I am completely against the Federal or State governments from raising
taxes to balance the books. As far as I'm concern it would be a complete
waste of time! The issue that put our country into such debt wasn't that
it had such low taxes but that our government spends more than it takes
If we were to pay off all the debt of an irresponsible drug user who has
no intention of changing their ways, in short order they would be right
back where they were before we paid off their debt! So allowing the either
our State or Federal governments to tax us more would not cure what
is wrong with government, it would only enable to them to do the same
thing they are doing now, spending beyond our means!
Originally posted by KellyJayHave you been under a rock all your life? This is how it is unless of course you live in a place where they use the barter system or a commune. You want a certain standard of life and as such you pay according to what that standard is. Not a standard that you may agree with but like here you live in a "democratic" country where the rule is majority rules and the majority wants water for their lawns, gas for their cars, roads for their cars, electricity for their airconditioners and TVs etc. All these and more comes at a universal cost. I guess you could avoid all this by moving to...oh I don't know....maybe Cuba.
I am completely against the Federal or State governments from raising
taxes to balance the books. As far as I'm concern it would be a complete
waste of time! The issue that put our country into such debt wasn't that
it had such low taxes but that our government spends more than it takes
If we were to pay off all the debt of an irresponsible drug ...[text shortened]... nly enable to them to do the same
thing they are doing now, spending beyond our means!
I live in Arizona, a very politically conservative state by anyone's standards.
Unfortunately, we have a bunch of buffoons running state government here. From the Governor, who tried to grab the funds from a voter-mandated program for children to help balance the budget, to a state legislature headed by a racist with ties to white supremacist neo-nazi groups who was responsible for Senate Bill 1070 and who now wants to rescind the 14th amendment by disallowing citizenship to children of non-citizens who are born here. He's also prepared to do an end run around the 14th amendment by requiring schools and hospitals to disallow education and healthcare to children of non-citizens, even though the children may be born in this country, and therefore citizens.
Basically, this man intends to further reduce the state's income from tourism even further than he's already damaged our economy by passing SB 1070, and he has the full backing of our nitwit governor in this plan.
After years of offering tax breaks to corporations if they relocate here, the governor and the legislature find themselves under the thumb of a monstrous deficit. Because of the overall poor national economy, many other states find themselves in similar straits. And yet, because of years of conservative conditioning that insists that corporations and citizens who are rich enough to support the politicians should not also have to pay their fair share of taxes and that governments are bloated and cuts in entitlement programs (which only benefit the poorest of the poor) must be made, still the governor and legislature refuse to raise taxes on corporations or the wealthiest Arizonans to provide for the most basic of services. On February 23, 2011, the Arizona Senate Appropriations Committee voted on a measure that would terminate the AHCCCS (Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, Arizona's Health Care Insurance program covering 1.35 million Arizonans, mostly those who cannot afford better health care insurance) program. This program used to be among the best of its kind in the country and was often cited as a model for what programs like this should try to be. It has since been gutted completely by budget cuts and just this year thousands of persons awaiting transplants were informed that AHCCCS would no longer cover their transplant. And you thought "death panels" were supposed to be a feature of "Obamacare".
My wish would be for the Arizona state legislature to stop pursuing nonsense like the birther bill and focus on paying for basic human services like education through taxation, as required by the Arizona Constitution.
Taxes collected, be they for specific purposes, gas tax, tire tax, green tax, income, corporate, sales (you get the picture) are funnelled to where the party in power deems it "needed" (right or wrong according to the individual or group). If you think it is otherwise, naive comes to mind. We ("the people"😉 are the ones who put the Obamas, Harpers into positions where they make the choices as to where the funds are spent. Do we all agree with where they spend it?....no way... do we have to live with them for a time? yes if we believe in our systems. If you're not happy with your government's (be they state/provincial or national) choices voice your opinion, do what you can at the grassroots level to change it but don't really expect that it'll change quickly because no matter who's in power they all have to make choices as to where the "money pot" is doled out It all depends on where the parties feel the need is most urgent.
Originally posted by Great Big SteesDid you read my post?
Have you been under a rock all your life? This is how it is unless of course you live in a place where they use the barter system or a commune. You want a certain standard of life and as such you pay according to what that standard is. Not a standard that you may agree with but like here you live in a "democratic" country where the rule is majority r ...[text shortened]... niversal cost. I guess you could avoid all this by moving to...oh I don't know....maybe Cuba.
My complaint was not that we are paying taxes, but that the government is
so far indebt and the answer is more of the same, tax us more! The idea
of taxes I'm not against, but I am against money being thrown away on
things we cannot afford, and now we are so far in debt we cannot pay for
all the things we should be paying for.
Originally posted by KellyJayYes I did and what I don't grasp is that you appear to be surprised by this. Are you aware of any country that isn't in "the same boat"? We (the people) of these countries (mine included) want "stuff", be it clean air, medical aide, protection, good roads, whatever and we expect that by being taxed, at whatever rate you're taxed at, we get it. The only way that'll happen, and even then it won't work, is to be taxed 100%. There has to be a point at which we say "OK look if I want such and such I'll have to give up this or that. You can't have it all. There just aren't the funds to do that, even at 100% taxation. If you're selfemployed you can withold your taxes but be prepared for the consequences.
Did you read my post?
My complaint was not that we are paying taxes, but that the government is
so far indebt and the answer is more of the same, tax us more! The idea
of taxes I'm not against, but I am against money being thrown away on
things we cannot afford, and now we are so far in debt we cannot pay for
all the things we should be paying for.
Originally posted by Great Big SteesI grasp that the government is speading more money than it has, making
Yes I did and what I don't grasp is that you appear to be surprised by this. Are you aware of any country that isn't in "the same boat"? We (the people) of these countries (mine included) want "stuff", be it clean air, medical aide, protection, good roads, whatever and we expect that by being taxed, at whatever rate you're taxed at, we get it. The on ...[text shortened]... u're selfemployed you can withold your taxes but be prepared for the consequences.
promises it cannot keep. Instead of living within its means and changing
its ways to keep itself above water it demands more from the people in
the country in the form of taxes, but like someone who does not pay any
attention to how much money they have they spend it like they will never
run out. I'm all for a very limited government that does not try to be the
great solution to all problems, and there are things the government needs
to do we cannot for ourselves, but there are limits no matter what one
wants to get out of the government! Fixing a problem of government debt
is living within it's means, the taxing of any country will at some point
destroy the country.
Also a dependent people who cannot take care of themselves will be
owned by the power that takes care of them. People do need to take care
of their own needs as much as possible, relying on the government for all
of one's needs turns them into a slaves to the government, which is
another topic. People need to be weened off of the government and
instead take care of themselves instead of demanding others do it for them.
Originally posted by KellyJayYou are right but unfortunately, as you've pointed out most countries, because they're run by people who want to be re-elected, dole out money as though there are no limits. It's very rare that a country runs itself like a business, as is true of a lot of those countries populations. Spend, spend, spend just remember that at some point you'll have to pay, pay, pay. Look at Greece or more recently Ireland and Portugal. Don't offer your citizens what you can't pay for.
I grasp that the government is speading more money than it has, making
promises it cannot keep. Instead of living within its means and changing
its ways to keep itself above water it demands more from the people in
the country in the form of taxes, but like someone who does not pay any
attention to how much money they have they spend it like they will n ...[text shortened]... nment and
instead take care of themselves instead of demanding others do it for them.