Originally posted by Blagdondont worry, just ignore mikelom - he seems to like showing himself to be a bit of an arrogant tw@
as you can see from the Doc's reply, there are plenty user on the site who will happily help you and answer your questions, you may just need to wade through the responses from eejits like him.
Originally posted by jimslyp69Actually no, In my experience people from Liverpool have a great sense of humour, in fact this is probably true right across the North of England with the possible exception of Sunderland. My guess is mikelom is a failed cockney who can no longer afford to live in his home village near Kent because it has been bought by a few chelsea footballers. So now, bitter and twisted he lurks on the internet from the comfort of his bedsit in Rock Ferry.
I think it shows! Don't you? 😉
Originally posted by cadwahCalm down calm down. 😛
Actually no, In my experience people from Liverpool have a great sense of humour, in fact this is probably true right across the North of England with the possible exception of Sunderland. My guess is mikelom is a failed cockney who can no longer afford to live in his home village near Kent because it has been bought by a few chelsea footballers. So now, bitter and twisted he lurks on the internet from the comfort of his bedsit in Rock Ferry.