilities.
when i place my cursur over ghost of a duke's name (it is the same as the 18th century version of swinging
a pendulum over a map to find treasure ) i get the impression of petticoats and a dress. ghost
is either a woman or he has one of those live-in vietnamese house pigs dressed up in petticoats and a dress.
One suspects you have been told that before.
12 Jul 19
@ghost-of-a-duke saidOK now that's the "pits".
Your pendulum is faulty sir.
One suspects you have been told that before.
That incredible because when I see goad's name I think about stomping raccoons.
Funny our little world.
@patzering saidLOL....I found that one funny! π
That incredible because when I see goad's name I think about stomping raccoons.
Funny our little world.
12 Jul 19
@mister-moggy saidWhen my mouse cursor moves over the word “Rosicrucians” the pop-up says “demand a refund”.
ever since i spent five years with the rosicrucians i have had high psychic abilities.
when i place my cursur over ghost of a duke's name (it is the same as the 18th century version of swinging
a pendulum over a map to find treasure ) i get the impression of petticoats and a dress. ghost
is either a woman or he has one of those live-in vietnamese house pigs dressed up in petticoats and a dress.
@mister-moggy saidDo you consider yourself an expert?
only the cognoscente may determine the truth.
@mister-moggy saidAs you might know if you have ever glanced through "dream dictionaries", the symbols in dreams can sometimes be oblique or completely counterintuitive.
ever since i spent five years with the rosicrucians i have had high psychic abilities.
when i place my cursur over ghost of a duke's name (it is the same as the 18th century version of swinging
a pendulum over a map to find treasure ) i get the impression of petticoats and a dress. ghost
is either a woman or he has one of those live-in vietnamese house pigs dressed up in petticoats and a dress.
Also, when you place your cursor over Ghost's name, are you sure it is you moving your hand?
@mister-moggy saidNo, they can only recognize it. And even that is not quite correct.
only the cognoscente may determine the truth.
13 Jul 19
@patzering saidHeretic... it's not raccoons you stomp, but weasels!
That incredible because when I see goad's name I think about stomping raccoons.
Funny our little world.
13 Jul 19
@mister-moggy saidDo what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
ever since i spent five years with the rosicrucians i have had high psychic abilities.
when i place my cursur over ghost of a duke's name (it is the same as the 18th century version of swinging
a pendulum over a map to find treasure ) i get the impression of petticoats and a dress. ghost
is either a woman or he has one of those live-in vietnamese house pigs dressed up in petticoats and a dress.
Love is the law, love under will.